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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> The Town of Good Spring

Chapter 221

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    Zhou Zhou's first blind date was introduced by his aunt, a math teacher in the town middle school.

    Zhou Zhou has not been outstanding in her studies since she was a child, especially in mathematics, which is hard to describe. In her impression, mathematics teachers are all hideous.  Their catchphrase is "Can't even do such a simple question?" Such a question made her appear to be mentally handicapped and caused a great psychological shadow on her.  My aunt actually introduced her to a teacher who taught mathematics. She really couldn't think of when she offended her, and she wanted to punish herself like this?

    The blind date was set at the aunt's house. Zhou Zhou hesitated to go, but Wang Shufen kept urging her.  She knows that her daughter still has Yi Jingchen in her heart, but after so many years, Yi Jingchen and Yan Xi are still doing well, and even Qi Yueru is not as opposed to them as before. Zhou Zhou's unrequited love is destined to never happen.  As a result, she, as a mother, can no longer let her go like this, and has to plan for her future.  Although the salary of a middle school teacher is not high, fortunately, the job is stable and the benefits are good.  If the daughter can really form a family with a teacher, and the elderly on both sides help a little, life should not be too bad.  The key is that there is a teacher in the family, which is conducive to the cultivation of the next generation.  Everyone in the town felt that the reason why Yan Xi was so good was inseparable from the fact that Yan Heping was once a teacher.

    Both Zhou Facai and Wang Shufen felt that this was a good marriage. The couple discussed it all night last night, and Wang Shufen accompanied Zhou Zhou. If the man is interested in Zhou Zhou, Wang Shufen must find a way to persuade Zhou Zhou to form this marriage.  marriage.

    Accompanied by Wang Shufen, Zhou Zhou went to his aunt's house. When he saw the math teacher for the first time, the first word that came to his mind was "so ugly!" Then, why is he so short?  She had lowered her expectations, only to find that the reality was only harsher.  Auntie has such an enmity with her that she introduced such a guy to him!

    The math teacher sat opposite Zhou Zhou, pushed her glasses, and asked her: "I heard that you work as an accountant at Qingquan Beverage Factory?"

    Zhou Zhou looked at him, thinking of the history of blood and tears when he was called to the office by the teacher when he was a child, as if he was not here for a blind date, but to be scolded.

    "The benefits of your beverage factory are good. Our principal and your factory manager are good friends. I have also had the honor to meet your factory manager several times."

    "Oh!" Zhou Zhou didn't understand, what was there to say.  Have you ever met the factory manager?  Their factory is not big, and the factory manager often walks around the factory, and she often sees him.

    "The parents of many children in our class work in beverage factories."

    Zhou Zhou said: "There are only two factories in Qingquan Town, and there should be many parents of students in your class working in garment factories."

    The teacher disagreed: "No, there are more beverage factories. The profit of the clothing factory is not as good as that of the beverage factory. There are a few students whose parents are in the clothing factory, and they all want to change jobs to the beverage factory."

    "Oh!" Zhou Zhou didn't dare to argue, after all, the math teacher was sitting opposite her.  She was afraid that if he annoyed him, he would throw her a math problem.

    "You don't like to talk much?"

    Zhou Zhou lowered his head: "I have been bad at mathematics since I was a child. I heard that people who are not good at mathematics have low IQs. A friend of mine told me that most children's IQs follow their mothers. I am very afraid that I will hurt my children in the future."

    The math teacher squeezed out an awkward smile. He came on a blind date with the purpose of getting married, but is it too early to talk about children now?

    "Who is that friend of yours?" He could only find something to say.



    Zhou Zhou saw the math teacher's small eyes glowing through the thick glasses. The word Yanxi really has magic power!  Zhou Zhou sneered in his heart, he looked like this, did he also want to get Yan Xi's idea?  That really corresponds to the sentence that the lazy toad wants to eat swan meat.

    "Are you and Yan Xi good friends?"

    The topic really turned to Yan Xi.

    Zhou Zhou nodded: "We are classmates."

    "I haven't taught her, but I heard from her former teacher that she is very smart."

    Zhou Zhou thought to himself, it would be strange if you could teach it!

    The math teacher began to talk about everything he had heard, saying that he had seen Yan Xi once in the vegetable market. It was when the school was on vacation last summer and the cafeteria did not cook. He wanted to cook some food by himself.  Her dad's fish stand helps

    What appeared in Zhou Zhou's mind was Yi Jingchen and the building that had not yet been completed.  She imagined that one day she could live in such a house, get up every morning, go to the kitchen and turn on the gas stove to cook a nutritious and rich breakfast for her husband and son; then watch them go to work and the other go to school, and clean up the house by herself  ;After finishing the housework, I can sit comfortably on the sofa, turn on the TV, and watch TV while knitting a sweater.  If you can live in this lifeWith such a house, being able to marry Yi Jingchen as husband and wife is worth dying for!

    She glanced at the math teacher opposite, he was still talking about Yan Xi?  She thought sadly, could she only spend her whole life with such a person?  A toad who wants to eat swan meat wholeheartedly, maybe in his heart he even admired him!

    She thought of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard of Yi's house, which Yi Jingchen insisted on planting. His mother complained to her on the day of warming up the house. I don't know what he thought. An sweet-scented osmanthus tree is almost worth a sofa  What's the use of spending so much money on this?  She didn't tell her that it was Yan Xi's favorite.  Although it is said that this house is prepared for his parents, his little thoughts about Yan Xi are hidden everywhere.

    She felt desolate in her heart, the kind of life she longed for was prepared by Yi Jingchen for Yan Xi.

    "Zhou Zhou, Zhou Zhou!" She heard the teacher calling her, and she looked at him in astonishment.

    He also looked at her: "You are distracted."

    "Oh, I'm sorry." She felt like she was back in class, and she was caught because she was distracted.  The most memorable time was when her mind wandered and she was caught. The teacher asked her to answer a question, but she couldn't answer it, so she was called to the front and slapped her hand in front of the whole gang.  She held her hand, and the burning pain seemed to have not dissipated until now.

    "You haven't answered me yet, when will Yanxi graduate?" the math teacher was asking.

    Zhou Zhou didn't know where his courage came from. He met the math teacher's expectant eyes: "She won't be your colleague after graduation, and she won't like you, because she has a boyfriend, don't you know?"

    The math teacher smiled sarcastically: "That's the salesman? Don't you think he's not good enough for Yan Xi?"

    "He doesn't deserve it, don't you deserve it?" Zhou Zhou really couldn't figure out where his good self-feeling came from, she stood up, "I probably know what's on your mind, since none of us have a crush on anyone  , then there is no need to waste time, goodbye!"

    Zhou Zhou walked out of the house without hesitation, feeling that he was handsome like this, and even had the pleasure of stepping out of the shadows and getting his revenge.  (Remember the site URL:
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