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Text Chapter 46: Broadcasting

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    "Honey, shall we make games?"

    "Oni-chan, yay~"

    "Oh, baby!"

    Zhuang Zhouzhou took off the vr glasses with a strange face, took off the whole body touch suit, and stepped off the omni-directional treadmill.

    As the company received two advertisements and the funds became richer, he spent a huge sum of 30,000 yuan to buy a complete set of equipment.

    The so-called all-round treadmill means that there is a support point on the back to fix the body, and there is a turntable-like thing under the feet, which can walk, run, spin, jump, crouch, etc.

    And what he just played was a nationally popular celebrity simulation game.

    The biggest disadvantage of virtual stars is that they cannot have close contact with fans, but VR makes up for this.  Usually, when a star becomes popular, a corresponding simulation game will be launched accordingly.

    Fans can fall in love with idols, be brothers, be best friends, take risks together, play games, etc

    This has greatly increased the stickiness of fans. It is much better than in reality, saving money to vote for idols.

    Of course, pornography, gambling and drugs are strictly prohibited in China, and the scale is at most up to holding hands, hugging, and kissing on the cheek.

    Zhuang Zhou had experienced it, and had to admit that it was indeed a big killer for young people who lost their enterprising spirit.  The reason why he experienced it was that several developers came to him, hoping to do a simulation project of Miss Jun and the Demon King.

    This is formal and legal, unlike the last time, when she secretly wanted to whore a celebrity.

    But he thought about it, and said: "Push it, I always think this thing is weird, so I won't do it for the time being."


    Ah Yuan bit a biscuit and nodded, "Come over to watch the party."

    Zhuang Zhou approached, it was the 100th anniversary National Day party.

    A military parade was just held during the day.

    He saw that the army had already completed the informatization construction, he saw the ocean-going naval fleet, he saw the stealth long-range bomber, he saw the lunar laboratory, and he saw the popularization of domestic large aircraft to major airlines

    At the party, a group of children were singing: "My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment. No matter where I go, there will be a hymn"

    "In our side, it was probably in the 1930s"

    Zhuang Zhou suddenly said: "It is said that someone conducted a survey in Shanghai and asked what China would be like in 20 or 30 years. Most of the answers collected were: I hope there will be a small part of the country where there is no war; Chinese people will not smoke opium.  , not to be bullied by foreigners, we dare to call them foreign devils; everyone has books, men don't go whoring, women don't learn modernism.

    Later, in the 1970s, it is said that there was another survey. What the common people thought was: enough food, rice and steamed buns, unlimited sugar, plenty of non-staple food, more than four bicycles per family, and several sets of good clothes for each person.  , ten pairs of nylon socks, every room has a radio, every family has a sewing machine, they all have commodity grain households, and their occupations are cadres, soldiers and workers"


    Ah Yuan blinked and listened to his nagging, knowing that this man was touched again, and said: "Hey, don't act like an old man, although the door"

    She also ran over joltingly, and yanked the door of the other party's bedroom, and the "rumbling" room began to tremble again.

    "Although it can't be opened now, maybe it will be opened soon, don't be pessimistic, okay?"

    "Leveraging your auspicious words, I also suddenly felt something. I personally don't like to be sad."

    Zhuang Zhou raised his hand, A Yuan took the initiative to stretch out his head, and let him rub it on his head: "Okay, "Hit the Wrong Car" is about to start broadcasting, this is the big thing right now."

    "I'm going back."

    "Good night."


    The first weekend in October.

    The literary and artistic backbone of the club has formed a habit. Whenever Zhuang Zhou's new works are publicly screened, they will come over like a festival, prepare melon seeds and tea, chat and laugh together to watch.

    This time is no exception, the small bench has been set up early, waiting to watch "Hitch the Wrong Car".

    "Xiao Zhuang, when will our film be filmed?" asked the aunt.

    "The filming can only be done at the end. Because the previous story is more than 20 years old, we have to use old scenes. We are a new community after renovation, and the timeline must be consistent."

    "Oh, I understand." The aunt understood.

    The old man asked again: "I heard that the ratings were not good, so we stopped filming. Will it be our turn?"

    "You will be annoyed by what you say, so say something auspicious!"

    "That's right, when did Xiao Zhuang ever miss?"

    "Drink tea, drink tea!"

    electricityThe program schedule of the TV station, the "News Network" and "Weather Forecast" that have not changed for a hundred years at night, and then the advertisements, the trailer of "Hitch the Wrong Car" have been bombarded repeatedly recently, but the copywriting is too embarrassing:

    "A life entanglement spanning 20 years, a love-hate separation that tests human nature and family affection!"

    "The transformation process of an abandoned innocent girl becoming a genius dream composer!"

    "The annual ethical and emotional tearjerker "Hitch the Wrong Car" will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!"

    Chuang Tzu Waterfall Khan!

    You, the copywriter, hired from Mango Station, right?  ?  ?

    I'm really in a hurry, let me show you what "The Temptation of Going Home" is!

    Everyone is used to it, chatting and chatting, and soon it will be broadcast time.  Satellite TV in 2021 is all engaged in national coverage, let alone here, but it still cannot do the capital platform.

    Speak briefly, knock on the blackboard!

    Before 2015, the domestic model was "4+x": 4 satellite TVs united with several local channels to jointly buy dramas and broadcast them simultaneously.

    This can greatly reduce the cost of film purchase, but it will cause two phenomena:

    1. One drama for a thousand sets.  For example, the ratings of the four major TVs in "My Leader, My Team" were chaotic, and "New Three Kingdoms" was broadcast for 8 hours, which greatly wasted the broadcast platform and affected the viewing experience.

    2. Now that the cost of purchasing films is low, producers will naturally raise prices, and actors' remuneration will also increase accordingly.  For example, an episode of 2 million yuan is jointly purchased by 8 TV stations, and the distribution is only more than 200,000 yuan.

    Well, the producer mentioned 3 million yuan per episode, and the apportionment is only more than 300,000 yuan, which is still within the acceptable range of the TV station.

    Therefore, the General Administration issued a regulation: From 2015, at most two satellite TVs can only broadcast one drama in parallel, which is called the "one drama with two stars" policy in the industry.

    One is to reduce the situation of television ratings wars, and the other is to curb the increase in star salary.

    At that time, the media was advocating that the salary would be reduced!  The All-Star Show is back!  Themes are diverse!

    As a result, he tui!

    This policy was obviously decided with a slap on the head, and the thinking is too backward!  It ignores two key factors: the gap between satellite TV and the network platform!

    CCTV, Dongfang, Mango, Zhejiang TV and other first-line stations will not be affected at all.  They are already rich and powerful, and they can afford one drama with two stars, but because of the policy, the government helped them get rid of their competitors.

    ? That is, second- and third-tier satellite TV.

    ?Stations in Guizhou, Guangxi, and Yunnan provinces used to jointly buy films and still get a piece of meat, but now the cost is high, and it is completely hard work.

    However, a number of small-cost dramas have also been derived, which are exclusively for second- and third-tier satellite TV, such as anti-Japanese dramas.  Why has the anti-Japanese drama suddenly risen in recent years?  That's why it matters.

    Second, it is the network platform.

    The network platform made up for the channel gap of "one drama with two stars".

    At the beginning, for example, satellite TV offered 1 million yuan, and video websites asked 800,000 yuan. Although it was a little less, it was still a channel, and the producer of course sold it.

    Later, relying on the support of the capital behind them, the video website began to raise prices continuously. When the TV station asked for 2 million yuan and they asked for 5 million yuan, the right to speak naturally shifted.

    Video sites began to formulate rules in their own way: Your producer, you must use this actor for me, you must shoot this subject for me, such a brainless fan, ah no, such young people love to watch it

    Not only did the star salary not decrease, but it was soared under the manipulation of the platform.

    Ever since, the current pattern has been formed.

    (Also ?
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