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Main Text Chapter Twenty-Four

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    "Let time go by in a hurry, I only care about you"

    Zhang Yue listened to this song for the second time. Maybe there is an old man in the family.

    At first he wanted to find a download, but he couldn't find it, and he didn't pay attention after that.  There are too many entertainment programs in this world, it is very difficult for a person to have a long relationship.

    Grandma doesn't watch Supernova, but listened to it for the first time today, her wrinkled face became very serious, and she shouted: "Come on, watch TV!"

    "Look at what?"

    Mom came in, listened to a few words, nodded and praised: "This song is not bad, Xiaoyue, please help me download one."

    "Can't download, there are no resources yet."

    Mom didn't care either, and sat on the edge of the sofa to watch together.

    After singing "I Only Care About You", Miss Jun walked a few steps, stood in the middle, and said with a smile, "The following song, I think, fits the Qiqiao Festival very well.

    When you listen to this song and think I sing well, I hope you will give me more applause.  If you think you can't sing well"

    She paused for a moment and said with a serious face, "Then you can come up and sing by yourself."


    Zhang Yue Yile, so cute.

    A cheerful and soft prelude sounded, interspersed with the sound of dulcimer and piccolo.

    "Sweet honey, you smile sweetly, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze, blooming in the spring breeze"

    Her whole body swayed gently along with the music.

    That long green dress is neither light nor heavy, neither ostentatious nor pretentious, just like flowers blooming in the spring breeze, swaying gently.

    Zhuang Zhou poured in almost all the videos he could find, including interviews and variety shows, in order to generate corresponding simulated characters as soon as possible.

    And her demeanor at this moment is more gentle than when she was a supernova, and the brilliance in her eyes is even brighter.

    "Ah~~ I saw you in my dream, I saw you in my dream, my smile was so sweet, it was you, it was you, it was you in my dream"


    Zhang Yue stared at the screen without blinking.

    He has seen many so-called sweet idols with a similar style. Compared with sugar alone, those idols are far superior.  But this happened to be extremely natural, as if emanating from the bones.

    The soul of a single mother and fetus for more than 20 years is suddenly ready to move.

    ? I feel like I've fallen.

    Grandma and mother have been discussing in full swing, and slang is flying around, the general idea is to be good, this is not bad, the song is not bad, it is worth listening to!

    Mom even said: "By the way, Xiaoyue, can't you give her a thumbs up?"

    "Well, just tap on the screen."

    Zhang Yue also took out his phone, tapped it himself, and was shocked: "Fuck, 6 million!"

    You must know that for those who get 10 million+, that is, stars who get three stars, as long as the follow-up works are passable, they can eat bonuses for a long time.

    He opened netizens' comments again, and most of them were in the same mood as himself:

    "This song can really make people drunk."

    "My roommate was on a video call with her boyfriend and the boy played this song and she blushed."

    "I'm shocked! What is the background of this sister's behind-the-scenes team? In a short period of time, she can produce a second work with such a high standard and style!"

    "Don't forget Grasshopper, it's also a new song!"

    As if it was destined in the dark, Baodao was originally Miss Jun's territory, and it still shines today.

    "Where did I meet you, your smile is so familiar, I can't remember it for a while, ah~~ In a dream"

    "Thank you, thank you all. Youdao is destined to meet thousands of miles away. I am singing and you are listening. This is fate. I look forward to seeing you next time."

    She waved her hand and slowly disappeared.

    Grandma patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder and said, "I must have found someone!"

    "But there are no resources now."

    "I don't care, I must find someone!"

    Zhang Yue reluctantly agreed.

    He thought that all the highlights of the party were over, and wanted to go back to the room to play games, but who knew there was more, he was still a newcomer after the introduction, and he was still singing Hokkien songs!


    The whole family is curious, is there still a Hokkien song written?

    I saw the lights flickering, and a man in a suit appeared on the stage. He had a strange temperament, his buttocks were raised, and there seemed to be a faint smile on his face.

    "Boom boom boom"

    A strange drum sounded, and then a female chorus: "Ahhhhhhhh"

    The man began to sing:


    Take the soup to wash ki hey, let's get drunk and bang bang, touch the pot of Wu Te's family affection and lose the grass wolf.

    ?Silver thread Kobe washes and knocks on cotton ~ Polong, Wu Xiki, Wu Xiluo, back room, hi room, cursing and calling ki just came to giang, living in diang when you sprinkle meat, and rely on big bia if you are angry, love bia family hey!  "


    Zhang Yue was shocked!

    Mom was shocked!

    Grandma was shocked even more!

    And this man still has a weird look, with hips raised, head raised high, 45 degrees to the left, and his eyes don't know what he's looking at:

    "Silver thread Kobe washes and knocks on cotton ~ Polong, no Xiki, no Xiluo Sprinkling meat and living in diang, angry meat depends on big bia, love bia family hey!"

    This song, of course, is "Love to fight to win".

    The most widely sung Hokkien song in the mainland.

    The original singer's name is Ye Qitian. It may be very popular in Wanwan, but this song is the only one in mainland China.  This buddy's experience is quite legendary. He has been elected as a legislator three times. For the election, he has nearly 100 million yuan in debt.

    ?I really did. I used to be a member of the second and fourth term of the so-called "Legislative Yuan".

    Zhuang Zhou didn't want to waste a new role on him, so he simply gave it to someone else.  As for this person, he was an oddity among male singers, with a particularly high voice.

    ? "Work hard to win" sounds funny, but it is actually an inspirational song.

    "Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work."

    ? Released in 1988, it coincided with the stage of Wanwan creating an economic miracle. The lyrics fit well, and it was widely loved by people from all walks of life.  And this vocal line is high, which is slightly inappropriate for singing this song.

    Zhuang Zhou searched all over the Internet, only to find a video of him singing in the lowest voice, and then converted it into "Love to Fight to Win", which gave me a sense of inspiration.

    The person's name is:

    "Hi everyone, it's the first time we meet. My name is Fei Yuwu. You can call me the Demon King of Dirty Demon. I like it the most"


    "Ha ha!"

    Grandma, who has always been sad and has a bad temper, suddenly pointed at the TV and laughed, and said firmly: "This person will be popular, he will definitely be popular!"

    Of course!

    Fei Yuwu was originally the idol of middle-aged and elderly women!

    "Hahahaha, I want to learn, I want to learn, don't let anyone stop me!"

    "Oh my god, the magic sound has been lingering in my mind!"

    "I love bia's family!"

    The number of likes is even higher, breaking one million in the blink of an eye.

    Zhang Yue felt like he was still in the water. In the hands of this mysterious team, how did it become so easy to break a million?

    On an unexpected day, no one expected that there would be three good songs in the deserted party, and one is a dialect song specially aimed at the regional crowd!

    Zhang Yue finally returned to the bedroom, no longer in the mood to play games.

    Holding the mobile phone and watching the replay of "Sweet Honey", I was immersed in the frowns and smiles, unable to extricate myself.  There was even an idea of ??looking for like-minded friends and forming support clubs.


    He shook his head, feeling like he was under a spell, but when the song was over, he couldn't help but play it again, and immediately widened his eyes:

    "Damn it, how did it reach 10 million?!"

    (Please collect, please recommend ?
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