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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> There are thousands of knots in the net

Chapter 621 Showdown

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    Shengkuan was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly defended: "My wife, I am wronged! Where did I get a confidante? You are the only woman I have."

    Qu Ping was shaking with anger!

    After eight years of marriage, why didn't she realize that this man is so shameless?  There were obviously a bunch of women outside, they lied without batting an eyelid, and pretended to be loyal.

    ? In front of parents and outsiders, he even pretends to be a good husband and father, but in fact, he is full of men and women.

    Why doesn't he act in a movie?  The winner of the Oscar is none other than him!

    "You, you clearly" Qu Ping gritted her teeth angrily.

    "Honey, this kind of thing can't be imagined, it will hurt the couple's relationship." Shengkuan said with a smile, as if Qu Ping was messing around.

    Qu Ping took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down!

    yes!  She has no evidence now, and no one will listen to what she says!

    Moreover, her innocuous disturbance will only make this shameless man even more confident.

    She will never let this shameless man continue to be at ease, she will tear off his mask in front of everyone, and she will give herself justice.

    "I don't want to talk anymore!" Qu Ping was about to leave, but Sheng Kuan stopped her, pushed her onto the bed, and pressed her hot lips against it.

    Qu Ping closed her eyes tightly, neither making a sound nor resisting, like a dead fish, let the province toss.

    Sheng Kuan had no interest at all, he rolled over and lay beside him, looking at Qu Ping with dissatisfaction.

    Qu Ping got up, straightened her clothes and hair calmly, got up and left without even leaving the corner of her eye, as if nothing happened just now.

    Provincial governor thumped the bedding heavily.

    The next day, Qu Ping asked Master Mou to help her apply for a card at the communication company. She used this account to re-register a WeChat account with the same nickname as last time, and then added the Provincial Kuan WeChat account.

    The provincial government passed it immediately.

    'Handsome boss!  it's me!  soft!  Something happened yesterday, my phone number was canceled, and I got a new one today.  ¡¯ said Qu Ping.

    'oh!  No wonder I couldn't find you yesterday.  Why are you canceling that number?  ¡¯ asked the governor.

    'If you don't want to use it, just log out.  But I can't bear you, so I added you back.  ¡¯ said Qu Ping.

    'Welcome to flirt at any time, it's a great honor!  ¡¯ Provincial wide back.

    Qu Ping is so angry, her forehead is congested!

    'Then let's meet.  ¡¯ Qu Ping couldn't bear it anymore, if this continues, she will be disgusted to death, and she will have a showdown with him.

    'OK!  Could you tell me about a place?  ¡¯ asked the governor.

    Qu Ping thought about it, and reported the name of the hotel.

    The other party hesitated.

    'Rou Rou, you are so enthusiastic!  ¡¯ followed by a few hearts.

    Qu Ping threw the phone aside in disgust.

    His hand shook, and the other party sent another message.

    Qu Ping angrily picked it up and looked at it.

    ? ¡®What is there to do in this city?  let's go out.  Go north to see the snow.  ¡¯ suggested the province.

    Look at the snow!

    Qu Ping remembered that at the beginning of the year, Provincial Kuan once said that he would take her to see the snow.  Now, he actually wanted to take another woman with him.

    ? Sure enough, times have changed, and men change as soon as they say they change.

    Qu Ping replied with tears in her eyes: 'After so many days, aren't you afraid of your wife's suspicion?  '

    'fine.  I told her I was on a business trip!  ¡¯ Shengkuan replied.

    If true, that's a good excuse.

    'good!  ¡¯ Qu Ping replied twitching.

    'OK!  Rourou, I'll send you the address, I'll tell you when I get home, let's set off in the afternoon, and we can meet in the evening.  ¡¯ and put on several red lips.

    'So in a hurry?  ¡¯ Qu Ping was so angry that her intestines hurt.

    ¡®Yes, I can¡¯t wait to see you.  ¡¯ Provincial Broadway.

    Immediately afterwards, Qu Ping received the address, hotel name and room number from the Provincial Broadband.

    He, he arranged everything so quickly?

    Has he been waiting for this day?  Or did she already have an appointment with another woman, was released as a pigeon, and just ran into Rou Rou?

    Regardless of the reason, in short, Shengkuan is a heinous scumbag, a love betrayer with countless boats.

    The raging fire in Qu Ping's heart was enough to burn her into ashes.

    If at this time, she still buried her head in the sand like an ostrich, her name would not be Qu Ping.

    'good!  handsome boss!  Then we'll meet at the hotel tonight.  ¡¯ Qu Ping finished posting this.After 1 word, tears were streaming down my face.

    She curled up on the chair, her heart ached to death.

    Immediately, another cell phone rang, a call from Shengkuan.

    Qu Ping refused.

    Shengkuan sent her a wechat message, saying that he was going on a business trip for a few days, and told her and the children to stay at home obediently, and he would bring them gifts when he came back.

    Still so gentle and considerate, pretending to be envious of thousands of women's model husband, but secretly you went and took an extremely sharp knife and pierced my heart fiercely.

    Stabbed in, then pulled out forcefully, bloody!

    Xingkuan, you are so cruel!  I hate you!

    Qu Ping couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

    Went to the hairdresser to perm her hair into wine red, and then made a big wave, booked the flight ticket online, called Ye Ye, Qu Ping went straight to the airport, checked the ticket, went through the security check, all the way was muddled.

    "Ma'am, the plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belt." The stewardess smiled sweetly in front of Qu Ping.

    Qu Ping came back to her senses, she reached out to fasten her seat belt, but her face was looking out the window.

    Outside the window, the tall buildings of City A are still standing tall, the trees are still standing upright, and the flowers in the flower beds in the distance are still blooming brightly. Everything is as before, but Qu Ping's mood has changed.

    It was as if she had stepped on a road of no return, a road of no return for her marriage with Shengkuan.

    When she returns, she will end the marriage.

    ? It starts with absurdity and ends up being wrong!

    It's over!  It's a pity that I finally fell in love with that man, but was stabbed all over by him in the end. Maybe this is the punishment for torturing him for seven years

    When we arrived at the hotel, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

    'Reached?  Do you want to eat something first?  ¡¯ Provincial Broadband sent a WeChat message.

    'arrive!  no appetite.  ¡¯ Qu Ping sat down in the lobby of the hotel, hesitating whether to go up or not.

    'Where?  I'll pick you up.  ¡¯ Provincial Kuan replied to WeChat.

    'Need not!  Just wait for me in the room.  ¡¯ Qu Ping took a deep breath, put the pinhole camera in the bag into the doll¡¯s eyes, and held the tape recorder in her hand.

    She draped her hair down, then put on her hat, stood up, and walked towards her battlefield stiffly.

    'I'm at the door, you turned off the light, I'm shy.  ¡¯ Qu Ping sent a WeChat message to the provincial government.

    'good!  baby!  ¡¯ In seconds, the door opened.

    Qu Ping took a deep breath and walked into the room slowly.

    At Qu Ping's request, the lights in the room were turned off, and it was very dark, except for the faint light from the neon lights of the advertisements in the opposite building, so that Qu Ping would not bump into it.

    Qu Ping pulled her collar and walked slowly forward.

    There was a "bang" sound from behind, and Qu Ping subconsciously turned her head to see that the door was closed.

    Suddenly someone hugged her tightly from behind.

    "Ah!" Qu Ping cried out in fright.  (Remember the site URL:
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