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Chapter 91 The World of Two (2)

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    "Ma'am, sir, you are elegant and talented, and you still love you so much, you are so happy!" the sales consultant said enviously.

    "It's not as good as what you said! We have been married for seven years, and this is the first time." Qu Ping explained with a smile, but she couldn't hide her happiness.

    A couple next to them, who were choosing a wedding diamond ring, heard the sound and approached. The boy has delicate features and is polite, while the girl has bright eyes and teeth, and picturesque eyebrows. They are a perfect match.

    However, the girl's eyebrows and eyes were full of worry, while the boy looked a little tired.

    "Wow, you guys are still so loving after seven years of marriage." The girl said in surprise, "Don't you all talk about the seven-year itch?"

    "What is the seven-year itch? I've never experienced it, and I always feel that I don't love enough." Kuan looked at Qu Ping affectionately and said.

    The smelly man is very nasty today!  Are you ashamed to be open-minded to outsiders?  Qu Ping blushed and bowed her head silently.

    In the eyes of onlookers, this is the harmony of the piano and the harmony of the couple, and the deep love between husband and wife.

    "So happy!" The girl was full of envy.

    "Now you should be relieved, right?" The boy on the side chuckled: "My fiancee has premarital phobias these days, and she always thinks about messy things, which made the two of you laugh."

    "Isn't it all about one year of keeping, three years of pain, five years of separation, seven years of itch, and ten years of agreement? My worries are not unreasonable." The girl protested dissatisfied.

    "Honey, you have to trust me, I will treat you very well, and we will be very happy."

    "You men all say that, but in the end you don't change your mind just because you say so." The girl pouted.

    "Honey, you've been a little tired recently, let's not discuss this issue anymore, shall we?" The boy smiled helplessly.

    After so many days of repeatedly entangled in this problem, he was a little tired.

    Qu Ping pursed her mouth and looked at Kuan, as if to say, your brother is here.

    Naughty!  Shaking his head with a wide smile, he stroked her hair.

    Seven years ago, Qu Ping was even more creative than this girl.  As soon as she heard that she was going to marry Shengkuan who was six years older than herself, she yelled not to marry an old man, not to marry an uncle.

    Qu's mother searched for life and death, she tried hard and soft, and relatives came to persuade her one after another. Qu Ping's ears felt callused, but she still insisted not to marry Shengkuan.  She has to wait for her soulmate to show up.

    Her ideal person is an unrivaled hero, one day he will step on colorful clouds to pick her up.  It's a pity that she didn't guess the beginning, but she was doomed to the end.

    One day Qu Ma and Qu Ping got into a quarrel over this matter again, and Qu Ping was forced to speak out, saying: "You like him so much, you can marry him yourself."  It was the first time in Qu Ping's life that she was beaten while wearing slippers.  Before the board fell on her, Mother Qu fainted.

    Qu's mother has lung cancer. She has been a teacher for many years, and the dust is too poisonous to her.

    The house collapsed in an instant, and my father, who had always been heavy and stable, was panicked and flustered like a headless fly.  And Qu Ping is even more ignorant of world affairs, she just hides in a corner and weeps sadly all day long.  Relatives have also been here, but they are all from the countryside and are not familiar with the medical system.

    ? At this time, fortunately, the provincial government was busy, contacting the doctors in Shanghai, going through the transfer procedures, and arranging various matters to go to Shanghai.

    Everything was arranged, but Qu Ma refused to go to Shanghai.  She said that she was just a precious daughter. Seeing her daughter's unhappy marriage and unsatisfactory life in the future, it would be better to say that she died early.

    Qu Ping can't get angry, mother, how do you know that I can't marry the right man?  How do you know that you picked the right one?

    But she knows her mother too well, as long as she has her last breath, she will persevere to the end.

    Qu Ping looked at her stubborn mother, then at her begging father, and finally agreed to get a marriage certificate right away.

    At the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qu Ping, who was dressed in black, looked coldly at the man in a pink shirt who was running towards her with a happy expression on his face.

    "Why do you want to marry me?"

    "because I love you."

    "Why do you love me?"

    "because I love you."

    "I do not love you."

    "I will wait until the day you fall in love with me."

    "There will never be that day." Qu Ping turned heartbroken and walked into the hall.

    The doctor in Shanghai diagnosed that the mother only had a lung nodule, and a minor operation was enough.

    The whole family cheered for joy, only she was silently mourning her girlhood who was cheated by a misdiagnosis.

    After Qu's mother was discharged from the hospital, she and the provincial family chose an auspicious day to inform everyone.?Come over for a wedding drink.  One month was a long time, the family was busy, and relatives came to help. Only Qu Ping, a bride-to-be, turned over every day to dry salted fish.

    Taking wedding photos?  It¡¯s fine to hang a big one on the head of the bed, my sister is not a gorilla, she has to pose in various poses to please people;

    Dowry?  What are you preparing for, go empty-handed, and then you'd better be driven back;

    Write an invitation?  Sister's handwriting is first-rate, if you don't mind ghost drawing, let me do it;

    Wrapping candies?  Live it casually, anyway, I don¡¯t like to eat;

    What's for the banquet?  As long as there are chicken legs, as long as you are happy, other people's lives are none of my business;

    Qu's mother was so anxious that her eyes twitched, she wanted to pick up this moldy daughter from the sofa and throw it out.  On the contrary, Shengkuan was very understanding, and he took care of everything inside and out.

    Qu Ping was rejoicing that the big guy turned out to be a loyal, honest, and stupid guy, and she could make things up to her in the future.  Unexpectedly, on the wedding night, no matter how much she begged for mercy, he would not show mercy.

    It was only then that she realized that this man was not a soft persimmon as she thought, but a real man with a firm stand, who did what he did but didn't do what he didn't

    Compared with the torment he suffered, what is the little setback of the groom-to-be?

    "You spend seven years waiting for her to grow up, then she will spend her whole life staying with you and growing old with you." He patted the boy on the shoulder to encourage him.

    The afternoon sun is the most charming, it does not have the tenderness of sunrise, nor the vastness of sunset, just like an amiable mother, there will always be a touch of warm color where she passes, warm and revealing  Some romance, mixed with youthful fantasies.

    Kuan and Qu Ping embraced each other and strolled quietly on the trails in the forest. Every path was covered with tender green grass, spreading out into patches of lush grass.  The green of life brought hope and vitality, as if their love was taking root.

    There was a wooden chair under the big tree, and the two sat down.

    Qu Ping leaned lazily in Kuan's arms, stretched out to look at the diamond ring on her finger.  Diamonds are set in the ring, shining with light and shadow, the enduring charm is tantalizing.

    "Bricks and stones are forever, and one is passed down forever. Husband, do you believe that there is love that lasts forever in this world?" She couldn't help asking with emotion.

    "What about you? Do you believe it?" Xing played with her hair and asked softly.

    "I believe in love, but I don't believe that love will last forever. People's hearts will change, and love also has a shelf life."

    Qu Ping's faint words were like a stone thrown into the water, causing ripples, Kuan's heart could not be calm for a long time.

    "A friend once told me that love will eventually turn into family affection.

    Decades of companionship,

    Decades of meticulous care,

    Day after day for decades,

    Decades of simple and light food,

    Decades of silent dedication,

    Decades of

    How many decades can we have in this short life, family affection is the final destination of love.  I did agree with him at the time.  But"

    Wide paused.

    "But" Qu Ping asked in a low voice.  She agrees with what he just said.  The passion is gone, and we are in love with each other, leaving only the family relationship of left hand holding right hand.

    "After falling in love with you, I realized that I am a wild goose."

    Qu Ping knows a little bit that wild geese are the most moving animals. Wild geese have only one lover in their life. If their partner leaves, they will not live alone.

    Kuan slowly straightened Qu Ping's body, put her little hand on his heart, looked at her very seriously and sincerely: "I will depend on Qu Ping in this life and the next life, love Qu Ping until death  Unswerving."

    Qu Ping stared at him steadfastly, silent.

    Not only because she was moved, but also because she didn't know how to respond to him.

    "Give me your heart, let me take good care of it and love it." Kuan bowed his head and kissed her hand, "until the end of time."

    The most romantic thing I can think of in this life is growing old with you.


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