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Chapter 100 Drinking, drinking a lot

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    "Master Tuhao, what's the matter with you? Why are you so formal and serious? Fawhat happened? Hahawell, calm down, calm down, you are a local rich man, so what, you should be bold  A little bit, right? Forgive us little people, whoever makes mistakes occasionally!"

    Seeing the appearance of the local tyrant, He Xiaomeng hurriedly sat beside Yan Li like a dog, and quickly grabbed Yan Li's hand with his paws, looking cute like a pug, trying his best to defend himself  Maintaining, trying to minimize the punishment he is about to bear.

    Hahaha, if not, then of course it would be better!  He Xiaomeng said while making a little calculation in his mind.  She has already practiced this dog-legged look.

    Ever since she met the local tyrant, or perhaps since then, He Xiaomeng has started her shameless dogleg career. From the initial hesitation and embarrassment, to now it is completely easy to do without hesitation.  It was personally trained by the local tyrants!

    Seeing He Xiaomeng like this, all Yan Li can do now is to be speechless

    In the current situation, it is obvious that he needs to confess to her to ask her to forgive him for the impulsive mistake he made last night, but now why does it become He Xiaomeng to apologize to him?

    She didn't make any mistakes, so she still needs such a sincere apology?  Could it be that He Xiaomeng made a mistake and hid it from himself?  Now that he looks like this, he thinks that the mistake has been discovered, so he has no choice but to apologize first?

    Yan Li didn't know what was going on now, so he asked He Xiaomeng directly: "Xiaomeng, why are you apologizing? What do you need to forgive? Could it be that you made a mistake that I don't know about?  "

    For this kind of problem, especially when he needs to confess to her, there is no need to talk nonsense between the two of them, it is better to go straight to the topic and ask He Xiaomeng clearly.  It's always bad to talk too much nonsense before confessing. It will show how long-winded he is and likes to make excuses for himself.

    Yan Li doesn't care about other things now, he only cares about the image in He Xiaomeng's mind at this time, he wants to know, in He Xiaomeng's mind, what kind of person, a man he is,  Is there any chance for me, is it possible to be with her, and is there any hope for her to fall in love with this kind of me.

    The fact that He Xiaomeng apologized to him at this time, and it was still in the situation of "maybe or maybe not", in Yan Li's view now, it is not as important as what he will do next.  And he was also very nervous, and he didn't know what to do and how to tell He Xiaomeng to reduce He Xiaomeng's surprise and resentment towards him after knowing what happened last night.

    I hope He Xiaomeng can really accept this fact!

    At this time, Yan Li no longer greedily hopes that He Xiaomeng will fall in love with him, and also give himself a chance to have a happy relationship with He Xiaomeng and be together happily.

    He just hoped that after the party and Xiaomeng found out about that, she would not hate him, would not ignore him, and would not drive him out of her home on the spot, and then disappear in the world, making him forever  , Never try to find her for the rest of your life.

    No matter which of the above possibilities, Yan Li felt that he could not bear it.  He couldn't accept that the relationship between He Xiaomeng and him would turn out like this.  If he could never see He Xiaomeng again, it would definitely be a cruel torture for Yan Li who still loves He Xiaomeng deeply.

    I hope I hope He Xiaomeng can forgive him.  No, I don't ask her to forgive herself. No matter what kind of punishment she uses, it is good, and Yan Li is acceptable, but But, can she not leave him, can she not leave him?  Get out of his world, or in other words, can she not escape from his world

    This is the most cruel punishment for Yan Li, and it is also a situation that Yan Li does not want to face in his life.

    Mistakes have already been made. Last night's impulsiveness brought about a dilemma today. The only thing wrong is that fate tricks people.

    But Yan Li still insisted on telling He Xiaomeng the truth + the truth. He felt that she had the right to know all of this, and at this critical moment, Yan Li didn't want to hide anything from He Xiaomeng, nor did he want to tell He Xiaomeng the truth.  lie to her.  When you love someone, you should expose your complete self to the other person, and let the other person fully believe in you, right?

    Now, it's time to muster up the courage to face all this, and it's time to let He Xiaomeng know the truth about last night's madness, and it's time to speak upTime to tell He Xiaomeng.

    Yan Li knew that if he missed this opportunity, it would be too late to tell He Xiaomeng, because Yan Li didn't know if he would still have the courage to be as brave as he is now after this.  Mengzhen+xiang's plan is likely to go to waste.

    "Xiaomeng, I want to tell you something, you must be prepared and listen to me carefully. Also, I hope you can forgive me." Yan Li frowned and looked into He Xiaomeng's eyes,  He said with a serious face.

    He doesn't know what is waiting for him now, and he doesn't know how He Xiaomeng will face the coming truth

    But Yan Li understands that although He Xiaomeng is a rare flower in the world, maybe her way of thinking about problems is different from the way of normal people, and sometimes even runs counter to it, but she is still a woman after all.  A chaste woman.

    Moreover, judging from Yan Li's understanding of He Xiaomeng, her sex life is not chaotic. The most important thing is that He Xiaomeng is still a virgin, a complete girl, and last night, Yan Li  Encouragement helped her transform from a girl to a standard woman.

    Yan Li didn't know whether He Xiaomeng could accept this kind of transformation, whether he could accept the transformation formed in this way.

    He wanted to be with He Xiaomeng well, as a couple, to live together sweetly.  But Yan Li didn't know, after what happened last night, would she still be willing to implement his beautiful plan for future life with him.

    Chances slim

    Although He Xiaomeng didn't know what the local tyrant was about to say to her at this time, He Xiaomeng was definitely as nervous as Yan Li at this time.  It is because of this fear of the unknown, and the serious face of the local tyrant just now, as if what he is about to say is terrifying, that's why He Xiaomeng is extremely nervous now.

    At this moment, He Xiaomeng has imagined countless possibilities in his mind, and there is even something that the local tyrant who looks beautiful on the surface is actually a poor beggar, so the local tyrant has already taken advantage of it.  All her money was looted while she was away.

    For another example, the local tyrant smashed all her most important figures, and even some of them are precious limited editions, which cannot be bought even if you have money.

    Thinking of the end, He Xiaomeng didn't have the guts to continue thinking about it anymore. These situations are really terrifying, but apart from these, He Xiaomeng really can't think of anything that can make the local tyrant humiliate  Those who apologized to her needed her forgiveness.

    Because in her body, she really doesn't have anything worth the local tyrant's hard work to get.  How could He Xiaomeng think that in fact, the most important thing and most wanted by the local tyrant is just her.

    If He Xiaomeng relied on her own strength and brains, she probably would never have thought of the fact that the local tyrant actually likes her, right?

    Because in He Xiaomeng's view, she and the local tyrant are people from two worlds. Does the local tyrant like her?  Hehe, how is it possible?  !  Give me a break!  She is in love with a rich man?  Oh, don't be kidding, it's even more impossible!  No, it is something that will never happen, right?

    How could He Xiaomeng predict that in the future, he would be heartbroken because of this man?

    "Master Tuhao, tell me I'm listening, what happened?" He Xiaomeng couldn't help becoming nervous because of Yan Li's actions and words, as well as the serious expression on his face.  , I can't help imitating the local tyrants around me who are sitting upright, as if they are welcoming an upcoming impulsive battle.

    "Xiaomeng, how much do you remember after eating the beef noodles yesterday?" Yan Li decided that it is better to adopt the strategy of step-by-step, so that He Xiaomeng can also have a psychological preparation in his heart.  At least it won't make her feel like the sky is falling down all at once.

    "Uh I don't seem to remember much. Didn't I go to bed immediately after eating the beef noodles yesterday?" He Xiaomeng asked suspiciously. She herself did not remember what happened after eating the beef noodles.  Something happened, um It seems that I have been drinking too much. Uncle personally brewed delicious peach blossom wine and drank a lot

    However, at this special time, depending on the situation, it would be better for her to choose to ignore it automatically?

    He Xiaomeng didn't know that what happened last night had a lot to do with her drinking.  If He Xiaomeng hadn't been drinking, how could he be so open and naked to apologize to the local tyrant?  How could it be so easy to be thrown down by the local tyrant?

    But He Xiaomeng chose not to say it now, so only Yan Lilai took the initiative to tell this very important fact, otherwise, what happened later, just by describing it to He Xiaomeng, a woman who doesn't have much brains and can't think normally  , trying to make her understand, it is simply too difficult

    Now, he must seize this opportunity immediately and explain it properly.  (Remember the site URL: adults fell down?

    But He Xiaomeng chose not to say it now, so only Yan Lilai took the initiative to tell this very important fact, otherwise, what happened later, just by describing it to He Xiaomeng, a woman who doesn't have much brains and can't think normally  , trying to make her understand, it is simply too difficult

    Now, he must seize this opportunity immediately and explain it properly.  (Remember the site URL:
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