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Chapter 32 He Xiaomeng's Honest Journey to Salvation

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    However, He Xiaomeng didn't know the reason at all. She just felt that the atmosphere in the box suddenly relaxed, and she finally felt a little better even after being nervous all the time. At least she could think and speak normally, and at the same time, she could use her brain to do better  Now use your witty mind to rescue the general manager who is in dire straits!

    General manager!  wait for me!  I'll get you out in no time!

    Well Although according to He Xiaomeng's own idea, this method is completely impossible, no, forget it, let's give He Xiaomeng a little face, there is a 99.9% probability that it is impossible.

    There is a 0.1% possibility of the remaining pitiful sporadic, He Xiaomeng may suddenly have a brainstorm, and at the same time, his character will explode  Then suddenly possessed by divine power (ding¡î(¡«o¡«)y) made my body full of strange and chaotic power!

    Then He Xiaomeng was able to lift Yan Yan who had been lying on the table for a long time and lifted him outside the hotel [Applause]©¸(£þ £þ©¸)(©¼£þ£þ)©¼[Applause]!

    And the key is that the waiters and bodyguards in the hotel happened to be out of their minds at the same time, even if they saw this strange scene, they would act as if they hadn't seen it, and would not step forward to stop it, and even drove He Xiaomeng out of the hotel.  Maybe enthusiastically stepped forward to help He Xiaomeng carry the man on his back out of the hotel and put him in a taxi

    Well, if all of the above possibilities can happen at the same time, He Xiaomeng is still very likely to successfully rescue Yan Yan from the hotel.

    But these, are they possible?  Obviously, it is completely impossible for this to happen simultaneously in real life, unless He Xiaomeng has magic.  But it turns out that it is impossible for He Xiaomeng to know magic, so He Xiaomeng can't rescue the grim and handsome man from the hotel as she imagined.

    But it's not possible in this handsome way, He Xiaomeng is He Xiaomeng after all, she can still use her own unique way to save the person she wants to save, although she doesn't know it, but she does have it  This ability can affect other people's moods and even affect other people's decisions.

    Uh Although the method of influence may be a bit weird But He Xiaomeng is a weird person, isn't he?  He Xiaomeng's life was full of legends

    "Little girl, you haven't answered the question I just asked!" The uncle in the flower shirt looked at the rich expression on He Xiaomeng's face, and he could tell what He Xiaomeng was thinking at a glance.  She's so cute, and she feels a little better.

    The higher a person climbs, the more ugly sides of people's hearts must be seen.  In this high position, I am really lonely, and sometimes I even look away, life is meaningless.  The ancient saying that the heights are too cold is really true.

    The people around are working hard to make themselves climb up, and their profession requires the sacrifice of the body.  He has seen too many fights between people, too cruel.

    There are even many people who choose to use insidious and cunning methods to frame their once close brothers. Every word they say between people has to carefully consider what the real meaning behind them is, and they can't even feel at ease when they sleep every day.  , they all climbed up on top of their brother's corpse

    He hadn't seen such a pure and pure pair of eyes for a long, long time. They were very shining and bright, and they were not obscured by the smog in the world. The clear pupils were moving flexibly, and they looked a little bit  Aura.

    Although she knew it was dangerous here, she still dared to take great risks to save people. This kind of clean emotion made the uncle in flower shirt feel a lot, so he didn't want to do anything to this pure little girl.  He also didn't want to scare her, it was too long in the high place, it was too cold, and he also wanted to feel the pure warmth of the world.

    "What Actually, uncle, let me tell you the truth. He is not my boyfriend. I just wanted to come in just now, so I lied to the waitress that he was my boyfriend, so that he can  Will you bring me in to find him!" He Xiaomeng doesn't like lying, she never liked lying since she was a child.

    It's not because He Xiaomeng's tutor is good, saying that he must be decent and not lie, but because He Xiaomeng is lazy and doesn't bother to lie anymore.

    He Xiaomeng knows that lying is a very troublesome thing. When you tell the first lie, you have to tell the second lie immediately to complete the first lie. Gradually, the more lies you tell, the snowball  Rolling bigger and bigger.

    Afterwards, not only do you have to try your best to tell another lie to complete the previous lie, but you also have to take into account the previous lie.?? All lies told, logic and the like cannot be violated.

    Lying is really a complicated thing, He Xiaomeng is very self-aware, her IQ is not enough to do such a difficult thing, so in the end, it is very likely that the lie was exposed, or she took the initiative to admit that she was  lying.

    She really can't complete such a difficult thing, so since the result can already be guessed like this, why bother to start?

    For the waitress, she just needs to find the general manager, and there is no need for any conversation afterwards, but it is different for the uncle with the floral shirt.

    The uncle in the flower shirt looks like he is going to talk to her for a long time, so if you choose to lie, it is better to confess your lie from the beginning, so that the conversation with him later can be easier. To be honest, after all, it is true  It's a lot easier to drink too much.

    But He Xiaomeng didn't know that it was because of her frankness and purity that she was saved and Yan Yan was saved.

    If He Xiaomeng chooses to lie, according to Uncle Hua Shirt's qualifications, it can be seen at a glance. Lying will only make Uncle Hua Shirt lose his favor for He Xiaomeng. If things develop like this,  I'm afraid that He Xiaomeng and Yan Yan won't have any good fruit in the end.

    This time, after hearing He Xiaomeng's words, the uncle in the flower shirt was a little surprised. He didn't expect He Xiaomeng to confess by himself. He thought she would continue to talk nonsense, and he was going to expose her in the end, but she never  Confessed himself at the beginning.  Such people are really rare.

    From the moment He Xiaomeng came in, the uncle in the floral shirt knew that she came for Yan Yan, because He Xiaomeng's eyes kept looking at Yan Yan, and it could be seen that she was very anxious.  I misunderstood what I wanted to do to Yan Yan

    But afterward, the waitress said that He Xiaomeng was a serious girlfriend, and He Xiaomeng was still calling "husband~~~" in her deliberately sweet voice, which made the uncle in the flower shirt feel a little bit embarrassed  No, but he could still see the embarrassment in He Xiaomeng's eyes, as well as the tight vocal cords and unnatural tone when speaking.

    "He Xiaomeng is definitely not a serious girlfriend." The uncle in the floral shirt is very sure of this fact.  But why He Xiaomeng tried to come in by pretending to be a serious girlfriend, the uncle in the flower shirt is still not very clear, but, unexpectedly, He Xiaomeng confessed directly afterwards, it turns out that he lied because he wanted to come in

    This little girl is really honest!

    Uncle Hua Shirt's affection for He Xiaomeng has increased a bit. Such a pure person, in today's society with such strong competitiveness, it is rare to see such an honest person like her.

    Really amazing, this kind of girl.

    "Then what is the relationship between you and Yan Yan? Today I see that you came here with the mentality of mortal death. Don't tell me that although you and Yan Yan are not in a relationship, little girl, do you like Yan Yan?" The uncle in flower shirt asked He Xiao enthusiastically.  cute.

    "No, no! Yan Yan is just my boss. He is the general manager, and Wo is his special assistant to the general manager, just his special assistant! I don't like the general manager either, uncle, you misunderstood!" He Xiaomeng  Quickly waved his hands and explained in a panic.  This can't be misunderstood casually. If the general manager hears it and makes him misunderstand that she really likes him, it will be bad.

    Then how can she work beside the general manager in the future!

    However, He Xiaomeng's worry is completely unnecessary, because Yan Yan is very drunk now, and he is completely asleep, and he can't hear what Uncle Hua Shirt and He Xiaomeng are talking about.  No, he didn't even know that He Xiaomeng came to this place to 'save' him.

    "Hahaha, no, no, little girl, why are you nervous, uncle, I am just talking casually. Uncle is old, and he doesn't understand the world of your young people at all. We don't understand the emotions between you young people, you guys  The difference between this era and ours is too great. We don't understand what to eat, use and play.

    But little girl, what did you come here to ask your general manager for? Is the company in a sudden emergency or" Uncle Hua Shirt asked knowingly, he knew that He Xiaomeng was afraid of what they would do to Yan Yan to hurt him.  He was called over to treat the guests to dinner, but in fact, the uncle in the flower shirt was indeed asking serious questions because of what happened at the auction that day.

    But as for hurting him Although it is true that he used to be a member of the underworld, but little girl, do you think killing people is that simple?  !  If the murder is found out, he will go to jail!  Even if you are a gangster, you can't go to jail casually!

    Moreover, he has now changed his job to become a businessman. He is not involved in the underworld at all, so why did you come to rescue him, little girl?  There is no need at all!

    He just pulled his former brothers over to drink and get him drunk together just to make his heart feel more comfortable, make himself happy, and reduce his unbalanced and depressed emotions!  Who told him to snatch his pearl necklace insidiously back then, which made his wife a little unhappy!  (Remember the site URL: is not involved in the underworld at all, so why on earth did you come to rescue him, little girl?  There is no need at all!

    He just pulled his former brothers over to drink and get him drunk together just to make his heart feel more comfortable, make himself happy, and reduce his unbalanced and depressed emotions!  Who told him to snatch his pearl necklace insidiously back then, which made his wife a little unhappy!  (Remember the site URL:
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