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Main Text Chapter 352 Detection from the Heavenly King, Formidable Enemy, Ice Soul Bear!

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    In the square, Xiong Bao was steaming all over his body, and fell limply on the ground.

    Several researchers came bouncing over with three Healing Mushrooms, surrounded Xiong Bao and took out various instruments to cooperate with the soul pet test to heal him.

    After a while, one of the researchers stood up and gestured in He Huan's direction.

    "Excessive consumption." He Huan frowned and said, "Although it has recovered its general shape now, it should have evolved, a brand new way of evolution."

    Wang Che walked out of the observation room, came to the completely destroyed square, and walked to Xiong Bao.

    Xiong Bao wailed a few times, his voice was weak but excited.

    It touched its head for the first time.

    He yelled happily again a few times.

    Hair is back!

    "The size has become abnormally small"

    Wang Che looked at Xiong Bao at this time, and realized that the original Xiong Bao had changed from more than two meters to more than fifty centimeters.

    Like a newborn cub.

    It's just that its arms, feet, and torso still have the soul skills of soul bones, hidden under the hair.

    The scale has shrunk.

    "It should be because of the energy of the spirit bone, its body was transformed by the spirit bone."

    He Huan came over and touched Xiong Bao's limbs, and said, "While it seems to be getting smaller, the strength of all aspects of the body organs has been strengthened."

    "There is an extra energy imprint between its brows. This should be left by two different spirit bones"

    He Huan pointed to Xiong Bao's eyebrows.

    "The evolution of the rest of the body is hidden because of the smaller size. But after the energy of the spirit bone is activated, it can still change."

    The more He Huan looked at it, the more radiant her eyes became, "This kind of evolution, in terms of form, is somewhat similar to the mechanical soul. The mechanical soul pet has a special modification and evolution through modification of various parts."

    "This evolution is in addition to the evolution of the martial soul and the evolution of the cultivation base, the evolution of the armed spirit bone."

    "And it must be the special evolution produced by the combination of these two kinds of soul bones It seems that in the ancient times, the swallowing beast and the Xiongba clan were inseparable."

    "Especially the super beast soul outfit that was formed just now."

    "A super beast soul outfit appears on a soul pet, this is definitely the first case in the world today!"

    It was first discovered in the Donghua Theater.

    "Unfortunately, the little guy is still too weak" The Oracle Heavenly King walked over, "It is impossible to fully demonstrate the power of these six soul bones."

    Wang Che was communicating with Xiong Bao about the soul test he passed just now.

    Xiong Bao screamed in a daze, talking about the hell-like ordeal it had just passed.

    Wang Che understood.

    "Sure enough, during the test, supernatural powers appeared"

    Just next, these six spirit bonesWang Che looked at the spirit bones on Xiong Bao.

    The value of these six soul bones is definitely very high.

    Wang Che felt that with all his apparent net worth, buying a soul bone um buying a small part was far from enough.

    From the perspective of pure research value, it is impossible to sell the soul bones left over from the ancient times.

    This is no longer something that money can measure.

    Not to mention that this is not one soul bone, but six soul bones, which still represent the power of two overlord behemoth creatures from the ancient times.

    Wang Che touched the position of the spirit bone first.

    It is roughly confirmed that the spirit bone can be removed, and it has not really fully fused with Xiong Bao.

    At this time, a researcher hesitated to He Huan and said:

    "Professor He, this soul bone"

    When they checked just now, they found that the spirit bone could be removed.

    However, Bao Xiong has undergone this unique evolution, once it is taken down, what unknown changes will occur, they cannot guarantee.

    "Let it wear it for the time being." He Huan said, "You first analyze the situation just now, and record the characteristics of life changes during its evolution, and we can talk about it after Xiong Bao recovers."

    Several researchers nodded.

    "What are you going to do with the soul bone?"

    The Oracle Heavenly King glanced at He Huan, "These are six soul bones, and they are two rare sets, not a single one."

    It may also be related to the secrets of the swallowing beast and the Xiongba clan.

    If the secrets can be unearthed, maybe we can also know a small part of the civilization of the ancient times.

    ?The super beast soul outfit that triggered the soul bone was directly marinated.  "

    He Huan nodded.

    But Wang Che said: "No, let it try to see if it can be taken off."

    He Huan paused and remained silent.

    Wang Che went to Xiong Bao to communicate with it.

    "You activate the Samadhi Spirit Eye a little bit." Wang Che said, "Then see if you can control the spirit bone to come off, and don't touch the power of the spirit bone."

    Xiong Bao nodded, first closed his eyes, and then opened them slightly.

    Different flames of three colors intersecting began to be produced inside the pupil.

    Xiong Bao's whole body began to glow slightly.

    In a hurry, the spirit bone on its body began to fall lightly.

    At the moment of falling, the spirit bone began to grow slowly, but after a while, it returned to its original shape.

    However, Xiong Bao itself remained unchanged.

    This is as Wang Che expected, the combination of two sets of soul bones to form a super beast soul outfit is indeed inseparable from supernatural powers!

    One after another, the researchers immediately stepped forward and took away the five spirit bones one after another.

    Only the right arm bone of the Xiong Ba clan was left behind and injured by Xiong Bao.

    "It's right here, the location is big enough."

    The oracle king smiled slightly.

    I saw a soul ring flashing on her body.

    It was a red soul ring.

    A soul ring of one hundred thousand years!

    The moment the spirit ring appeared, the huge air current immediately vibrated in all directions.

    A gleam of light jumped out from the soul ring.

    The next moment, an ice-blue white bear appeared in sight!

    The hair of this white bear is ice blue, and its body shape is quite different from that of a bamboo bear.

    It also looks very small, only one meter high.

    From a sensory point of view, it is a very handsome bear.

    The wrists and ankles of its bear paws have natural ice armor attached, and its eyes are also ice blue, exuding a strong and icy aura!

    Xuanbing Bear.

    Exists at the top of the biological chain of bear soul pets.

    Possesses a peerless racial potential from the very beginning, and after three stages of evolution, the Ice Lord is a truly extraordinary soul pet!

    This is also one of the very few bear soul pets that have survived to this day since ancient times.

    It lives in the bottom of the extreme arctic ice sheet all the year round, rarely comes out, very rare.

    This kind of bear can only be seen on the ice continent.

    They control the power of ice, and at the same time have the power to shake icebergs, as well as excellent defense and physique.

    Their thick fur allows them to withstand many types of attacks.

    This mysterious ice bear has completed the second stage of evolution and is an ice spirit bear.

    King qualification.

    The cultivation level is not high, and it is only in the early three thousand years.

    However, this was cultivated by the Heavenly King himself, so don't think about its terrifying strength.

    A soul pet with superb appearance and strength!

    "How is it? As an opponent, he should be qualified, right?" The Oracle Heavenly King touched the head of the Ice Soul Bear.

    "Woohoo!" The Ice Soul Spirit Bear let out a high-pitched roar.

    It seems small in size, but there is a great deterrent in this sound.

    Mental deterrence.

    Strong enemy!

    Wang Che felt that this ice soul spirit bear might be more difficult for Xiong Bao to deal with than those ten thousand year soul pets.

    Tian Wang has his own experience in cultivating soul pets.  Although it will not encourage seedlings to grow, it will improve steadily.  But every step of the heavenly king's cultivation of soul pets is much higher than that of college students who are just starting out.

    "If you can beat it" The Oracle King smiled, "I'll give you something good ?
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