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Text Chapter 180: I am the King of Heaven, and I am also confused!

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    "Wuhun." Wang Che said casually, "I used the power of Wuhun to resist the majesty of the domain for a few seconds. Then didn't I prescribe a colorful gashapon in the Sail Cup before? The gashapon is a kind of medicine that can repair damaged souls  The medicine. I took advantage of these few seconds and fed it to Kong Shenlong."

    "Well, for the time being, Kong Shenlong regained his sobriety."

    This set of wording was thought up by Wang Che a long time ago.

    Wang Che could think of the secret of the super gashapon not only related to Dino technology, but also related to the sage who created the soul contract of life.

    That's for sure, the strong human beings in this world must also know the secret.

    Therefore, in this way, although there are many problems, they should be generally easier to understand.

    Sure enough, I heard this explanation.

    Lieyang Tianwang finally understood a little bit.  But he still can't accept it.

    The reason for understanding is that the special gastronomy flashes will indeed produce awesome good things.

    Even if it is a good thing, Lieyang Tianwang can understand it.

    Because, he knows what that special twisted egg means.

    What is unacceptable is that relying solely on the strength of the martial soul, it is absolutely impossible to resist the domain coercion of the Kong Shenlong.

    It's just that Kong Shenlong told him not to ask more questions, and Lieyang Tianwang didn't intend to ask more questions.

    Judging from the results, no matter what, Wang Che has accomplished a miracle!

    But others, not only can't understand, but can't accept

    "Recovered sobriety"

    Zhou Xing, a soul master from the Ninth Department of Central Research on Soul Soil Relics, stared blankly at Wang Che, "Is it really done? No, no, I can't accept Lin Tianwang, tell me, this is not true.  "

    How can this be?

    Things that even the king of heaven can't do.

    You told me that a student did it?

    The world is not right!

    Everyone is also staring at Lie Yang Tianwang.

    I want to know the specific situation from the king of heaven.

    ? Lieyang Tianwang said, I don't know either, when I went, they had already done it

    I am the king of heaven, but I am also very confused!

    The Kong Shenlong told me not to ask more questions.

    Who is Sky Dragon?  That's the big boss of the soul beast world in the ancient times!

    Dare I ask more?

    Obviously, Kong Shenlong also wanted to keep privacy for others.

    Moreover, personal privacy is related to the law of the war zone, and I, the king of heaven, can't just mess around.

    It's not that he did something bad he did a very good thing.

    Above is the sky dragon, and below is the law of the war zone.

    No matter how curious you are, you can only feel bored in your stomach.

    All kinds of words gathered in the mouth, and finally let Lieyang Tianwang say three words:

    "it is true."

    "Zhou Xing, quickly ask the central government to contact several heavenly kings to come here to help the Kong Shenlong seal itself. I will wait here to prevent accidents."

    Everyone took a breath

    Looking at Wang Che with horrified eyes.

    "You really did it"

    Li Yanming looked at Wang Che and didn't know what to say for a while.

    "I said, I'm sure."

    Wang Che said, "Of course, there is a certain element of luck. As for what I said, it is all true."

    Wang Che really didn't lie.

    He did rely on Wuhun and the Jiushan root to do it, barely.

    Of course, if he wasn't a great cultivator who ascended to the fairyland, he wouldn't be able to do both.

    As for the various green caterpillars inheriting the inheritance of the Kong Shenlong and the fighting, there is no need to talk about it.

    The little caterpillar is still too weak and needs to develop.

    "Zhou Xing, don't be in a daze, get in touch quickly."

    King Lieyang frowned and said, "Hurry up!"

    Zhou Xing went to contact immediately.

    Everyone hasn't reacted yet.

    "I'm talking about Deputy Li, and you, I've already taken care of it. You should also think about it, and reward it on the whole?"

    He Huan said with a smile, "You can't make people work in vain, right? They used up all the rewards for the colorful gashapons. You Xiyuezhou, or the central government in the war zone, don't give some rewards?"

    "Not to mention anything else, it's not too much to make one or two special merits."

    Everyone came back to their senses.

    "There will be no shortage of rewards. This achievement is also an honor for the king of heaven." ?bsp;Sealed in the Space Dragon's own space, and with the help of several heavenly kings, he fell into a deep sleep again.

    This is a major incident that could affect the safety of Xiyuezhou and even the Donghua theater, and it was resolved quietly and unknowingly.

    Two days later, Li Yanming and Zhou Xing arrived at the private training base where Wang Che was.

    "I'm still dreaming"

    Zhou Xing rubbed his eyes, "This matter was resolved just like that"

    Seemingly thinking of something, a smug smile appeared on Zhou Xing's face.

    "The night before yesterday, on the other side of the Riyao war zone, three heavenly kings came aggressively. Regardless of our stop, they rushed directly to the space of the Kong Shenlong, intending to deal with the Kong Shenlong."

    Zhou Xing laughed and said, "As a result, the three heavenly kings were scared to pee by the Kong Shenlong's eyes. At that time, the three heavenly kings in our theater were planning to help the Kong Shenlong seal itself and fell into a deep sleep."

    "These three heavenly kings in the Sunshine War Zone didn't dare to say a word of nonsense, and they didn't dare to release their soul pets. They repeatedly pleaded guilty and left in despair."

    "As a result, after going back, three heavenly kings were also sent to the Mingdu war zone It's like a nesting doll"

    "One of them all went back in despair."

    The more Zhou Xing talked, the more excited he became, as if he had seen the scene at that time.

    "These two theaters are so embarrassing!!"

    "On the contrary, our Donghua War Zone has made a big splash in the Seventh War Zone of the Federation this time, and we have a long face."

    "Several war zones have asked us in private how to solve it?"

    "It's not that in their war zones, situations like the Sky Dragon have never happenedbut most of the solutions are difficult to explain."

    "Right now, we've settled the issue of Kong Shenlong, and everyone came here to ask for advice."

    "However, it's useless We don't know anything about it, so we all refused."

    The more Zhou Xing talked, the more enjoyable he became.

    Li Yanming can understand.

    The Ninth Department of Soul Soil Research and Investigation is responsible for the research of the major soul soils in the theater.

    Inside, masters are like clouds, and strong people are like forests.

    There are three heavenly kings who are in charge of the status of soul soil in each continent.

    Right now, being kneeled and licked by other theaters to ask for advice is naturally a long face.

    Li Yanming came to the private base with Zhou Xing.

    I only saw a green caterpillar and a magnetic sword training seriously.

    "Oh, these are the two soul pets of classmate Wang, right?"

    Zhou Xing came to the green caterpillar with a kind expression.

    At this time, the green caterpillar was wearing an iron chain around its tail. Behind the iron chain was a solid metal ball with a diameter of at least seven or eight meters.

    The two tentacles on its forehead, like a zombie, are stuck with a few pieces of paper.

    As if unconscious, he dragged the solid iron stone forward without haste.

    The scene looks very dazzling, because the green caterpillar is only less than one meter.

    "Is this training intensity a bit high?"

    Zhou Xing couldn't help asking, "This green caterpillar's soul power has only been cultivated for more than 700 yearscan it withstand such high-intensity training? This metal ball is extremely heavy, and it needs to have more than a thousand years of soul power cultivation  , a soul beast that is good at strength and strength to practice This, for a green caterpillar to practice lightly at such a high level? Not afraid of getting hurt"

    Li Yanming hadn't watched Wang Che train his soul pet much, but he thought about the performance of the Air Cup.

    It feels like if it wasn't so big, the green caterpillar wouldn't be so strong.

    "Should be okay?" Li Yanming said, "It really squeezed this little caterpillar a bit."

    Zhou Xing walked in front of the green caterpillar, and lifted the paper that completely covered the green caterpillar's head.


    The green caterpillar squinted at the man.

    what are you doing?

    "Well, I'm here to find Wang Che. What about others? Can you take us to find him?"

    Zhou Xing asked.

    The green caterpillar pouted at the paper, then shook its head.

    It is training and reading stories at the same time.

    I'm not free.

    Zhou Xing looked at the first piece of paper that was opened, and found a few large characters written on it:

    Today's basic training.

    Zhou Xing: ""

    Li Yanming: ""</div&gt
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