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Volume 36 Chapter 36, Role Reversal

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    Since he will leave, he will definitely come. At what time and by what method does he come in every day?

    She thought of the key she had lost a month ago.

    One night a month ago, when she came back from the river, she accidentally tripped over a flower bed and fell to the ground. She got up and walked to the door of the house, only to find that the keys in her pocket were gone.

    Back downstairs, she wanted to find it next to the flower bed.  A human voice came, a man was calling on the phone by the flower bed, she dared not go out, the other party called for a long time, and did not hear the footsteps of leaving after the call, only heard sighs.

    Come back tomorrow night.

    She entered the corridor and turned right at the landing.

    On the right is the garage that can only be used to store battery cars and bicycles. She hasn't been here since she couldn't see it.

    The temperature on this side of the garage, the smell on this side, and the touch of the ground on this side are all strange to her.


    She was so startled that she nearly slammed into the wall.

    The voice came from a little farther away, it was the voice of a person renting in the garage, and the voice was distorted through the iron door of the garage.

    She quickened her pace, and the cane tapped against the innermost wall.

    She reached out to touch the wall, and the wooden pole her father had put was still there.  The wooden pole fell in a corner, covered with cobwebs, and the sticky web was wrapped around her hands, but there were no spiders.

    She suppressed the discomfort and picked up the wooden pole.

    Dad put the spare key behind the garage door. The garage door is not tight, and there is a short gap under it. As long as you reach into the wooden pole, you can pull the key out.

    She opened the door with the spare key, and went to look for the key next to the flower bed the next night, but couldn't find it.

    There was a little bear hanging on the key. She thought it was picked up by some child. The person who picked it up could not know the door corresponding to the key, so she didn't care.

    Is that the person who picked up the key?  She thought of what happened three years ago, when she was practicing walking with a blind stick with her parents, she dropped the key, and he picked it up for herself.

    The little bear pendant had already been hung on the key back then.

    Therefore, he can recognize the key.

    She also thought of the knock on the door a month ago, the day after she lost the key, she thought it was her aunt who came, and opened the door without hesitation, but there was no sound outside the door.

    At that time, she thought she had heard wrong, or some naughty child knocked on the door and ran away.

    Thinking about it now, he must have been the one knocking on the door.

    Why did he knock on the door, and why didn't he say a word after knocking?

    Are you going to return the key to yourself, but after seeing yourself, did you change your mind?

    She sat at the dining table with her ten fingers tightly intertwined.

    She thought again, what does he want when he stays by her side?  What is there in himself that he longs for?

    Putting this question aside for a while, she began to think about when he entered her home every day.

    The sound of opening and closing the door is not loud, but it is not small, except for sleeping time, she can definitely hear it under normal circumstances.  The only thing I can't hear is when I wear headphones to listen to music and wear earmuffs.

    Every morning, when she was wearing earmuffs because of the voices of the aunts downstairs?

    He comes in around seven or eight every morning, and leaves until noon or afternoon when he puts on his headphones and listens to music.  Maybe sometimes later, otherwise he wouldn't find out that he went out late at night.

    What was he doing during all that time in and out?

    She already had the answer in her heart. Most of the troubles she encountered were emergencies. He was able to deal with those emergencies in time. Does it matter what he is doing?

    She thought of her aunt's son, the boy who wanted to follow her into the toilet.  Is he like him?

    She walked to the living room, walked to the TV cabinet, and reached out to touch the floor tiles. In the cold touch, there was a piece of warmth, which was where he was sitting just now, and the warmth slowly dissipated.

    She sat there, looking at the invisible sofa.  The evening sun shone in, not as warm as in the afternoon, and a little listless.

    She knew she shouldn't do this, but she still decided to be willful for once.  She thought, if this was his wish, then she would satisfy him with the little life she had left.

    She lay down on the sofa

    Qiu Sheng was lying on the bed. A few days ago, he would be very sleepy at this time, but today he may be used to it, and he is still awake.

    He thought of the girl's expression just now, he was sure that heI was not mistaken.

    The girl was lying on the sofa, first in a daze, she didn't turn on the TV, she didn't put on the earphones, and there was no sound downstairs, she just stared at the front blankly, thinking about something.

    In the evening, the girl suddenly remembered something. She put on her earphones, took out her mobile phone, and held it in front of her eyes.

    Just as Qiu Sheng was thinking about going around to the back to have a look, he saw the phone fall down.

    The corner of the mobile phone hit the girl's thigh. The force must have been severe. In the past, the girl would immediately hit the sofa to vent her anger, but today the girl didn't move. Her hands trembled. Is it too painful?

    She went to get the water glass, knocked it down again, Qiu Sheng stopped the glass that was about to fall.

    The girl raised the cup and seemed to have returned to normal. Has she really returned to normal?

    What did she hear from the phone?

    Qiu Sheng regretted that he didn't go around to look quickly.

    Activities in the middle of the night were as usual, Qiu Sheng didn't feel anything unusual about the girl.

    The next morning, he woke up before the aunts downstairs. He took the sleeping civet cat out of its nest and petted it like a girl.

    The slender, soft hairs brushed against his palm, a little itchy, but also a little comfortable. The cat's body was very warm, and the temperature of the air conditioner was a little low. The cat was placed on his lap like a warm blanket.

    Qiu Sheng thought, do girls like this kind of feeling?

    seems to be good.

    "Meow!" The cihuamao was woken up by him, let out an unhappy cry, and got up to leave.

    Qiu Sheng held down its waist and made it lie down again.  A mere cat still wants to disobey him. If the cat can't see it, maybe we can discuss it, but now there is no way.

    After touching it roughly twice, Qiu Sheng put it back into the cat litter.

    He picked up his mobile phone, and his mother sent a message last night asking him when he would be back. He was sleeping at the time, and went out with the girl after waking up, and fell asleep immediately after returning. Although he saw the message in the middle, he forgot to reply.

    "I won't go back." He typed a reply and put down his phone.

    What he didn't expect was that his mother's answer immediately popped up below.

    It was a voice: "Are you playing there? Don't go to work, tell me if you don't have enough money."

    "Hmm" Qiu Sheng pressed the voice button. Usually, his answer like this is the end. Although his parents don't know as much as Gu Deyou, they are also aware of it.

    But now he suddenly realized that answering like this was not a bit indifferent.

    He added without thinking: "You also pay attention to your body."

    The mother also replied, but the words were a little flustered.

    Putting down the phone, Qiu Sheng began to wash up, and the voice of the aunt downstairs appeared.
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