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Chapter 13

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    [1] "Rewarding Lotte Yangzhou for the first time meeting at the banquet" Liu Yuxi. Poetry

    Bashan Chushui desolately,

    Twenty-three years of abandonment.

    ? Nostalgia, singing and hearing the flute,

    Go to the countryside and look for people like Lanke.

    Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sinking boat,

    Wan Muchun in front of the sick tree.

    Listen to a song of the king today,

    Temporarily rely on a glass of wine to grow the spirit.

    [Lanke Ren: Describe the vicissitudes of the world.  ]

    On the fifth day, Ji Xu came to Jiang'an County, which is under the jurisdiction of Luzhou, which is under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Road.

    The newly appointed Dalu Huachi [Secretary] Baiyin of Chongqing Road received Ji Xu and his party.  They neither rode horses nor sat in sedan chairs, and just walked along the street like this.

    Suddenly, an eye-catching brand-new wooden plaque attracted Ji Xu's footsteps, and there were three large characters "Treading the Country" written on the plaque forcefully, which was the name of the shop he just wrote yesterday, with four words beside it.  "Jiang'an morning tea" in block letters.

    Just as Ji Xu was wondering, the "experience" of the tea company came over and explained: "The big proposal ordered us to uniformly use the name 'Ta Xiang Ji' for all the tea farms, salt farms, and lousi restaurants in the province, and mark the area next to it.  and business scope"

    Ji Xu looked at the big promotion Wang Yi with satisfaction, and praised: "The officials in Shu are efficient and the people are blessed." He pointed to the plaque again, "So, this is a tea house  ?¡±

    The "experience" of the tea company said: "Tea planting in Jiang'an County has a long history. As early as more than two thousand years ago, there were records of 'Fang Ming' and 'Gong Cha' in the garden. The geographical conditions here are unique and have the most suitable for tea growth.  Due to the superior climate and soil conditions, the tea here is generally ready for production in the first ten days of the first lunar month, which is 15-30 days earlier than the tea mainly produced in the province and Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so it is called morning tea.¡±

    Actually, Ji Xu knew a lot about morning tea, but he still listened to the introduction of the tea company with great interest.

    The magistrate of Jiang'an directly took Ji Xu to the "County Lusi", which is equivalent to the current "County Guest House".  The plaque was also replaced with "Treading the Countryside. Jiang'an Lusi", but there was an extra couplet next to it, "Treading the countryside, remembering the flavor of youth", which was also written by Ji Xu.

    After entering the hall, seeing a male performer playing and singing on the stage, Ji Xu excitedly said: "Let's not go to the private room, just stay in the hall."

    The wine hostesses hurried over to consult with the guests in the hall to quickly transfer to the private room, and make a few good tables for the officials.

    After Ji Xu sat down, Jiang An's shop supervisor said: "This is the characteristic of our shop, the tricksters play and sing."

    Ji Xu praised: "How can common people easily hear this kind of poetry and music? If you do this, good! Very good! Is it your idea?"

    The director of the restaurant said: "No, it's the idea of ??the bartender. Each restaurant has different practices, some sing songs, some perform operas, and there are storytellers"

    Ji Xu repeatedly praised: "Good! Very good!"

    The male performers on the stage sang Wang Wei's "Weicheng Song. Sending Yuan Er Envoy Anxi".

    [2] "Farewell to You" Wang Wei. Poetry Li Qi. Lyrics Cao Xuanbin. Music/Song Zhao Jiazhen. Guzheng

    [Poetry] "The morning rain in Weicheng is light and the dust is light, the inn is green and the willows are new. I advise you to drink a glass of wine, and there is no old friend when you leave Yangguan in the west."

    [Word] "While the white snow meets the sun and spring, send you away to the ignorant bosom friend. The high platform stands alone and looks up, the sky is desolate and the universe is open. Cars and horses are flying, geese are flying, spring and autumn are impermanent. The world is quiet and silent.  The dark land, what year and month will fall. Don't ask, don't watch, don't be melancholy, mountains, rocks and forests are not easy to change."

    Ji Xu listened quietly, as if the male prostitute was singing about his past: I have lived in Sichuan for twenty-three years, and when I was young, I only knew how to play the flute and compose poems, feeling melancholy.  Now that I have returned to my hometown, things have changed.  Those playmates from back then, where did they all go?

    [3] The business experience of "Traveling to the Countryside"

    Do things without seeking greatness;

    But, be natural.

    After lunch, Ji Xu said that he would go to the winery in Luzhou to have a look.  They changed into fast horses and arrived at Luzhou Distillery in Youshi.

    Luzhou Laojiao [ji¨¤o] is one of the four oldest famous wines in China.

    The brewing technique of Luzhou Laojiao liquor originated in ancient Jiangyang.  It was conceived in the Qin and Han Dynasties, flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and was created, prototyped, finalized and matured in the late Yuan Dynasty.

    Director Guo of the winery talked eloquently: "In the Song Dynasty, Luzhou was famous for its rich glutinous rice and sorghum, and the raw materials for wine making were very rich. Since then, there have been 'big wine' and 'small wine'. This kind of wine  , brewed in the same year, no need to store, and it is inconvenient to store. The so-called "big wine" is a kind of distilled wine.While serving the dishes, the wine girl sang "Jiangyang Bamboo Branch Ci":

    "Jinling Pastry Hundreds of Fruits,

    ? Lunan Food Competition Gusu,

    The name of the delicacies is Kyoto.  "

    The meaning of this poem is: Lunan cuisine is better than Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine!

    [6] "Wine Regulations"

    After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

    The saying "drinking three rounds after drinking" originated after people sat around the table to eat.

    Before the Tang Dynasty, people ate by sitting on the floor, each with a set of utensils, and eating separately.  There is a seat with the banqueters, and they sit separately, and there is no feeling of "watching" when pouring wine for them.  With the introduction of Hu Chuang [a kind of high-leg folding chair] to the Central Plains, people had high stools, and for this reason, dining tables were gradually invented.

    "Three Tours" generally means that the host respects the guest of honor, the guest of honor returns to the host, and the host respects the guests at this table.  The five flavors refer to the five basic tastes of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty.  It means that the wine and food are almost eaten during the banquet, the dinner has come to an end, and it is time to talk about the topic.

    Ji Xu brought up the topic and said: "Along the way, I saw that many stores have been replaced with the sign of "Treading the Country". Seeing the three big characters written by me personally and in high spirits, how can I not be happy?"

    Everyone looked at Ji Xu with puzzled faces.

    Ji Xu said: "The plaque is a symbol and a guarantee of the quality of business affairs. That is to say, 'Traveling to the Country' is a mark of the best quality, and this 'quality' includes both the operator and the business. So it is said that  , not in any place or anyone can hang this plaque. Anyone who wants to hang this plaque must conduct an inspection. Only those who pass the management, quality, and service can hang it, otherwise the plaque should be withdrawn immediately.¡±

    Wang Yi understood what Ji Xu meant, and responded: "Okay, my lord, we will immediately organize personnel to conduct a round of assessment."

    Seeing the disapproval of some officials, Ji Xu asked: "Who among you can explain to me the meaning of the three characters 'Treading the Country'?"

    Wang Yi said: "My understanding is that one side nourishes another side. When you come here, you can see the local beauty, learn the local culture, eat the local flavor, and remember the local customs."

    Ji Xu said: "Well, not bad. What else?

    Baiyin said: "From the couplet written by the adults, I understand that 'The Story of Stepping Home' is the 'heart memory' of us wanderers who are far away from our hometown."

    Ji Xu asked: "What 'mind'?"

    Baiyin said: "Beautiful childhood memories - the smell of childhood playmates and mother. Maybe the playmates of childhood sweethearts are married to other places; but the smell of the meals made by mother is still the same."

    Ji Xu nodded frequently.

    Baiyin went on to say: "Whenever I set foot on the road home, all I remember is beautiful nostalgia. No matter where I go, I still miss my hometown. I return to my hometown, and my soul returns to my hometown"

    Ji Xu said: "'Traveling in the countryside' has many meanings. For example, what does it mean that there is no freedom in life, and there is no other purpose in the Ming Dynasty? Who will tell me?

    Shi Jiujian said: "My lord, the meaning of this sentence is - people live in this world, many things are beyond their control, and there is no other meaning in returning home tomorrow."

    Ji Xu laughed.

    ¡¾Seven¡¿"Traveling in the West Village of Shanxi" Poetry by Lu You.

    ? Mo Xiao Farm¡¯s Lajiu is muddy,

    It is enough to keep customers in good years.

    The mountains and rivers are full of doubts and no way out,

    There is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

    Xiaogu follows the Spring Society,

    The clothes and hats are simple and ancient.

    ? From now on, if you can ride the moon at leisure,

    Knock on the door with a cane all the time and night.

    Ji Xu summed it up: "One side of the water and soil supports one side of the people. The people on this side of the water and soil, and the parents and officials on this side of the water and soil should respect and follow nature, and take the 'harmony between man and nature' as the concept of governing the water and soil. Relying on  The unique scenery such as the existing mountains and rivers allows the mountain village to blend into the nature, so that the city can also see the mountains and water, and remember the nostalgia; it is necessary to protect and promote the traditional excellent culture, and continue the historical context of the ancient city.

    Only in this way can the style and charm of harmonious coexistence between man and nature be reflected, and it is also the key to maintaining the characteristics of various places.  To protect and maintain the historical inheritance and retain the "lifeblood" of the history of various places, virtually retains the carrier on which the city's personality depends.

    For "Taxiang", "homesickness" is not just "I am here and Yiren is there", it is a window to see the world, and it is a spiritual home that cannot be replaced by a nation.

    'Remember the nostalgia', you can't just focus on the 'city' and lose the 'country'.  This 'township' is the 'countryland', which is the characteristic.  We can't build every city into a "splendid money city" like Chengdu or Jinling, each has its own characteristics.  In this way, people with nostalgia complex can look around, so that tourism can be developed and an income for local people can be increased.

    First of all, we must understand that nostalgia is not a disease, it is a way for poets to express their romantic feelings.  Just like what Lu You wrote in "Wild Willows and Flowers Brightly Stepping Homeward": Don't laugh at the turbid and cloudy wine brewed in the last month of the farmhouse, which is a "specialty";  Fengfan, that is "customs"; overlapping mountains and winding water, don't worry about nowhere to go, this is "nostalgia"; willows and flowers, suddenly there is another village in front of you, this is "homesickness".  "

    After hearing Ji Xu's idea, the officials nodded frequently in agreement.  (Remember the site URL: can look around, so that tourism can be developed and an income for the local people can be increased.

    First of all, we must understand that nostalgia is not a disease, it is a way for poets to express their romantic feelings.  Just like what Lu You wrote in "Wild Willows and Flowers Brightly Stepping Homeward": Don't laugh at the turbid and cloudy wine brewed in the last month of the farmhouse, which is a "specialty";  Fengfan, that is "customs"; overlapping mountains and winding water, don't worry about nowhere to go, this is "nostalgia"; willows and flowers, suddenly there is another village in front of you, this is "homesickness".  "

    After hearing Ji Xu's idea, the officials nodded frequently in agreement.  (Remember the site URL:
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