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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> i go all the way

ten years couple

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    Zhang Jin didn't dare to neglect.

    Immediately go back to the office to file the case.

    Carefully observe the home, there is no abnormality.  He has been at home and has not heard anything.

    The upstairs and downstairs asked a lot of people.  For the first time, I realized that after being neighbors for so many years, I didn't know any of them.

    Especially Aunt Wang who lives opposite.

    He knocked on the door for a long time.  The other party just opened the door.  And it still has an extremely vigilant expression.

    "Who are you looking for?"

    "I am the neighbor who lives across the street. My name is Zhang Jin"

    "Did you just move here?"

    "NonoAuntieI have lived here for 10 years. I have been living here since I got married" Zhang Jin was a little embarrassed.

    "Oh oh you are Xue Mei's husband? You work at the police station"

    "Yes Yes¡­"

    The other party looked at him seriously.

    "Did you just come back from another place? It's not easy for Xue Mei to take care of the child alone For so many years, we have seen it in our eyes and hurt in our hearts You don't know, it snows heavily in winter, and the child has a fever in the middle of the night. I want to go to the hospital and can't find a taxi.  car, knocked on my door in desperation, and asked my husband to drive her offAt that time, my nose was full of tears and tears"

    "Auntie" Zhang Jin felt even more sad when he heard this.

    "You are so lucky to marry a woman like Xue Mei."

    "Auntie, did you see her today" Zhang Jin got back to business.

    "Why isn't she at home?"

    "Hmm Missing"

    "Then call the police quickly"

    "I'm from the police station. According to regulations, no case will be filed if I disappear within 24 hours I can't wait that long"

    "Young man, don't worry. Xue Mei is a good person. If the neighbors in the neighborhood don't praise her, she should be fine Will she go to her mother's house, or a friend's house"

    "I'm too busy with work. I seldom take care of my family. II don't knowwho she usually associates with" Zhang Jin rubbed the back of his head in shame.

    "Let me think about it carefully" Auntie thought.

    "Oh, that's right. She usually walks very close to Ms. Lin upstairs. Both of your children go to the same school. They are also the same age. You go shopping, shopping, and you two go together. You are talking and laughing, as if  Had a good time."

    "Thank you, Auntie"

    "You're welcome."

    Saying goodbye to my aunt in a hurry, I hurried upstairs.

    "Papa" just knock on the door hard.

    When the master opened the door, he stood at the door and lit a cigarette.  Can't control panic.

    His hand holding the cigarette was shaking.

    I have handled cases for so many years.  For the first time there is the frustration of being powerless.

    Can't imagine what the situation of the wife and children is now?

    What is the purpose of that kidnapper?

    I'm afraid it's someone who took revenge on him After arresting so many criminals, it's inevitable that there will be one or two people who hold grudges

    The more I think about it, the more afraid I become.  Beads of sweat oozing from forehead

    If a man can't even protect his own woman and children, how can he talk about the future

    After a while, the door opened.  A woman poked her head out, looking quite upright.

    "Who are you looking for?" Her voice was very gentle.

    "Excuse me, is this Ms. Lin?"

    "Yes. I am" the woman replied.

    "My name is Zhang Jin, and I am Xue Mei's husband. I want to know something about you."

    "Youyou are Xue Mei's husband?"

    "Yes. I'm sorry. We've lived upstairs and downstairs for so many years, and I'm too busy with work. I don't have time to visit"

    "It doesn't matter to me. It's just that Xue Mei suffers. She is aloneit's really hard"

    The woman let her guard down.  Dafang opened the door and invited Zhang Jin into the room.

    "Sit down." The woman pointed to the sofa for him to sit on, then turned around and ran to the kitchen to pour a cup of tea for him.

    He traveled all over the world, saw enough people and the world, but he didn't expect to be twitchy in front of this woman.  Probably because he is my wife's best friend.  She fills in the best moments he deserves for his wife.

    "Xue Meiis there anything unusual recently?" Zhang Jin asked.

    "You're asking a funny question. She's your wife What's wrong with her? You should know better than us" Ms. Lin laughed.

    "She disappeared"

    "Missing? Didn't you feel fine yesterday? After we sent the kids to school, we were chatting happily on the way.???, take a shower and sleep on your own

    "What are you doing? You hurt the child"

    "You asked me to bring it I did it, but you think I didn't do it well"

    "Then won't you take it well?"

    "Why didn't I take it well He is my son, can I still harm him"

    "The child is crying like thiswhat else do you want"

    "It's not what I want, it's what you want"

    "I can't live through this day, we're divorced"

    "Divorce is divorce"

    He threw the baby's feeding bottle out the window.  She angrily picked up the child and returned to her natal home.

    If he could have chased him out at that time, instead of sitting on the sofa in boredom and smoking a cigarette

    At the beginning, we went through hardships to be together.  How many times have you been on and off.  No matter how the outside world opposes it, it will not waver in its determination to get married.

    She is old.  Yes, he is old too.

    He fell in love with smoking and drinking.

    She no longer cares about dressing.

    She learned to do housework, learned to cook, learned to manage the family alone, and raised the children alone.

    Like a fixed circle.  They walk that circular distance around the replacement of life.  But farther and farther away from the center of the circle.  The position where the two stood at the beginning, the beginning of the marriage has been blurred

    Someone called him.  It's my colleague Xiao Cui.

    "Hey, Zhang Jin, why don't you come to work What's the matter today There are too many police cases I can't do it alone"

    "My wife is missing"

    "Who are you lying to? Just say so if you don't want to come to workWhy do you make such an excuse? I used this when I asked for leave last monthHey, fellows, why bother to be humbleI won't lie to youI'm really busy todayOh, you  Listen, there's another call to the police"

    Xiao Cui didn't hang up the phone either.  I went to pick up the landline of the police station.

    Zhang Jin was too lazy to argue.  Just about to hang up the phone.  He heard the conversation inside.

    "Hello, hello, this is the *** police station." Xiao Cui said.

    "You lost your mobile phone Tell me your name and phone model"

    "How long will it take to find it? I don't know about it. The key is whether it can be found" Xiao Cui said with a smirk.

    "Even if there are important things in it there is nothing to do if you can't find it? But, I have an idea."

    "You find a new mobile phone and send a message to the original mobile phone number. Just send a sentence."

    "Let's just say, because I was in a hurry and left first. The 50,000 yuan I owe you is in the locker of the supermarket. The cabinet number is ***, and I put the password paper at the front desk."

    "After posting this sentence, you go to the supermarket and wait on the sidelines. If he is a greedy person, he will definitely fall into the trap. It is much faster than our case."

    "You don't have to thank me. If you can't find your phone, report to the police again. We will serve you sincerely."

    Phone Info¡­

    Xiao Cui's last two sentences have been lingering in Zhang Jin's mind.

    "After posting this sentence, you go to the supermarket and wait on the sidelines. If he is greedy for money, he will definitely fall into the trap"

    Xiao Cui ended the conversation.  Hurry up and talk to Zhang Jin.

    "Hey buddy, did you hear that? Look how busy it is, thanks to my witSuccess doesn't cost a single soldier"

    "Hey, Zhang Jin, are you listening? Why don't you talk?"

    "Zhang Jin"

    "Zhang Jin. Be careful. I will sue the leader for negligence If you don't show up within 30 minutes, I will definitely call the leader"

    "You guy, are you dumb?"

    Zhang Jin doesn't care how his colleagues chatter.  Excitedly run home.  Hang up the phone without saying hello.

    Finally, there is a way to find my wife

    Hope to be able to succeed.  (Remember the site URL:
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