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    Hogwarts Druid Master Text Volume 615, Gu Gu First of all, fight hard!  Better have sharper claws!

    When he was surrounded by emerald green light, Fish was also thinking about the characteristics he wanted.

    Then there are wings and those branch-like horns on Harry's head are also interesting, want one

    Finally, the size should be bigger. It is enough for a kitten to have a body and a black-footed cat. It is better to be bigger for fighting.

    As Fisch's thoughts gradually improved, his body wrapped in light also took shape step by step.

    "Mc, Professor McGonagall What has Fish changed? A bear? Why do you seem to have horns?" Hermione stammered as she looked at the huge body emitting green light.

    Professor McGonagall didn't know what was going on. She looked at Dumbledore and asked worriedly, "Did Fish fail? Or did he become some kind of magical creature?"

    "This question" Dumbledore scratched his scalp, and then said nonsense, "Maybe Newt will know."

    Just when everyone didn't know what to do, the light on Fish's body gradually faded, and a strange-looking animal appeared in front of them.

    The animal in front of me has the beak and wings of a bird, and is covered with a layer of hard feathers, but at the same time, it has bear-like limbs and a strong, or bloated body. Behind the buttocks, there is a small section  The fluffy tail is mixed with the feathers all over the body, and you can't notice it if you don't pay attention. The weirdest thing is that there is a pair of antlers on his head that are thicker and bigger than Harry's stag.

    Only the eyes still maintain Fisher's original pair of emerald green cat's eyes.



    Fish raised his hands in front of him, and found that besides the claws, the wings he had been thinking about appeared. Immediately, Maomao excitedly kicked his legs vigorously, jumped into the air, and then imitated those birds, flapping himself vigorously  Those arms with wings.

    Sure enough, it flew!

    After discovering that his body did not fall, Fish was immediately overjoyed, but before he had time to be happy for a long time, he found that although he could not fall, he also could not rise.

    "What's going on here?!"

    ? ¨v /

    Fish speeded up his jumping speed, but unfortunately he could still only hover in mid-air, he just couldn't rise even a centimeter.

    You flap your wings to keep yourself from falling to the ground.

    "Fish?" Professor McGonagall finally came back to her senses after staying there for a long time. She walked up to the cat who was still flapping its wings and circling around in mid-air and shouted.


    Maomao stopped flapping its wings, and its plump body fell to the ground with a loud muffled sound.

    "Why can't Fish fly high?"

    He asked very aggrieved.

    "Well probably because you are too big in this form"

    Professor McGonagall looked at the strange animal that was taller than him in front of him, and said with a smile, and reached out to pat Fish's chubby body.

    "Hey" Fish looked down at his chubby belly, and said very depressed: "If I had known, Fish would not have such a big body"

    "Okay, Fish, do you know what kind of animal you turned into?" Professor McGonagall saw that Fish didn't seem to have any problems, and while he was relieved, he got to the point.

    "Goo?" Fish shook the antlers above his head, "It seems to be called a wildkin Newt's book doesn't seem to mention goo?"

    Maomao not only knew from the knowledge passed in his mind that the animal he transformed into was called an owlbeast, he also found that he had several new spells just like when he became a tiger and a werewolf.

    Summon falling stars in the designated area.

    Summons winds to blow your enemies away.

    Enhances the perception of the target.

    Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky.

    In addition to the useless one just now, Fish has five more spells this time, and he also has a hunch that his Moonfire, Starfire, and Snowstorm spells should also be enhanced.

    Now Maomao doesn't think it's a big deal that he can't fly. Compared with not being able to fly high, being able to fly is more important to Fish.

    "Quack quack quack quack! This owl beast form is so powerful!"

    Fish laughed happily, and after laughing for a long time, he said belatedly: "Fish?Why did the voice become the same as Hedwig and Catherine?  "

    "Ah" Hermione raised her head and looked at Fish's head carefully and said, "So, your head does look like an owl."

    "Hoo? Is that so?" Fish's eyes lit up. He really thought about whether he could become an owl.

    Then he immediately tried to turn his head, trying to turn his head 180 degrees like owls

    The result failed.

    The owl beast's fat body could not allow Fisch to complete such a difficult movement.

    "That's not an owl's head goo at all!"

    Fisch denied angrily.

    But Maomao quickly forgot about such trivial matters, and his chubby body jumped up and down in front of Harry's stag in a funny gesture.

    "Quack quack quack quack Harry, look, Fish's horn is bigger than yours!"

    Mao Mao lowered its head, imitating those stags fighting on TV, bumping Harry's horns with its own horns.

    Harry was unprepared at first and couldn't dodge it. When he wanted to back up, he found that the horns of the two were stuck together


    In a panic, Harry let out a cry.

    "Oh, sorry Goo."

    Fish hurriedly apologized, then straightened up

    Because the horns of the two were still stuck together, Fish immediately lifted Harry up as soon as he got up, and Harry could only scream "Yo Yo" while kicking his hooves in a panic.


    Feeling that he seemed to have gotten into trouble again, Fish shook his head in the same panic

    Then Harry screamed even worse.

    "Don't move around!" Professor McGonagall drew out his wand and rushed up while shouting.

    After a lot of tossing, Fish turned back into a human form, and the unlucky Harry was released. After a few steps trembling on his four legs, he simply knelt down and lay on the ground in a daze.  Even stuck out his tongue.

    "I'm sorry meow"

    Fish stepped forward and gave Harry a rejuvenation and stabilization technique, which finally made Harry feel a little better.

    "Yo" Harry replied weakly, and then chose to continue lying on his stomach.

    Because he and Ginny couldn't return to human form at will after the first transformation like Fish, so they simply stayed in the secret room, and the three brothers Fish, Hermione, and Weasley also chose  To stay with them.

    But Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall couldn't stay long, so they were about to leave.

    "Fish," Hermione tugged at Maomao's clothes and reminded in a low voice, "It's about Quidditch."

    "Oh! By the way, meow!"


    It was only then that Fish remembered that there was such a thing, and hurried forward to stop Dumbledore, and told him the situation.

    "I see," Dumbledore nodded, and said to Harry and the others with a smile, "I will talk to Umbridge."

    After the two left, Fish returned his attention to Harry and Ginny.

    "Are you two dating meow?"


    Maomao approached the two deer, a male and a female, and asked curiously.  Hermione also looked over with a gossip.

    And George and Fred winked and laughed strangely again.

    Harry, who was lying on the ground, looked at Ginny. At this moment, she seemed to have changed back to the way they had just met. She lowered her head, not daring to look at Harry, and shyly hid her body behind Hermione's back.

    Originally, Harry, who only had eyes on Qiu Zhang, suddenly had a shadow of Ginny

    Recommended monthly ticket

    ? - - - - - off-topic - - - - -

    The head of the moonbeast in wow is actually closer to that of an eagle, and the head of an owl is the owlbear in dnd, which is also the prototype of the moonbeast, but the owl bear has no antlers, but I have always used the comprehensive version here, whichever spell suits me.  Whichever side you use, the shape of the Moonkin will be compatible with it by the way

    Last night while watching a video while eating supper, I knocked over the bowl, and the newly bought mouse got into the water, and there is no problem for the time being I don't know if it will be broken in the future åø!

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