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Body 301, platform nine and three quarters

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    After a lot of tossing, several people finally got out of the car, joined five people in another car, and dragged a lot of luggage into King's Cross Station together.

    "This station is much bigger than Hogsmeade's, meow!"

    Fish turned his little head, looked at the huge King's Cross Station, and sighed.

    "Of course, compared with Muggles, there are still too few wizards in Britain."

    As a member of the Ministry of Magic's Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, Mr. Weasley still has a relatively good say on Muggle issues.

    A group of people were talking, and soon came between platforms No. 9 and No. 10.

    According to the normal procedure, they should have rushed into the wall between the two platforms quickly while the Muggles around them were not paying attention. Everyone except Fish had this experience, so it should be a  very simple thing.

    But today the situation is different, because Fish is still very eye-catching even without cat ears and tails.  Human Muggles are not in the minority either.

    In fact, the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts have cast spells here. That spell is a bit like a weakened version of the Muggle Repelling Curse. Although it will not keep Muggles away from here, it will make them subconsciously ignore the abnormalities nearby.  .

    It's just that the degree of neglect should not be too much, otherwise the Muggles will directly ignore platforms 9 and 10.

    As a result, when Fish stood between the two platforms, the Muggles who should have ignored them continued to stare at them.

    There was no way they could have slipped into Platform Nine and Three Quarters with a bunch of Muggles watching.

    "This is troublesome"

    Mr. Weasley scratched his thinning red hair with some headache.

    But Fish didn't know what happened, so he tugged Fred's arm and asked curiously, "Where is platform nine and three-quarters? Fish only saw platforms nine and ten."

    "Fisch, you and Percy go to a corner where no one is around, first transform back into a cat, then hide in his arms, and let him take you into the station, otherwise we won't be able to avoid the sight of these Muggles."

    After thinking for a while, Mr. Weasley said to Fish.

    "Okay meow!"

    Fish and Percy left the team first, and the others took the opportunity to pass through the walls of platforms 9 and 10, and entered platform 9 and three-quarters first.

    Fish and Percy walked around the neighborhood and then ran to the toilet compartment of the train station. Then Fish turned into a little black-footed cat in the compartment and came to the compartment next door where Percy was.  into his pocket.

    Then, with Fish in his arms, Percy also passed through the wall smoothly.

    As soon as Percy passed through the wall, Fish came out of his pocket and fell to the ground in feline form.

    "You guys are so meow! Long time no see!"

    Fish waved and shouted to the students who were getting on the bus, and everyone discovered that this year Fish actually came to take the Hogwarts Express.

    "Ahhhh! It's Fisch!"

    The boys just smiled and waved to Fish, but the girls were not so reserved, and immediately left their luggage and parents behind, and swarmed over, killing the Weasleys and Harry Potter in an instant.  pushed aside.

    "Fisch, why did you come to take the train this year?"

    "Do you want something to eat?"

    "Quick, let my sister touch your ears!"

    "I haven't seen you for a summer vacation, I really miss you!"

    A group of crazy little witches surrounded the poor kitten and began to move.


    The little kitty waved its hands and struggled, but unfortunately, it was too much for its fists. After struggling for a while, Fisher finally resigned to his fate and let the group of crazy women attack him.

    I'm already a useless cat.jpg

    "Stop crowding around here, the train is about to leave, everyone get on the train!"

    Percy, who had the badge of the student council president pinned to his chest, reminded loudly outside the crowd.

    After the little witches surrounding Fish gradually calmed down, they withdrew their hands reluctantly, and then invited Fish in a flurry of chatter, letting him get into the car with them.

    "No, Minerva said, let me act with Weasley."

    Fish quickly shook his head and refused.

    It's not that the little cat is really so obedient, but compared with these crazy women, Wes? A family will be much more normal.

    "Okay, okay, don't pester Fish, anyway, I can see you at school."

    At this time, Senior Sister Sharpei took the initiative to stand up and led a group of Gryffindor girls to drive away the other little witches. Percy's girlfriend Penello also brought a few Ravenclaws to help.

    With the help of this group of "traitors", Fisher's surroundings were finally cleared.

    "If only they were all like Hermione and Ginny, meow."

    The little kitten complained to the two little witches beside her while pulling her messy hair with both hands.

    "Well, there's also Luna, she won't be so crazy."

    After hearing this, Ginny's lips moved slightly.

    She and Luna are students of the same age, and she has seen Luna's weird behaviors when she was in class with Ravenclaw.

    If the girls in Ravenclaw knew about it, Fish felt that Luna's "crazy girl" was more normal than them, and he would definitely feel very complicated

    Ginny thought with some mischief.

    Before getting on the car, Mrs. Weasley took a few children, hugged and kissed them, and then sent them to a relatively empty carriage at the end while admonishing them to pay attention to safety.

    And Mr. Weasley pulled Harry behind a pillar of the station, talking in a low voice, until the train whistled and started to move slowly, Harry jumped into the car in a hurry.

    "Harry, that Sirius Black escaped, so it was meow who came to look for you?"

    No matter how low Mr. Weasley's voice was, he couldn't escape Fish's ears. When Harry just jumped into the car, he immediately grabbed Harry and started questioning him.


    Ron, Ginny, and Hermione all looked over nervously.


    Harry looked around to make sure that no one else heard him. He tilted his head towards the back of the carriage and said in a low voice, "Let's find a place to talk alone."

    "Heybut Fish wants to find that food cart, meow"

    When he first entered Nine and Three Quarters Station, Fish turned into a black-footed cat for a while. Although he didn't move much, his stomach still felt a little empty. In addition, the kitten was very interested in this new "food supply point".  Curious, so he wanted to find it as soon as he got in the car.

    "Then I'll accompany Fisch to find the trolley, and I'll come back to find you later."

    Hermione chose Maomao without hesitation, but Ginny hesitated between Harry and Fish, and decided to follow Harry

    After all, it was a life-threatening situation on Harry's side, so she was more worried about Harry.

    After the teams were divided, Fish and Hermione walked to the front compartment. Since the doors of most people's compartments were closed, there was no commotion along the way.

    When they reached the middle section of the carriage, they finally met the witch pushing the trolley. She happened to stop at the door of a compartment and handed snacks to the little wizard inside.

    "It's Daphne and Pansy Meow," Fisher shrugged his nose, and confirmed, "There's also Millicent and an unknown smell, it should be this year's newborn Meow?"

    Hearing the names of Millicent and Tina, Hermione couldn't help but twitched her lips

    It is because of this one person and one cat that she became a "cat person" at Christmas last year. Fortunately, in terms of the final result, it was pretty good.

    But even so, Hermione didn't really want to meet those Slytherin students, no matter the house or blood, Hermione was completely opposite to them.

    It's just that Fei Xu didn't have so many scruples, and ran over directly dragging Hermione

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