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Chapter 249 Brave Battle

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    The Japanese lucky boat appeared on the sea, Da Zhou slowly opened a gap in the sea defense line, and several fast boats sailed out and headed straight for the Japanese lucky boat.

    The fast boat is small and can't carry many people. This is also the sincerity shown by Dazhou to the White Dragon King. This time, Dazhou sent ships to return innocent people before the war. As for the cost, it is naturally in accordance with the rules of the sea.

    The Japanese stood on the big lucky boat, looking down from above, yelling from time to time, and then punched and kicked the people on the boat. Seeing that Dazhou's boat was going faster, the people on the boat waved the flag and ordered Dazhou to stop the boat.  , the Clippers at the front ignored it.

    The Japanese immediately picked out a commoner from the crowd, and pushed him off the big boat.

    With a "plop", the person fell into the sea water, and it took a long time for his body to float up and struggle to call for help.

    An Yihou hid in the cabin and watched all this. Innocent people are like ants in the hands of the Japanese, and they can be crushed to death casually. If they drive the big boat over, these people will be beheaded by the Japanese before they even arrive.  Exhausted, so they can only use such small boats to let the Japanese relax their vigilance, but the Japanese still don't allow them to get too close.

    You can vaguely see the people on the Fuchuan huddled there crying, and some people were beaten by the Japanese but still wanted to straighten their backs.

    But they all looked at the territory of the Great Zhou, looked at their ships, and longed to be rescued from here.

    After a while, the Japanese seemed to have had enough carnival and began to calm down gradually.

    The lieutenant beside Anyihou couldn't help but said: "Or try to move forward."

    "Don't worry," Anyihou ordered, "Let's see."

    As soon as the voice fell, a woman was pushed out from the Fu boat, and the woman held a newborn baby in her arms. The Japanese began to push the woman, and stretched out his hands to tear the clothes on the woman's body.

    "Master Hou." The lieutenant's voice was hoarse.

    Anyihou clenched his fists: "Wait a minute, they are testing us."

    The reason for the Japanese provocation is to see if they have secretly arranged a manpower. When they see this, they will not be angry, so they will naturally move, so that the Japanese will have a panoramic view.

    This is what they thought in advance, but they never expected that the Japanese would extend their hands to women and children.

    That's right, there is nothing such a beast can't do.

    He also wanted to step forward to save the woman and child, but acting rashly would only make the death of the mother and child even more miserable, so he could only follow the original plan.

    There will be actions on the side of the son-in-law to let the Japanese "discover" where they are hiding, so that the Japanese can be lured to catch the son-in-law. There are fewer people on the lucky boat, and it is easier for their frogmen to take the opportunity to board the boat and disrupt the situation on the boat.  Give them time to pull the boat over.

    If all goes well, they will soon be able to take control of this lucky boat. Although there is no guarantee that the people will not be killed or injured in the process, he will try his best to protect them and minimize losses

    "My son-in-law, there has been movement from the Japanese."

    Su Wan, who was a little further away, heard this and looked at the blessing boat.

    "The Japanese were fooled, and it looks like their frogmen are already coming this way," Changzhou General Soldier did not dare to neglect, "My son-in-law, let's go."

    They can't wait any longer. If the Japanese get too close, it may not be easy to get away.

    The Changzhou General Soldier looked around. In order to make everything look more real, they brought a small number of people. If they didn't grasp this opportunity well, two situations might occur.

    The first one, if the son-in-law makes a mistake, then he doesn't have to think about whether he will be demoted because of the Zhang family. He will lose his position directly. You must know that this is the emperor's most trusted princess Huayang's son-in-law  , such a royal family member, no one is as noble as him.

    The second is that they fought with the Japanese. Seeing the situation here, the Fuchuan immediately killed the people of Dazhou. Then he carried so many lives on his shoulders. After this battle, he should not even think about gaining a foothold in Changzhou.

    Therefore, the best result is that they escaped before the Japanese came, attracting the Japanese to chase, so that there would be no fights in the chase, and he would be credited for protecting the son-in-law.

    As for whether An Yihou can save people, that is his good fortune, whether he succeeds or fails has nothing to do with him.

    "Wait a little longer."

    The General Soldier of Changzhou did not expect Su Wan to say such a thing, he couldn't help being startled, is the son-in-law really going to work hard for the people?  He really underestimated the son-in-law, thinking that he was just a book businessman, and once he saw the real war scene, he would immediately want to leave.

      "My lord," Changzhou Chief Soldier said with sweat on his forehead, "Those frogmen swim very fast. Don't look at the calm sea, it will be too late when you find their traces."

    "Give Hou Anyi some time," Su Wan waved his hand, "As long as we stay here a little longer, Hou Yi's chances of winning will be even greater."

    The general soldier of Changzhou gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of Marquis Anyi on the sea. The son-in-law has already reached this point. If Marquis Anyi can't win, he really deserves to die.

    The Changzhou General Soldier's heart seemed to jump out of his throat. After waiting tremblingly for an unknown how long, he finally saw a frogman coming up from the water to breathe in a wave not far away.

    He was right, the Japanese really came.

    "Let's go," Changzhou General Soldier stepped forward to protect Su Wan, "My son-in-law, if we walk all the way back, we will also attract Japanese people to catch up, and also buy time for Marquis Anyi hurry go."

    Anyihou watched the movement of Fuchuan.

    A small red flag was waved on the boat, which was a signal from Da Zhou's frogmen waiting to board the boat, but the flag soon fell down, which meant that the number of Japanese on that boat had exceeded their estimate.

    "What should I do?" the lieutenant asked in a low voice.

    Before the lucky boat approached, it stopped and went, and the people were deployed and arranged. Hou Anyi knew in his heart that the Japanese did not want to return the people of Dazhou on board, but to use this to kick off the curtain of the war.  The first battle is very important, it is related to the morale of the two armies, but the people of Dazhou are in the hands of the Japanese, and they seem to be locked by the throat. There are not many people under him, but they still have to fight hard no matter what.

    "Go," Anyihou said, "Come up."

    At this time, a decisive decision must be made. Even if there are traps waiting for them on the boat, they will jump in and tear the big net.

    The Japanese discovered that someone was boarding the ship, and the scene became chaotic. The Clippers took the opportunity to sail all the way on the sea, and it seemed to be going smoothly, but when the ship got close enough.

    With a "boom", a projectile fired from the muzzle of the Fuchuan, immediately hit a fast boat, and that fast boat was about to sink.

    People on the fast boat jumped into the sea one after another, were rescued by two other fast boats, and continued to go to the blessing boat. They had been prepared for a long time, and they had to fight hard to board that boat no matter how dangerous it was.

    The Japanese are good at making boats, and the boats they used this time seem to be much wider than before, so that the boats can carry more firearms and soldiers.

    Relying on a few boats to attract the attention of the Japanese, An Yihou led his men to swim to the side of the lucky boat and threw the rope, and quickly climbed up while the Japanese were not paying attention.

    Several people jumped onto the boat, immediately drew out the sharp weapons at their waists, and went towards the Japanese.

    Before the late emperor was alive, everyone knew the reputation of Marquis Anyi. A brave general beside the late emperor, as long as he saw the banner of Marquis Anyi on the frontier, many people would be terrified.

    Marquis Anyi hadn't led an army for more than ten years, but this time he attacked with precision and ruthlessness, and he didn't intend to give the Japanese any chance to breathe.

    In the blink of an eye, blood was flowing on the boat, and more and more people were already protected by them.

    "An Yihou, you really deserve your reputation," a Japanese voice came from not far away, "There are so many people who can't restrain you But I want to know, will you disregard your daughter for these people?  life." (Remember this site URL:
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