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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Chapter 996 You guys hit the muzzle

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    Chapter 996 You hit the gun

    The optimism of the top executives did not ease Cook's brow.

    He is more like an excellent product manager than the passionate technical paranoid-Jobs.

    The gap between the two people is very clear to him. Cook doesn't believe that Hanhai's phone will be silent, after all, Jobs is still there.

    In other words, Cook was scared by Changtian Technology!

    This time, he doesn't hope that the camera upgrade of the mobile phone can bring him much sales, but just hopes to stabilize the market that is not much in the first place.

    But who would think so much at the top of Apple and Samsung?

    Now that the product is so hot, we must seize the traffic and realize it thoroughly, lest one day Hanhai Mobile come back to its senses and come up with a better one, and it will be over.

    So, all of a sudden, there are a lot of bloggers reviewing Apple and Samsung phones.

    All of them praise the pictures taken by the camera, but only briefly mention the performance.

    "This picture, I love it, I love it, it's so beautiful to take pictures of my lover, I recommend everyone to try it!"

    "Although the performance is really not as good as Hanhai's mobile phone, the lens is really good. Now everyone's mobile phone should not only focus on performance, but also pay attention to their own spiritual needs. This is the meaning of technological development."

    "Don't just look at the cold parameters, but use the camera to see the colorful world around you! Apple's camera can take pictures in different styles. By the way, I heard that Samsung's lens is also very good. Let's try it!"

    The combination of Apple and Samsung couldn't be more obvious.

    As the former No. 1 and No. 2 in the world, it is rare for the two companies to let go of their grievances and join forces to fight against Hanhai Mobile. They don't know whether to cry or laugh.

    Among so many evaluation bloggers, they basically take money to do things. They don't care who has a better mobile phone, and they can say good things about whoever gives money.

    Just like those car critics, they say that domestic cars are excellent, but their own cars must be imported.

    Therefore, don¡¯t believe too much in what the reviewers say. Their audience is laymen who don¡¯t have enough cognitive ability. They can do whatever others say, but their own understanding of the industry is not enough.

    Some people really think that foreign products are better than domestic ones, and they are more absolute when they talk. Some doctors even say that Hanhai¡¯s mobile phone is already behind, and it can¡¯t even do a camera, so what can we expect from it in the future?  goods?

    By now, the mentality of people like Cook has also relaxed. Hanhai Technology has not responded for so long, and there is absolutely no way out.

    Apple and Samsung released announcements respectively, pretending that their mobile phones are not the best products at present, but they are more distinctive, hoping to present differentiated competition with Changtian Technology.

    This kind of announcement means to announce from another aspect that its camera lens technology has crushed Changtian Technology, which is more like a declaration of victory.

    Netizens in South Korea are now very proud. Ever since the Hanhai mobile phone came out, Samsung has been beaten so hard that it can't find North.

    No matter where you go, you can¡¯t get a Hanhai mobile phone, even in Europe and Southeast Asia. Even in extremely dangerous places like Africa and South America, Samsung¡¯s simple version of cheap mobile phones can¡¯t compete with the cheap waveguide mobile phones of Hanhai Technology. Who would dare to believe that?

    This time, Hanhai Mobile didn¡¯t respond positively to Samsung¡¯s demonstration. Netizens in South Korea felt that the weather was fine, the rain had stopped, and the sticks were working again, so they mocked Xia Guo¡¯s Hanhai Mobile online, which was quite ugly.

    "It has been said for a long time that Hanhai's mobile phone copied our Samsung. This time, Samsung's update is at the forefront. They didn't copy it all of a sudden. I guess they are trying to find a way to surpass us now!"

    "Samsung's mobile phone is so good, and the photos are so beautiful. We can't do it anymore. Let's take more photos. This kind of treatment is something Hanhai mobile phone users can't understand!"

    "Hanhai's mobile phone has stepped down from the altar of falsehood. Even the camera is not good enough. The performance of Hanhai's mobile phone is probably blown out by spending money to buy navy! Don't be fooled!"

    "If you want to copy homework on Hanhai mobile phone, please ask Samsung to provide the camera. If you are embarrassed, you can go to Sony to buy it. The Sony IMX903 has a 48-megapixel sensor. The size of this main sensor will be close to 1 inch. Just look at Sony  Are you willing to sell it! There is a high probability that Hanhai will still guard the poor seagull camera and scan the QR code with the sensor developed by itself!"

    "That's right, Xiaguo is so big that it can't even make an excellent camera equipment. Except for the mobile phones of Changtian Technology, Huawei, and Xiaomi all use cameras from Samsung and Sony. They can't make outsole sensors by themselves, so they just  Can scan codes and take high-quality pictures? Go ahead and dream! Haha!"

    Xia Guo Netizens??To cover up, the top executives of Samsung are very uncomfortable to hear, but there is nothing to do, the whole country does not even have autonomy.

    If Apple is in trouble, Samsung must be the first to take it out and get beaten. The command of the South Baseball Wartime will be handed over to the country of the United States, and its own company has a woolen autonomy.

    Now everyone is silent, chatting like this, no one can speak.

    Apple's senior executives looked at Samsung with pity and cruelty in their eyes, and Samsung's senior executives could only nod and smile, cursing in their hearts.

    The Samsung chaebol is the real controller of Nanbang, and they are usually happier than the emperor in China. How can they feel angry when they are treated like this?

    These people are not stupid, they are already thinking about how to cut up the industry and minimize the loss.

    The capital behind Apple is also thinking about how to completely seal the car door, so as not to let Samsung jump off, and maximize the role of Samsung.

    It is only a ghost that such a meeting with ulterior motives can produce results. Samsung quietly canceled the order, announcing to the outside world that there were too many orders and production could not keep up.

    On the surface, Apple is still holding on, but in fact it is secretly looking for suppliers to reduce demand, but both parties understand that the other party wants to get off the car, and the struggle has shifted from business to another line.

    Changtian Technology still entered the mountain safely. Just two days after the meeting between Apple and Samsung, Changtian Technology updated a few pictures on the official website.  There are buildings, big and small, and the angles are complete. The heights and left and right are not pulled down, which makes people puzzled.

    "What do these photos mean? Does it mean that the photos of the new mobile phone have such a high resolution? But who can take pictures at such a high place, unless they are on a helicopter with a professional camera!"

    "It doesn't necessarily mean that the camera is good. It may also mean that the series of new mobile phones are divided into forest series, lake series, and city series. It's just a guess. Changtian Technology may not really release a mobile phone yet!"

    "Why do you do this at this juncture if you don't release the mobile phone? I guess it has an ultra-high-definition camera equipment! Otherwise, you can go shopping in Sanlitun without clothes."

    "Upstairs, someone said the same thing on the Internet. Could it be you? You'd better get dressed, or you'll be caught by the police."

    "That's what a friend of mine said"

    Even if Xia Guo netizens are like this, Apple and Samsung are even more suspicious.

    "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

    An executive swept his hands across his chest twice, made an impossible gesture, and then laughed loudly: "Look at this angle, this clarity, even the ultra-clear cameras for filming movies can't do it, and it's impossible for mobile phones  It can be photographed, how much is this more than our mobile phone?"

    "That's right! I agree with this. I haven't heard that Changtian Technology has any outsole sensor production line! We all know the necessary raw materials and production line technology for outsole sensors, and Changtian Technology has never bought any of them.  A kind of equipment, technology and raw materials! This kind of thing cannot be hidden from others, just like nuclear weapons must buy plutonium! We know what they are going to do before we start!"

    "Agreed! Changtian Technology is bluffing, such a photo is obviously not taken by a mobile phone!"

    I have to say that these people's ideas are not wrong, but they are not completely right either.  Shooting high-definition images requires outsole sensors, and the principle of Changtian Technology is the same. The difference is that Changtian Technology adopts the principle of folding and zooming.

    For example, Sony's outsole sensor is one inch, which is equivalent to a complete large canvas.  Changtian Technology has folded the canvas many times and reduced it to an extremely small size.  When taking pictures, I shoot from multiple angles, and then use the neuron computing group to accurately reorganize all the pictures, put them on the canvas that has been folded many times, and then present the images completely.

    These companies never thought of this kind of reverse thinking, and even thought of it, they didn't have such a superb manufacturing process.

    Now that the fire is almost burning, the official website of Changtian Technology has announced the release date of the new product, which is set to be five days later.

    The impact of this move is that Apple and Samsung mobile phones are almost unsalable. Everyone wants to see what products Changtian Technology will release. If it is a mobile phone, why do you still buy Apple and Samsung?
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