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Text Chapter 979 Changtian Technology¡¯s strategic focus

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    Chapter 979 The strategic determination of Changtian Technology

    Internationally, especially third world countries, there are actually similar situations.

    The elite groups in this country use their own resources to make money illegally, and then send their children, wives, lovers and girlfriends abroad, transfer money, and purchase overseas assets.

    In particular, many countries recognize dual citizenship, which is particularly serious.

    So there is a strange scene where the country is managed by a group of foreigners in post-addition countries like South Africa.

    These elite groups only care about how much money they can make, and they don't care about the future and destiny of the country at all.

    South Africa is naturally the same. The country is divided into many factions. Some of them are Western vested interest groups supported by the United States.  To operate, the power in hand is great.

    Their most terrifying role is to introduce Western monopoly capital to monopolize all aspects of the domestic economic sector, such as power communications, rice, flour, grain and oil, real estate, industry and agriculture, and even the supply of equipment for the armed forces.

    The actual control of this country has fallen into the hands of Western countries.

    Capital is blood-sucking, how can the common people in the country not be poor?

    A similar country is Brazil.

    Although Brazil has the most arable land in the world and can produce enough grain, most of these grains are monopolized by the four major international grain merchants, and capital has long penetrated into Brazil.

    The grain cultivated in Brazil can only be exported, and cannot be eaten by the people of the country.

    This is why although Brazil has a lot of arable land, there are still a lot of hungry people.

    At the same time, an elite group in South Africa is really thinking about South Africa.

    They are reformists. They are worried about the future of the country, so they vigorously promote the cooperation with Changtian Technology, hoping that South Africa will leave the control of the West and gradually gain true independence, so that the country and the people will be better.

    It is a pity that there are really not many people in this group.

    The results of this parliamentary vote also revealed another faction, that is, the centrists.

    This group of people follow whoever has the highest betting chip, and they only think about themselves.

    They don't have the industry like the elite faction, and they don't want to be as laborious as the reformers. Most of these people are local indigenous tribal forces, and their knowledge is too low.  Fight the autumn wind, earn once and count once.

    Interestingly, the vote was only three days after the NGO environmental organization protested.

    It can be seen that the defectors in the South African Parliament have already started to work, otherwise three days would definitely not be enough time to convince enough centrists.

    But regardless of the situation in South Africa's parliament, the vote has legal effect, and the decision must be implemented.

    The South African environmental protection department quickly attacked and immediately broke into the construction site of the heavy water extraction plant that Changtian Technology was constructing in the beach and coastal areas.

    What is intriguing is that more non-profit organizations in the United States have also followed. They are collectively called NGOs, and they can be seen all over the world. Most of them appear in the name of environmental protection organizations, sometimes as battlefield volunteers.  identity appears.

    "This is a construction site with heavy machinery. Please follow the safety warning and leave here immediately."

    "Get out of the way!"

    The construction team members were angry and anxious. These people directly entered the construction site without reason. Although they did not enter the core area, it was still a relatively dangerous place.

    In order not to hurt women and children, everyone got out of the car to dissuade them.

    However, this happened to fall into the trap of others. NGO personnel and CNN and other media had been prepared and captured several scenes. One was women and children standing in front of mechanical equipment¡ªthe other was stopping the construction of Changtian Technology.

    But when it was released, the accompanying text was completely different. They slandered Changtian Technology for using violence and power to promote the implementation of the project. It is really hard to tell clearly from the photos from that angle.

    This is actually their usual method. For example, they will get the license plate in front of the important units of the Xia Kingdom. When the sentry makes a dissuading gesture, they will take pictures from the bottom up. The color matching is gray and bleak, and then they say that this country is under high pressure.  Under the Iron Curtain.

    The reason why they can be so unscrupulous is because they occupy the right to speak in the world. The whole world has their propaganda agencies, and they can say whatever they want.

    This makes it difficult for other countries to spread the truth to the areas they control.

    ? The outer area of ??the construction site has been completely occupied by protesting crowds. The security captain of Changtian Technology onlyBut Wang Xiang just couldn't restrain his anger.

    Although he knew that the officer had no choice, his anger always came out: "Let's not talk about how much money Changtian Technology has supported here, let's not talk about the employment it has driven."

    "But we have actually fed more people. We provide hundreds of tons of food, and it is extremely cheap. People's lives also have hope for this."

    "Now that you ask us to suspend the project, it actually means that the interests of more local people will be damaged, do you understand? Besides, it is still unknown when the project will be suspended. Should we wait forever? Wait until you are in a good mood before resuming work?"

    The chief executive sighed and kept apologizing.

    Wang Xiang didn't want to spend too much time talking. If an apology is useful, what else do you need?

    After receiving these reports, Chen Xiao just smiled slightly and comforted Wang Xiang: "Don't worry, Changtian Technology's advantages are not so easy to take advantage of. What we lose, we will definitely earn back twice as much."

    Then he told: "Let's let the bullets fly for a while to give them some sweetness. The salaries of the employees of the project will be paid as usual, and the rewards for completion should not be less. Someone will pay us."

    Wang Xiang was no longer angry at this time. If Chen Xiao said he was not in a hurry, then there was no need to worry. If Chen Xiao was in a hurry, it would be useless for him to be anxious, because he could not solve the things that would make Chen Xiao anxious.

    Changtian Technology stopped working without any nonsense, so happy that CNN and the others felt that they had hit the cotton with all their strength, and then they began to celebrate each other for winning the round.

    There was a carnival inside CNN: "Human beings are such animals. It doesn't matter that a person has a good reputation all the time. As long as his reputation gets bad once, everyone will no longer believe him."

    Some executives are more cautious: "Let's be careful, after all, Changtian Technology is too quiet."

    "Don't be so careful, the right to speak on the Internet is in our hands, just look at what the Internet says, anyway, Xia Guo can't speak on the Internet."

    The facts are indeed true. Many attacks on Changtian Technology on the Internet. In addition to those extremely fake photos and videos, they also continue to slander Changtian Technology for supporting South African grain for the purpose of building a heavy water extraction plant and developing the nuclear industry.

    However, the immature nuclear technology of Changtian Technology will cause serious pollution to the oceans of South Africa and the world.

    The so-called self-media netizens in the West are almost all brainless reposts, likes, and crazy comments to smear.

    After this phenomenon spread, Xia Guo netizens became angry. This is a worldwide targeted smear, and Xia Guo people must fight back.

    ?On the one hand, Xia Guo netizens tried to restore the truth of the incident on the domestic Internet, and let foreigners in the country act as mouthpieces to spread the relevant truth abroad through their private channels.

    On the other hand, overseas Chinese continue to speak out, and Chinese in each country publish truth statements on different public platforms in each country, actively fighting back and smearing.

    However, domestic netizens are not idle, and the fighting power of one billion netizens is not built. They organized people offline and wrote circumvention codes, allowing countless netizens to directly use foreign social networking sites.

    Many netizens looked up words by themselves to explain the truth. For a while, the pressure on foreign public platforms soared, and they were unable to accurately identify the identity of the publisher for a while.

    Different from foreign naval forces, Xia Guo's netizens are spontaneously organized to support Changtian Technology.

    In addition, domestic netizens are also very angry.

    We give you food, and you beat it back in return!

    Where in the world is there such a thing!

    Domestic netizens all strongly appealed to Changtian Technology to stop funding South Africa and stop building physical factories in South Africa.

    ? After all, there are many countries that come to Changtian Technology to request to build factories.

    Some netizens suggested not to build a food factory in South Africa, but to send weapons directly, and let them kill themselves until they know what is good or bad.

    Most netizens are limited by income issues and can only type on the keyboard, while some netizens have already organized people to go to the scene.

    There are many Chinese doing business in Africa, and some transnational organizations went to the heavy water plant to support Changtian Technology.

    As a result, thousands of people came here casually, much more than those from environmental protection organizations. This is not counting the angry local people in South Africa, which is a vast expanse.

    Ordinary people in South Africa may not have access to the Internet, but it doesn't mean they don't know anything.

    There are also people from the Soto tribe.

    Tens of thousands of Soto people came to the scene to support Changtian Technology.

    They have just lived a good life, and they don't want to be disturbed by the West like this, it is absolutely not allowed

    They angrily scolded the parliament for this stupid behavior, and they finally had enough to offend Changtian Technology.  There are also some places that are waiting for Changtian Technology to build a food factory, fearing that Changtian Technology will regret it, they all spontaneously united.

    All of a sudden, the situation changed.

    "God, why are there so many niggers here?" Early in the morning, as soon as the people from the environmental protection organization crawled out of the tent to brush their teeth, they were so frightened that they swallowed all the toothpaste.Allowed

    They angrily scolded the parliament for this stupid behavior, and they finally had enough to offend Changtian Technology.  There are also some places that are waiting for Changtian Technology to build a food factory, fearing that Changtian Technology will regret it, they all spontaneously united.

    All of a sudden, the situation changed.

    "God, why are there so many niggers here?" Early in the morning, as soon as the staff from the environmental protection organization climbed out of the tent to brush their teeth, they were so frightened that they swallowed all the toothpaste.
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