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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Text Chapter 773 Pressing every step of the way

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    The purpose of Google's policy is to require all mobile phone manufacturers to obtain Google's authorization and consent as long as they use Google's series of apps or application services.

    Although the Android system is free, a series of services and apps developed by Google are not for you to use at will.

    Now that other brands of Android phones can use a series of Google applications, it does not mean that Google is generous, but that Google hopes to establish an ecological chain of the Android system. This ambition is the same as Apple's ambition to establish an iOS ecological chain.

    Among the many Android mobile phone manufacturers in the world, Samsung is undoubtedly the son of Google.

    Google provides its own excellent services and applications to Samsung, and every time the latest Android system update is pushed to Samsung first.

    Therefore, Google's introduction of the application authorization policy this time does not actually have much impact on the entire Android ecological chain.

    However, the impact on the non-Android ecological chain is very large.

    Including Apple's IOS and Hanhai Technology's Yinghuo operating system.

    These applications of Google have become the most frequently used applications in the Western mobile Internet market in the early years.

    When everyone talks about searching for information, they will definitely use the Google search engine.

    Gmail accounts for more than 80% of the incoming and outgoing mailboxes.

    Google Weather shares data with the meteorological bureaus of European countries, and Google has to have its own big data algorithm to help the European meteorological bureaus improve the accuracy of weather forecasts.

    Googlemap has the most accurate map data in the West, and has a deep cooperation with GPS.

    With its extremely fast response speed and rich functions, Google Chrome has also become the browser with the largest number of mobile users in the world.

    For a long time in the past, whether it is an Android user or an iOS user, it is inseparable from the Google series of applications.

    Now even though Changtian Technology has launched the Hanhai mobile phone and the Yinghuo operating system, Western users cannot do without these applications.

    After Google's policy came out, Apple immediately contacted Google and completed the corresponding application registration and licensing system in accordance with Google's requirements.

    In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this policy launched by Google is not aimed at Apple, but at Changtian Technology.

    Without using the Google series of software, it will have no impact on domestic users.

    The country has long been vigilant in terms of mobile Internet security. No matter how intimidating or intimidating Western countries are, they must develop their own set of application ecology.

    So we have Baidu, AutoNavi, various webmails, UC or QQ browsers, etc., almost getting rid of the control and monopoly of Android series applications on users.

    But Western users are different.

    Now basically if you leave the Google system, then the functions of the mobile phone will be damaged by more than half.

    Now the ball has come to Changtian Technology and Hanhai Technology.

    Jobs was very anxious, and immediately used his personal relationship in the United States, hoping to reach a private settlement with Google, allowing Google to also authorize Firefly OS to use the Google series of applications.

    But Jobs fully felt what it means to leave the tea cold.

    If Jobs is now working for a certain Western technology company, then these connections may still have some effect.

    In Jobs, he worked for Changtian Technology, which is a technology company in Xiaguo, and has formed a competitive relationship with many technology companies in the West.

    So these connections are worthless in front of interests.

    Of course, Jobs' efforts were not without effect.

    His former partner and current Google executive Carl Vinson invited Jobs to meet in California, saying that there is still some room for effort in this matter.

    Hanhai Mobile's business in Europe must not be affected.

    Jobs immediately went to California with his team, hoping to buy some time for Hanhai Technology.

    At the same time, Chen Xiao has been paying attention to Google's reaction and discussing countermeasures with Wang Xiang.

    Because Wang Xiang has just returned from Europe, he is very aware of some application habits of European users.

    Wang Xiang said: "According to the current European environment, it is difficult for us to let Xiaguo's application replace the Google system."

    "There are mainly two reasons. On the one hand, users' application habits are difficult to change, especially Gmail and Google search engines."

    "On the other hand, Google has extensive cooperation with Europe. If we want to allow domestic application manufacturers to join our application matrix to provide services for European users, we will definitely face European problems.??After getting the answer they want, more than 95% of people have given up on the purchase plan.

    What Simpson didn't expect is that after Google and multiple application companies do not support the Firefly system, there are still things to happen.

    Samsung's legal department has filed lawsuits in Germany, France and other European countries, and has also filed complaints with the European Union's intellectual property department.

    The content is that Hanhai¡¯s mobile phone infringes on Samsung¡¯s intellectual property rights in many areas, including appearance and voice assistants, and some intellectual property rights were shared by Samsung and Nokia at the beginning, and were used by Changtian Technology.

    ? Blessings are unparalleled, but misfortunes never come singly.

    The ancients were absolutely right.

    Seeing the sales of Hanhai mobile phones in the European market plummeted, Simpson suddenly felt like he was on a roller coaster and unable to recover.

    At this moment, Jobs also met his old friend Carl Vinson in California.

    ? As original partners, the two have been together since their youth.

    In the end, I chose a completely different path.

    The two sat together drinking iced coffee.

    Jobs did not have any pleasantries, and directly made his request to Carl Vinson.

    ? Request Google to give Hanhai Technology fair treatment.

    The reason is that Hanhai mobile phone has the best users in the world, and the number of users is still increasing rapidly.

    At this moment, Jobs is more urgent than ever to reach an agreement with Google.

    Because by the time he got to the coffee shop, he had gotten more bad news from Simpson.

    Carl Vinson was very happy to meet Jobs.

    Sometimes the friendship between men will become more precious as time goes by.

    But friendship is friendship, and business is business.

    Carl Vinson joked to Jobs: In 2010, Google was forced to withdraw from the Xiaguo market.  "

    "This setback dealt a huge blow to Google's global strategy, and it also completely changed Google executives' views on Xia Guo."

    "Since the two of us are old friends, let me tell the truth, the chances of getting Google to change their minds are not high."

    "But since you have come to California in person, whether it is me or our boss, I still hope to meet you."

    Jobs said with a smile: "I have learned some traditional wisdom in Xia Guo for so long."

    "There is a saying in the Xia Kingdom, where there is sincerity, gold and stone are opened. There is also a saying, where there is a will, there is a way."

    "No matter what the result is, I also hope to meet Mr. Sander."

    Sundar is the current CEO of Google.

    It is also from his direct order that a large number of Google applications stop supporting the Firefly system.

    On the second day, Jobs and Sander met at Google's headquarters.

    Sangda has no sincerity in reaching cooperation with Changtian Technology and Hanhai Technology.

    Instead, it was a turn of the topic that threw an olive branch to Jobs.

    ? Hope Jobs can join Google.

    After all, Google also has its own mobile phone brand, but whether it is creativity or fame, it is far behind the popular Samsung and Apple.

    With Jobs' ability and reputation, if he joins Google, he will definitely be able to make Google mobile phones shine.

    Jobs brought the topic up again and said, "Sir, you should have seen the Hanhai mobile phone conference," "I always feel that whether it is the Firefly operating system or the Android operating system, our purpose is to allow users to use mobile phones more conveniently.  "

    "The firefly operating system is very inclusive, and it doesn't mean to go its own way so that other applications or other operating systems have nowhere to go."

    "On the contrary, he will allow other applications and other applications or operating systems to directly tolerate and learn from each other."

    "Mr. Sander, I didn't understand such an idea at first."

    "But since I joined Changtian Technology, after chatting with Chen Xiao and using the Hanhai mobile phone, I realized that this is definitely a genius idea, and this is also the ultimate path for human mobile Internet!"

    Jobs was talking with sincerity.

    But these words were ridiculous to the ears of Sander and the executives behind him.

    They feel that the firefly operating system is trying to eat Android.

    Before Sanda could speak, the executive behind him stood up and said, "Mr. Jobs, the mobile phone version of the Firefly operating system is currently used by no more than 20 million people worldwide, and the number of users of the Android operating system has almost broken through.  A billion people."

    "The two operating systems are not at the same level at all, so I can't understand what you just said."

    Another executive joked, and Jobs said: "Of course, we can cooperate with each other. The request from Google is that Xia Guo must unconditionally accept Google's operation in the Xia Guo market, and at the same time, Yinghuo Technology will give up half of the shares.  Give us."

    This time I forgot that I came to America with Jobs.

    After hearing this, Wen Qi's face turned dark.people.  "

    "The two operating systems are not at the same level at all, so I can't understand what you just said."

    Another executive joked, and Jobs said: "Of course, we can cooperate with each other. The request from Google is that Xia Guo must unconditionally accept Google's operation in the Xia Guo market, and at the same time, Yinghuo Technology will give up half of the shares.  Give us."

    This time I forgot that I came to America with Jobs.

    After hearing this, Wen Qi's face turned dark.
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