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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Text Chapter 767 Sales are skyrocketing

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    "What 2 million mobile phones have all been sold out?"

    "Are some accounts ordered dozens of copies at one go?"

    "Okay, okay, I will report this matter to the company immediately!"

    Liu Hai, the general manager of the Marketing Operations Department of Hanhai Technology, has been crazy busy all day.

    He was on the phone from the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon.

    The content of the call was that the Hanhai mobile phones in stock in many cities had been sold out, and he was busy transferring goods from other first-tier cities.

    Hanhai currently has 20 million mobile phones in stock, which is not wrong.

    But because of the different economic living standards of people in each region.  So the inventory is different in each region.

    For example, in the first-tier cities of Yanjing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou.  Each city has millions of units in stock.  Because the local economic level is higher, people's income and consumption levels are also higher.  So they have the economic conditions to buy more expensive Hanhai mobile phones.

    However, in second- and third-tier cities such as Rongcheng, Shancheng, and Zhengshi, everyone's income is lower, and people may be more cautious when buying mobile phones, so the inventory is relatively small.

    Unexpectedly, the sales volume in the second and third tier cities actually exploded on this day, especially in Rongcheng, where the sales volume of mobile phones in a single day actually exceeded 1 million units (the warehouse radiates the entire Shanchuan Province), which makes the original mobile phone inventory of only 500,000 units, and there is still  It was all drained in less than a day.

    However, what Hanhai Technology promises to consumers in online sales is that it will arrive the next day.

    After the stocks in many places are exhausted, of course, there is only urgent transfer of goods from surrounding areas.

    At present, the inventory of Hanhai mobile phones is more in the east and less in the west, more in coastal areas and less in inland areas.

    The sudden explosion of sales in many places also made Hanhai Technology realize the fact that there are more rich people in China than those announced on paper.

    At this moment, in Rongcheng, Shancheng, Zhengshi, and Chuncheng in many cities across the country, many consumers find that there are no goods in their area, and they can't even place an order.

    Some smart consumers will also chat with the official customers of Hanhai Technology, and they will wait patiently when they learn that the area will replenish in two or three days.

    And many consumers didn't pay attention at all. On the official website of Hanhai Technology, there is also a button for online customers.

    If they couldn't get the goods, they simply went to the local mobile phone market to try their luck.

    It can also be said that their luck is really good.

    There is still a spot in the mobile phone market.

    The scalpers are the most sensitive in the mobile phone market. Their sensitivity to mobile phone sales may be much stronger than many professional media and bloggers.

    When the sales volume of Hanhai mobile phones exceeded the first one million, and many high-end people around them began to use Hanhai mobile phones, scalpers clearly felt that this mobile phone must become a hit.

    Therefore, the scalpers began to hoard goods crazily, which is also the direct reason why a large number of warehouses in Midwestern cities are out of stock.

    And half of the sellers in the mobile phone market are sellers, and the general status is actually scalpers.

    At the beginning, the sales of Hanhai mobile phones were not good, and the colleagues in the sales department did not set an IP to only buy one, so many scalpers bought a few or more than a dozen.

    The scalpers are also very clear that Hanhai Technology has a relatively sufficient stockpile, and it may only take three or two days to transfer goods from other places, so the price does not dare to increase too high.

    However, Manager Huang also believes that Hanhai¡¯s mobile phone will definitely not lose money in his hands, it just makes more money and less money. Most of the scalpers are sold at a price increase of three to five hundred.

    Another example is that this method makes money very quickly. Many consumers rush to buy mobile phones after learning that there are mobile phones in the local mobile phone market. People who can spend six to seven thousand yuan to buy mobile phones are generally not inferior  hundred dollars.

    Some scalpers earn three to five thousand yuan a day.

    Invest less money to make quick money, this is the favorite mode of scalpers.

    Just when Hanhai Technology was coordinating and mobilizing supply sources across the country.

    Chen Xiao also learned the news.

    At this moment, he knew very well that the sales of Hanhai mobile phones should be stable in China.

    The reason why Chen Xiao chose to launch the Hanhai mobile phone in 2013 is to grasp the critical moment when Xia Guo's smartphone industry started to develop rapidly and move forward with the mobile Internet.

    At this time mark, consumers have been in contact with smartphones from overseas companies such as Nokia, Apple, Samsung, etc., and have a preliminary concept and experience of using smartphones, and they are not so repulsive to this kind of phones.

    ? When Changtian Technology launches mobile phones that are more advanced than iPhone and Samsung and other brands,If the task cannot be completed, not to mention not getting the bonus, even the basic performance will be deducted.

    A year or two ago, everyone thought it was an honor to be able to work in an Apple experience store, with high pay and good benefits.

    But today it seems that this is not the case.

    The general manager of the Apple experience store in Shanghai wrote a report on the recent plunge in sales and reported it to Apple's Xiaguo headquarters.

    In the report, it is said that the decline in sales is not due to the lack of effort of the sales staff or the lack of publicity, but the emergence of unequal competitors. I hope that the head office can take practical measures.

    Xiaguo Yangcheng Apple Xiaguo District Headquarters.

    Lu Lei, President of Daxia International, looked at the situation reports called by the general managers of each sales area, and his head was aching.

    After the iPhone5e5S press conference, there was a short period of time when sales surged, selling hundreds of thousands of units a day.

    This is due to the use of 4G chips in iPhone5e5S.

    This hot sale even continued after the release of the Hanhai mobile phone.

    However, as Hanhai mobile phones are recognized by more and more people, the high-end market is almost taken by Hanhai mobile phones in one fell swoop, and the sales of iPhone5e5S are terrible.

    After combining the situation reports provided by the major sales divisions, Lu Lei confirmed 100% that Apple's high-end market was robbed by Hanhai mobile phones.

    Lu Lei didn't understand something.

    The conference of Hanhai mobile phone is indeed very attractive, but because of the high price and the imperfect ecosystem, it seems that there are not many users who immediately accepted Hanhai mobile phone.

    Lu Lei did not expect that Hanhai's mobile phone would "explode" out of nowhere.

    Lu Lei hurriedly reported the relevant situation to the US headquarters.

    If this situation continues, not to mention the iPhone 5e5S sales will be over, the entire iPhone will be over in the Xiaguo market.

    Chen Xiao's office in Changzezhou.

    Very excitedly, Jobs came to Chen Xiao's office with the sales report.

    The sales of Hanhai mobile phones exploded.

    And its total sales exceeded Jobs' imagination.

    At the beginning of August, the total sales of Hanhai mobile phones exceeded 10 million units, reaching 12.84 million units.

    It took 5 months for iPhone4S to reach this data, and it is still a global data.

    It took less than three months for Hanhai's mobile phone to get this data.

    Jobs said in amazement: "I once heard an idiom in the Xia Kingdom called thick accumulation and thin hair. Today I finally know what it means."

    Just as Jobs was speaking, Wang Xiang hurried over.

    He also has a piece of data in his hand, which Jobs hadn't had time to count just now.

    The total revenue of Hanhai Technology reached 96.2 billion. If the R&D cost is not calculated, but only the production cost of Hanhai Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, the profit of these three years has reached 77 billion RMB.

    Profit was in front of Chen Xiao, and Wang Xiang said excitedly: "Now I know why so many companies are willing to make mobile phone products."

    Mobile phones are fast-moving consumer goods.

    Compared with other products, it has a very obvious advantage - terrible cash flow.

    Ordinary users have to pay money before buying a mobile phone.

    So this part of the cash will flow directly into the account of Hanhai Technology.

    But as more and more people buy mobile phones, Hanhai Technology will have more and more cash.

    Strong cash flow will also give Hanhai Technology a strong ability to pay and resist risks.

    This will make Hanhai Technology more calm in its future development.

    Of course, not all of the 77 billion profits were earned by Hanhai Technology.

    Under the unified deployment of Changtian Technology Group.

    In addition to transferring part of the profits to the head office, Hanhai Technology will also make transfer payments to Yinghuo Technology Company in accordance with a certain percentage for the ecological construction of the Yinghuo system.

    Jobs was also dumbfounded after getting such terrible revenue and profits.

    He originally thought that the most profitable mobile phone brand was Apple, but now he has changed his mind and the most profitable mobile phone brand is Hanhai!

    The senior executives of Hanhai Technology sat in Chen Xiao's office. Everyone was extremely excited, and they all knew that Hanhai's mobile phone should be a success.

    Chen Xiao immediately made the next deployment.

    "All factories are fully operational to increase production, and my first goal is 40 million units."

    "Set up experience stores in Shanghai, Yanjing, Rongcheng and other cities."

    "Preparing to enter the European market."

    The cards of Changtian Technology have been played, Chen Xiao now has to wait for the reactions of several other brands.sp; "Set up experience stores in Shanghai, Yanjing, Rongcheng and other cities."

    "Preparing to enter the European market."

    The cards of Changtian Technology have been played, Chen Xiao now has to wait for the reactions of several other brands.
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