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Chapter 58

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    In the late autumn of 1995, Zhao Xuewen participated in a military exercise.  At that time, the tents of the army's temporary hospital were set up on the side of the road bordering the nearby small villages. During the day, the army organized local people to see the patients and do activities.  When there is nothing to do at night, Zhao Xuewen will take the place of the old comrades to save some good friends.

    That night, Zhao Xuewen remembered very clearly that he was holding a booklet and giving himself extra meals.  At about three o'clock in the middle of the night, the local villagers carried three bloody people into the tent.

    The exercise site is in the middle of a large mountainous area, and the road conditions here are very steep with twists and turns.  These young people who were brought in somehow drove their car into the practice area. It was unlucky in the middle of the night. It happened to be a misty day, and these unlucky children drove the car directly into the ditch.  Even if they were not unlucky, fellow villagers in the mountains happened to pass by there, and it happened that the tents of the army field hospital were not far away, and the fellow villagers sent them here.

    Tonight, the person in charge is not here, and went to the headquarters for a meeting.  Zhao Xuewen is just a young doctor who has only been working for a few days.  He didn't dare to call the shots, and immediately called to report the situation.  The above means that a helicopter will be sent immediately to send these wounded to a large hospital in the province for treatment.

    After receiving the order, Zhao Xuewen led a group of nurses and began to give simple treatment to the wounded.  The scene was chaotic, and the two wounded men were crying and wailing loudly.  On the contrary, the female wounded woman wearing the second lieutenant's military uniform was lying in the corner of the room. She lay on her back without saying a word from the beginning to the end. Half of the female wounded's face was uncovered, and the subcutaneous organs were exposed.  Very scary.  She didn't cry, and she didn't groan, she just pinched the bed board of the emergency bed tightly with her fingers, her eyes were almost desperate, and she didn't know what to say in her mouth intermittently.

    After Zhao Xuewen checked her injuries, he felt very conflicted.  If you wait for the helicopter from the army to arrive, it will take two hours to go to the nearest hospital for rescue. By then, the cells will solidify and the skin tissue that falls off will die. Although skin grafting can be done in the future, it will not be as good as the original skin tissue.  good.

    In your twenties, it should be the best years of your life.  Disfigurement is too cruel for young girls.  Out of responsibility, Zhao Xuewen thought carefully for a while, walked up to the female second lieutenant and sat down and said: "In some cases, we'd better communicate frankly. It is certain that you will leave a scar, but if you don't deal with it now, you will be killed when you arrive at the university."  The time in the hospital will be two hours later. Of course, the conditions in a big hospital are many times stronger than herebutyou are different, your injury is on the face, and the operation is delayed except that some dirty things will grow under the skin  The skin tissue that fell off will also die I am a small doctor, and I was just assigned this year. Although I have done this kind of operation before, it is the first time I have seen such a serious injury. You have two choices now. If you  Believe me, give me your future! If you don't believe me, the helicopter will arrive right away."

    The female second lieutenant was also very calm. After thinking for a few minutes, she quickly made a decision and agreed to Zhao Xuewen's operation.  That night, in fact, Zhao Xuewen didn't think too much about it. In his opinion, besides saving lives, saving a young girl's life is also very important as a doctor's bounden duty.  Of course, he didn't do it for any glory, really.  He just feels pity, and just thinks that at the same age as flowers, they should live and bloom wonderfully.

    Zhao Xuewen chose the smallest needle, and after careful treatment and cleaning of the wounded surface, he began to suture the female officer who had never cried.  She was very nervous and trembling all the time, but there was nothing she could do. The taciturn Zhao Xuewen started chatting with her, trying to make her relax.

    That night, Zhao Xuewen talked about many things, such as his home, his brothers, the hawthorn tree on the mountain in his hometown, the clear stream, and his grandma's embroidered flower-embroidered apron.  The female second lieutenant gradually stopped trembling, and she stared at Zhao Xuewen's masked face with her uninjured eye.  Zhao Xuewen didn't even know how focused his eyes were this night, and how interesting the watery stories he told under the mask were.

    In the female officer's lost eyes, there was gradually some resurrection brilliance.  The hand holding the bed board slowly relaxed.

    After the surgery, it was already bright.  Zhao Xuewen sent her to the plane, and the female second lieutenant suddenly grabbed Zhao Xuewen's hand and asked him: "Doctor, do you think I will be disfigured?"

    Zhao Xuewen laughed and patted her hand. In order to give the patient some hope, he even said in a joking tone: "Of course not, you are young and have strong recovery ability! And brother, my skills can still be seen.  Human. If you're really worried, let's put it this way, if you can't get married tomorrow, I'll come to you, and I will marry you!"

    After that, of course Zhao Xuewen was severely scolded by the dean, but not long after, the higher-ups again?.  Zhao Xuejun stood in the courtyard, staring blankly at the fireworks in the sky, feeling desolate in his heart, he reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette.  In the past few years, whenever he is alone, he likes to smoke a special cigarette with an extended white rod.  The tar content of this kind of smoke is very low, and he is pursuing a leisurely atmosphere covered in clouds and mountains.

    A hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and took the cigarette out of Zhao Xuejun's mouth: "Can you smoke? You are not afraid of choking you to death?!"

    Zhao Xuejun turned his head, and Wang Xi was standing there with two suitcases at his feet. It must have been frozen for a long time, and some clear water snot slowly flowed out of the hole in his nose, and he immediately sucked it into his nose again.  : "Hiding! Where do you think you can hide? Don't you see me? You have learned to smoke, right! You are not afraid of being smoked to death!"

    Taking out another cigarette, Zhao Xuejun lit it indifferently: "None of your business!!"


    Niu Sao's Xiaomi Twelve: For all the readers who are always laying corpses everywhere, threatening to die, calling affectionately (I am a summoned beast?) and constantly threatening to build buildings.

    ? I was forced to become a twelve-year-old me who called Mrs. Niu every day to remind me to change the milking codes. I was under a lot of pressure~~~~

    ps; I am not a summoned beast!  !  !  Please don't call me every day and don't give me something to eat.  (Remember the site URL:
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