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Chapter Forty-One

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    Hello Wang Xi:

    How's everything going now?  How are you?  I am used to eating southern food.  Last time you wrote, you said you wanted some more pairs of cloth shoes made by Aunt Gaixia.  I told Aunt Gaixia about it.  You are waiting for a few months. When the second brother finishes his college entrance examination, he will probably be able to wear new shoes.  I asked my godfather to bring the vinegar you asked for, enough for you to drink for a year.

    Wang Xi, the surroundings have changed a lot recently. I don't know what's going on in your area, but there are still changes on my side.  You know, a few days ago, many classmates ran out, I didn't go, and my second brother was locked at home by his father and he was not allowed to go.

    Thinking about it now, I'm not in a good mood.  This kind of being influenced by the surroundings is not good, and everyone thinks that I am sulking. The main reason is the Sanbo incident I told you last time.

    In fact, I am very happy that the matter can be resolved that way.  I was ready to be chased and killed by my dad. I was not in a fantasy. My dad beat me to death and dug a hole to bury me.  He didn't even lift up the grave, just leveled it with a shovel, and stepped on a foot.  In fact, he only kicked me, which I thought was light.

    Recently I don't like talking to them very much.  There was nothing wrong at first, but they insisted that I was angry, I explained it, and I was not angry.  But they were sure I was angry, so I just kept on being angry.

    I don't like to talk, I don't like to move just because too many things have happened in the past two years, and these things have confused my mind.  I want to think about my life quietly, isn't it okay?

    In your last letter, you said that you have learned a lot, and I am also happy for you.  As you said, your leader asked you to complete all the work within the specified time, and you can do whatever you want at other times.  You say your leader, no!  The boss is smart, he knows how to use your cognition in time to quickly mobilize your enthusiasm for work.  I am really happy for you when I read your letter and see your progress day by day. Now you are more and more careful. I am waiting for the day when you build a factory.

    The godfather is getting tougher and tougher.  He always took his blunt set of life insights and went to give speeches everywhere, telling others that this is wrong and that is wrong.  After the godfather who loved to work very much stepped back, he devoted all his passion to narration. He kept narrating and complaining. Anyway, what he said was the truth, and everyone else was bullshit.  Of course, godfather is very knowledgeable, there are many things worth learning, and he is also worthy of the love of the world.  But now, in the whole world, only I like him, and the rest are avoiding him. He is really good at nagging.

    He is more and more fond of preaching, and he almost sorts out the five thousand years and criticizes them.  So recently, whenever the godfather's pair of slippers sounded at the entrance of the alley, the neighbors all left early.  How much I want to tell everyone how soft my godfather's heart is, and how much my godfather wants to make this world a better place.  However, he used the wrong method and always felt that everyone was heading towards a dead end.  He couldn't see all the people clearly.  He completely forgot that as an individual, each has his own thoughts and experiences, just like you and me, constantly changing ourselves in this world, not because we want to change ourselves, but because we are forced to, just like that  changed.  We are growing, our truth, isn't it the truth?

    Do you remember that orchard we used to go to when we were kids, it's gone now, a building has been built there.  Are you saying the building is broken?  Or was the presence of the orchard a mistake?  I don't think there's any reason to talk here, just because someone needs what's there, it will change.

    In the past few days, I have been coughing and my throat is hoarse.  I know, I have caught a cold, but I dare not say it, I am afraid to trouble my parents, and I am afraid that my family will worry about me and cause trouble for everyone.

    By the way, I am still afraid of that guy named Song Changan, he has been following me to curry favor with me.  In fact, I don't hate him for betraying me at all. At that time, I even admired that person, he could always calculate the fastest way to deal with the problem in the shortest time

    Hehe, as I write this, I can imagine that your face with crooked teeth is impatiently yelling at me again: Don't mention that Song Changan to me, please!

    Well, I won't mention him, let me tell you something about my surroundings, that's what I saw.  That day, the school had dinner, and many students got together and didn't know what to say.  Later, someone started knocking on the rice bowl, and everyone became more and more excited together.  Then he didn't eat the food, just threw the food away and ran out.  A lot of steamed buns and vegetables were thrown in the slop tank of our school, under the floor, and in the corridor.

    I looked at the snow-white steamed buns, which were trampled under my feet and turned into black-faced mud.  I saw my classmates standing in the middle of the street, talking excitedly.  Everyone said it was a good thing, but not long after, someone was so excited that he overturned the cart of the roadside peddler selling vegetables.

    back??, just go to accompany him, take a walk with him, take a walk, listen to him explain the great principles of life, and act like you are willing to listen and teachable. You have to keep nodding to show that you understand.  In this way, he will feel that what he has done has affected you, so he will be happier.

    By the way, did you receive the photo I sent you? That is your home, my old house, and the small park we used to go to, where there are elephant slides and seesaws.  It's a pity that the elephant's trunk is broken.  My technique is not good, and I failed to take photos, but I tried my best.

    In this test, I got thirteenth in the whole grade, which is really a contradictory number.  You know.  My life is always affected by these and those things. Although I don't care, they always look at me with sympathy recently.  It's not my fault that I have two excellent brothers. I tried my best. Really, I really want to do better in the exam, but you know, I am Zhao Xuejun's head, not the head of the teacher who gave the test.  I'm not complaining, I just feel stupid.  You know, recently our old class got into a fight with me.  Am I just being a little lazy when writing the composition?

    He always gave us a random paragraph and asked us to write a composition.  If only it were that simple, he said that the movie asked us to write our thoughts, so the movie of the martyr can be summed up in ten words: tragic!  brave!  firm!  Are the bones hard?  I condensed the essence and wrote it out, but he still called the parents.  My mother punished me to wash the insoles for the whole family. Aunt Gaixia thought I didn't wash them clean, so she washed them again.

    I'm really depressed, you said that the ancient poets wrote a poem about hoeing at noon, and twenty words can explain one thing clearly. Now I want to write a composition for a proposition called food saving, and write five hundred things required by the teacher.  word count.  Otherwise, he will give me zero points for the composition.

    Well, you're going to dislike me for nagging again.  But besides nagging you, who else can I nag with.  I haven't reconciled with my father yet, he thinks I'm very angry.  I'm not mad at all, I swear!

    Some people say that it is good to go to school, and I think it is good too.  But I am also contradictory. Recently, I have become more and more out of topic with everyone.  We can't fight against the teacher with them, and we can't coax them with them after school. I can't learn the "cramp dance" that is popular in the ballroom. God, why is there such a dance?  Once, just cramp.  My second brother likes this kind of dance that I hate. He often wears his shirt, which is the snow-white shirt, to set off the blue lights in the ballroom.  Everyone said that the second brother's cramp dance is very fried dough sticks, I can't see it at all.  Whenever I see my second brother dancing, I want to tell him about the half glass of tooth water.

    By the way, Song Changan rode a motorcycle recently, and the Chongqing 80 bought by his second uncle cost more than 8,000 yuan.  I'm not envious of him riding an awesome bike, I just remembered that sentence: If you want to die quickly, buy a kick!

    Well, I've got bad intentions. Last week, Song Chang'an broke his leg, and now he's at home with a plaster cast.  This guy is completely quiet, and he reviews with my brother every day.  I hope they will be admitted to college early, die early and be reborn early.  Well, I'm being mean again.

    I received the tapes you sent last time. After listening to a few tapes, they were borrowed by Min Shun to attract customers. Things that are popular in the south are always faster than those in the north.  By the way, I forgot to tell you someone.  Peng Juan, do you remember her, she also grew up with us.

    ? At the end of last month, Peng Juan came back. She didn¡¯t go home after she came back, she just woke us up in the middle of the night and climbed the mountain with her again. After crying a lot, she left again.

    Yesterday Min Shun told me that Peng Juan was married to a very rich man.  The man was twenty-eight years older than her.  I can't stop Peng Juan's tragedy, but I don't think the people around me think it's a tragedy.  Peng Juan is rich, and it is said that she has a lot of money.  His father asked me and Min Shun for the address several times, and Min Shun asked Peng Juan for his opinion.  Peng Juan asked Min Shun to tell her father: Peng Juan died long ago

    Wang Xi, although I have a lot to say, it's getting late. There's been a lot of news these days, so I'm going to watch TV.

    Finally, I wish you all the best.

    Sincerely, salute Zhao Xuejun

    May 1989 (remember this website URL:
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