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Chapter 2706 level

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    The big banyan tree bloomed with a strong green awn, and Dongfang Herring and the others froze, almost being frozen. Immediately, the pastoral space burst out with an almost chaotic atmosphere, strands of strands, each strand as heavy as a mountain.  The big banyan tree sank obviously, the strong green light was scattered, and Dongfang Herring and the others regained their normal mobility.

    "A tree can explode with such power!" He closed his eyes and looked at the world in shock and fear.

    "I've become a spirit!" Hell Phoenix's eyes are serious, his big skills are cooling down, and he can only use conventional skills, throwing out magic one by one, which looks like a storm, but the effect is limited.  He knew in his heart that it wasn't that his skills were too weak, but that the big banyan tree was too perverted. Even if it was suppressed by the "pastoral space" of Dongfang Herring, its defense and reaction were greatly reduced. To him, it was still a giant.

    "Can you find the main tree trunk?" Fatty Duobao yelled. I don't know how many props he threw out. I don't know how many roots and branches of the big banyan tree were blown up, but they are useless. Compared with the giant big banyan tree ten kilometers away  It is said that these damaged and broken roots and branches are just a drop in the bucket.

    "I can't find it!" Three thousand blue silks are looking for one. In theory, the trunk of the tree is in the center, but this is not true for the big banyan tree. When the branches of the big banyan tree are extended, things like roots will hang down.  , this thing will take root after touching the ground and grow into a tree trunk.  If it is thinner, it can be distinguished that it is formed by roots, and some grow bigger and can exceed the main trunk. At this time, it is impossible to find the main trunk among the large and small trunks.

    It is an old saying that a single tree does not make a forest, but it does not hold true for the banyan tree, which is a plant that can form a forest alone.

    "I'm coming!" The ape Tarzan and others may be far away, and they just arrived now. The ape Tarzan took the power route, holding a mace, and smashed wildly.  He was a new force, and he advanced hundreds of meters at once, but as the branches in the depths became thicker, his speed also slowed down.

    "Boss, can we start from the root system?" The orangutan Tarzan thought of dredging from the bottom of the pot.

    "No!" Dongfang Herring shook his head, starting from the root system was more difficult than finding the trunk.  This time Zhang Si

    "I'm afraid this thing needs to be completely wiped out." Looking back at the dimly lit place, I suddenly realized that every root system may become the main pole.

    "Let's fight honestly!" Little Pudding said Guoguo.

    ?Everyone stopped talking, and tried their best to become lumberjacks and cut down trees. The big banyan tree didn't care about their chopping and smashing. The big banyan tree only cared about the pastoral space, and kept fighting back, trying to shake off the suppression, but the pastoral space was amazing.  Although it is a small space, it has been cultivated by the Oriental herring into the shape of the universe. The key is the various plants in it. In terms of level, even the lowest-level purple-gold demon flower is on the big banyan tree, let alone the spirit tree.  , lucky tree, fantasy gourd, etc., their shortcomings are that they are young and effective, and incomplete and incomplete. Otherwise, suppressing the big banyan tree is a matter of minutes, and it doesn't have to be so hard.

    But after all, it is a sacred tree, with a high bloodline and a large number. It is still possible to suppress the big banyan tree, and it cannot be destroyed directly, but it is not an easy task for the big banyan tree to break free.

    The Copper Pillar King Kong crazily sprayed flames. When the big banyan tree was not suppressed by the pastoral space, the burning effect of the flame was very limited. Now that the big banyan tree was suppressed, the effect of the flame came up, and the burning range gradually expanded.

    The Copper Pillar Giant was spitting fire and smashing at the same time. With any punch, a leaf would be broken, and the thick branches would be broken in response to the punch, and the sound of clicking could be heard endlessly.

    The most lethal force is the 20,000 revived pets, which are small in size but high in work efficiency, and cannot see results in a short period of time. After a long time, you will see large areas of leaves quickly turn yellow and then wither.

    Seeing the green leaves wither, Dongfang Herring remembered a skill he hadn't used for a long time - wither.


    When the faint gray air current hit the big banyan tree, everyone rushed to the ground and trembled, paying close attention, but found nothing.

    Everyone thought it was an illusion, but only Dongfang Herring noticed the change, and the inside of the big banyan tree began to wither, just like a person who is sick, does not fall down immediately, but becomes weak day by day, weak, unable to eat and breathe, and finally dies  .  This is the case with the big banyan tree now.

    At first, everyone didn't feel it, but after a few hours, everyone felt it clearly. The big banyan tree's offensive was only one-tenth of the initial one, and it was still declining.

    Dongfang Herring was relieved, and was shocked by the power of the big banyan tree. Normal plants would die within a few seconds of being 'withered', but the big banyan tree has been standing for several hours and is still standing.

    no"The corpse exploded!"

    Nearly 50,000 corpses exploded at the same time, almost evacuating all the magic power of Dongfang Herring, that is, just after upgrading, the magic power has returned to full value, otherwise it really can't support it.  make big make owl

    The earth-shattering explosion could be heard by people ten kilometers away. The earthquake, that kind of power, directly killed tens of thousands of Nanban players, and the rest were people who went to the toilet and washed their hands.  down.  In a hurry, Dongfang Herring threw corpses unevenly, some places had more and some places had less. If they could be arranged evenly, none of the Nanban players would have survived.

    When Little Pudding Guoguo cast the recovery magic on Dongfang Herring, Dongfang Herring turned around and flew away. A lesson for the Nanban players is to make them dare not follow. He and the people in the alliance are very tired. At this time, I just want to rest  , I don't want to fight anymore, the effect of 'corpse explosion' is obvious, and no one from the Nanban players dared to chase after them

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