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Chapter 2440 The End of the Cockroach

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    The auction had just ended, and the top ten superpowers were in a hurry. Half an hour later, a large number of players left the city, and soon after, wars broke out everywhere.

    "It's effective, it's really effective!" A member looked at the dark gold cockroach whose attributes dropped by 50%, and couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

    "It's more than effective. It's a panacea. It's a pity that it's not poisonous. It would be great if it could kill dark gold cockroaches just like the real cockroach medicine!" The archer was a little greedy.

    "You are wrong. If the cockroach medicine can really poison the dark gold cockroaches, no one will buy it." The hunter interrupted.

    "What do you mean?" The archer looked at him suspiciously.

    "How much experience is the poison to kill the dark gold cockroach? What is the explosion rate?" the hunter asked back.

    "How much?" The archer didn't pay attention to this question.

    "The experience value is one ten-thousandth, and the explosion rate is also one ten-thousandth of the original basis." Hunter said.

    "Damn, so little?" The archer couldn't believe it.

    "A 50% reduction is the best. Sellers can make money, and players can earn experience points. Everyone is happy." The hunter didn't say a word. He doesn't know who made the cockroach medicine, and it's about to be released now.

    It was indeed sent, 100 test tubes, sold for 1,000,000 gold coins, and it took a while to recover from the mentality of Oriental Herring.

    The experiment of the young rice planting expert is fully self-help by him, in addition to paying wages. In addition, the small rice planting expert enjoys 0.5% of the income of the research results. When Dongfang Herring put 50,000 gold coins into his account, he cried excitedly, crying  like a child.

    "Dad, Mom, I'm not a waste, I didn't let you down, I succeeded!" The young seedling transplanter yelled at the ceiling, crying and fussing, and took a long time to wipe away his tears, embarrassed to face the Oriental Herring.

    "Let's announce the good news to uncle and aunt first!" Dongfang Herring looked at him with a smile.

    "Yeah!" The little seedling transplanter nodded heavily, and ran from Guangdong to Hegang, Heilongjiang. One is at the southernmost tip of the motherland, and the other is at the farthest northeast of the motherland. They are thousands of miles away. Although the cost of living in Hegang is low, what is in his heart?  It's not about holding your breath and tempering yourself with the worst living environment, and you will be successful if you don't succeed.

    But after all, he is the son of his parents, and he also hopes to be approved by his parents in his heart. He doesn't want his parents to be disappointed, so he sold two houses. Although his parents didn't say anything, the disappointment in his eyes and the deep pain of his white hair overnight  After leaving him, he didn't dare to bear it, so he escaped.

    Now, he wants to tell his parents loudly that he is not idle, he has been working hard for three years, and this is just the beginning. In the future, he will be more successful and go further.

    Dongfang Herring left, and he couldn't face the scene of people calling their parents on the phone. He believed that next, the little seedling transplanter would know what to do, and he didn't need to tell him anything.

    The cockroach medicine is really easy to use. Players who have used it know this, but the quantity is a little small. 100 test tubes are used up in less than three hours. Although the players have repeatedly saved, the duration of 60 seconds is not enough  method changed.

    The time is short, but the effect is far-reaching.

    Within 3 hours, the number of dark gold cockroaches killed by the players exceeded 500 million, almost equivalent to the sum of the number of dark gold cockroaches killed in the previous few days.

    More than 10,000 players have been upgraded, which is a huge improvement. Every player upgrades improves the overall strength of the player.  This time Zhang Si

    Get a lot of equipment and skill books.

    The death of 500 million dark gold cockroaches reduced the future crisis.  At a time when food is increasingly scarce, the cockroach medicine gives players a glimmer of hope.

    In such a good situation, there are also some discordant voices. Some players think that cockroach medicine is a national strategic resource and should not be in the hands of a certain player. It should be made public.  Players in the game should not be so selfish and must have the spirit of faith.

    The person who made the voice was the songbook of "Eighteen Heavens". As a top student of Sun Yat-sen University, his voice received the response and support of many players.

    "That's right. If it was any other time, you can make some money. When is it now? The country is about to perish, and the people are in dire straits. It's not a human being to make a fortune at this time!"

    "Support riding a donkey to read the songbook, and strongly urge "Hong's Auction House" to announce the name of the owner of the cockroach medicine and expose him."

    "In this world, everyone is really selfish. If everyone can be as selfless as riding a donkey and reading a songbook, how can this locust plague evolve into what it is now! The people who refine the cockroach medicine don't know  Who are you, aren't you afraid that your conscience will hurt?" &#24378&#29306&#32&#32&#35835&Enough, how many months of food has been hoarded in the treasure secret realm, even if it is a little bit, it is dozens of times that of Yi Huimou and others in the dimly lit place.  This time Zhang Si

    On the eighth day, Dongfang Herring increased the sale of food. This day is also the day when players counterattack the dark gold cockroaches.  The fight between the player and the dark golden cockroach is like a spring. When the dark golden cockroach is strong, the player retreats. When the player rises, the dark golden cockroach does not retreat, but because the number is small, the rest can only shrink  on a small scale.

    On the ninth day, the price of grain finally stabilized. Stability means that it has not risen, and it may take a long time to fall back.  make big make owl

    On the tenth day, the production of cockroach medicine suddenly increased sharply, and 100 test tubes became 200. On this day, the player killed the dark gold cockroach out of "Longmen Mountain". For two consecutive days, the cockroach medicine was 200.  The players have successfully killed almost all the dark gold cockroaches. How many of them are no longer visible in the Central Plains. How many are left in the northern border? I can¡¯t count for a while, because the players didn¡¯t do it in the past, but even if there were, there must be fewer than before. Moreover, even if  Players are not afraid anymore, the production of cockroach medicine will only get bigger and bigger, not smaller and smaller.

    On the fifteenth day, that is, half a month after the cockroach medicine appeared, a large army in "Qingsha City" was attacked by the enemy, and the whole army was wiped out. The enemy was Dongyi people!

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