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Chapter 2399

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    ps: The 5th National Day mentioned above is changed to the 7th, and the mission time is the 7th.

    ?After lunch, Dongfang Herring wanted to go online immediately, but he was too full to eat, so he took a nap with Lin Miaoyu, and when he opened his eyes, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

    Lin Miaoyu's living habits are very regular, and she usually takes a nap for an hour, so she woke up at about 2:30 and practiced calligraphy in the study alone.  In her words, music and calligraphy are interlinked, and they both need to calm down to comprehend. Whether it is calligraphy or music, they all resonate with people's hearts. Her comprehension of music is stuck in a certain bottleneck area.  , If you want to break through, you need to use other fields, and calligraphy is a good medium.

    She also likes calligraphy. She practiced brush calligraphy for a period of time when she was a child. She is also from a scholarly family, and brush calligraphy is a compulsory course.

    Ordinary people like Dongfang Qingyu can't understand Lin Miaoyu's realm. Seeing Lin Miaoyu's mind is immersed, he quietly exits the study, puts on the helmet and goes online without disturbing her.

    Appearing in "Blue Dragon City", I immediately felt that the atmosphere in the city was not right. When I inquired, something big happened, and the Beirong army increased its troops!

    Players cannot accurately count the exact number of Bei Rong army.  However, from yesterday to today, the sharp drop in the number of the Beirong army can be seen. When the number is large, it is difficult to count, and when the number is small, it can be counted.  When the number of the Beibei army was the smallest, it was less than 5 million.  With this amount, if the player still has the 'Super Forbidden Curse', as long as there are two shots, the Beirong people will almost be wiped out.

    It's a pity that the player no longer has the 'Super Forbidden Curse'.  Players can only use quantity to pile up. Everyone is more optimistic. According to this style of play, the player will be the one who will succeed in the end.

    No one expected that at 15:01 in the afternoon, Bei Rong suddenly increased its troops. No one expected that Bei Rong would increase its troops, so that no one set up troops in the direction of Bei Rong.  No, when the Beirong reinforcements appeared in sight, everyone was stunned.

    According to the estimates of experienced veteran players, the number of this wave of troop increase has exceeded 10 million, which is very tragic.

    From yesterday to today, the casualties of players exceeded tens of millions, and many of them were masters. They were beaten back to their original form as soon as they saw the dawn of victory.

    "This is terrible!" Dongfang Herring immediately thought of Jin Taro in "The Golden Family" who was fooled by him. Jin Taro was fooled by him to fight the old nest of the Beirong army.  The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled are easy to eliminate.  Now that tens of millions of reinforcements have emerged, it shows that Beirong's lair is not as weak as he guessed before.  Then Kintaro ran over, wouldn't it mean that the sheep joined the wolves?

    Kintaro is an enemy rather than a friend, so it doesn't matter if he dies, but in the current situation, "Golden Family" is also a big force, so it's good to keep it.

    "I wish you good luck!" Dongfang Herring could only place his hopes on Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. The Beirong territory and the Central Plains had no information. He didn't know what was going on with Kintaro, so it was useless to worry.

    He crushed the teleportation magic scroll and appeared in "Longmen Mountain". As soon as his feet touched the ground, he heard the deafening sound of cannons. He spread his dragon wings, soared into the sky and landed on the top of the city. He immediately found that "Longmen Mountain" was different  .  A row of sky cannons were firing at the Bei Rong army below.

    With a flash of fire, an explosion sounded hundreds of meters away, and then a blank space of about 20 meters appeared.  The flames kept flickering. On the battlefield, fire waves exploded one after another. Dozens of Beirong soldiers were instantly killed by each cannon. However, there were also accidents. If the Tianzun cannon was shot on the totem, it would basically have no effect  .

    The totem gathers the power of the entire tribe and can basically offset the power of the Tianzhu Cannon.

    There were no cannons in "Longmen Mountain" before. You don't need to think about it. This is a masterpiece of the players. The Tianzun cannon can't be loaded in the space ring. It can only be transported by brute force. That's why it took so long to arrive in "Longmen Mountain".  .  &#24378&#29306&#32&#32&#35835&#29306

    The appearance of Tianzhu Pao did not reverse the situation on the battlefield, but it greatly reduced the pressure on the players.  The battlefield was too chaotic, Dongfang Herring searched for it, but couldn't find any trace of Luo Mengmeng and Zhang Luer, so without wasting time, he flew directly to the battlefield without using a hanging basket.

    Avoid the Jiaorong, Shanrong and Burst Bear tribes, these tribes are too strong.  Appeared in a corner of the battlefield, it was the fox tribe, relatively weaker.  In midair, the magic wand shot a series of rays of light.

    "The Copper Pillar Vajra Calls!"

    "The Copper Pillar Vajra Calls!"

    "The Copper Pillar Vajra Calls!"

    Ten thousand Copper Pillar King Kong is inconspicuous at all on a battlefield with tens of millionsp; More than a dozen desert marching fire ants bit him at the same time, his hands and feet twitched in pain, and he couldn't control himself anymore. With great difficulty, he managed to kill all the dozens of desert marching fire ants, and his attributes dropped by 15%.  When he looked up, he was horrified to find that the totem in mid-air had dissipated in green smoke.

    Then, he was overwhelmed by the storm-like attack, and a minute later, the leader uttered a desperate and unwilling scream, and fell heavily.

    The attributes of the Fox Tribe are reduced by another 12%.

    Dongfang Herring's face was relaxed, and the magic staff shot out one after another attack frantically, leaving behind the corpses of Beirong soldiers wherever it passed.

    "The Explosion of Xinshui!"

    "The Sword of Gengjin!"

    "The corpse exploded!"

    The combat merit points flowed into his body like a trickle, and occasionally saw equipment or items bursting out, and the ghost hand vine immediately picked it up.  Of course, there are also ignorant players who follow behind to pick up bargains and rob monsters, but Dongfang Herring doesn't care about them, but some people are greedy enough and want to grab items, Dongfang Herring can't tolerate it.  The desert marching fire ants went straight up and went down in one bite. The cheap picker screamed, regretting his birth in pain, the ghost hand vine broke through the ground, and instantly took his life.  &#24378&#29306&#32&#32&#35835&#29306

    Seeing this, the players behind were all honest.

    Dongfang Herring is very smart, and only kills the fighters of the Fox Tribe. Qiu has done nothing to the border tribes. In this case, even if the tribes on the side want to come over, they will not be able to come here for a while because of the Gourd Tribe.  so big.  The attributes of the fox tribe dropped by one-third, and the status of the other tribes was at full value.  make big make owl

    Concentrating on killing, he didn't pay attention to the passage of time at all. By the time he felt tired, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and almost four hours had passed without a priest as backup.  Jiuyou Grass, Star-eating Grass, and Kunpeng worked together to unleash the strongest attack, clearing a blank space on the battlefield, leaving the battlefield and returning to the city wall before the enemy rushed up.

    After resting for less than a minute, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the scene on the battlefield. He was furious, and the dragon wings spread out, turning into a bolt of lightning and shooting out

    (Remember this website URL:
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