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Chapter 2236 Insect Club

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    By the time the first player discovered the bandit Red Ant, disaster was inevitable.  The gangster red ants are very small, only about one centimeter in size, but their damage is desperately powerful. If an ordinary person is bitten by more than 20 gangster red ants at the same time, they will immediately fall into a state of paralysis.

    Toxin is the best magic weapon for the gangster red ants to deal with large animals.

    Thousands of players in a paralyzed state were swarmed up by the bandit red ants, wrapped around their bodies, and bitten to death alive.  The screams spread throughout the battlefield, making people creepy.

    Bandit Red Ants attacked from the periphery to the depths. The changes in the periphery surprised the players in the depths. When they found something was wrong, the players immediately attacked.

    A blade of hundreds of feet fell, and at least ten thousand bandit red ants were instantly killed.  The light of the sword flickered and cut down continuously, and hundreds of thousands of bandit red ants disappeared in an instant. However, the warrior's crazy attack was just a drop in the ocean to the densely packed bandit red ants.


    Lightning fell from the sky, the light was so dazzling that the players around couldn't help squinting their eyes, and the lightning moved on the ground, and wherever it passed, the thugs and red ants were wiped out in ashes.  Loading 99.9% shot, as one of the Northeast Five Tigers, the combat effectiveness is beyond doubt, thunder magic is almost the nemesis of all creatures.

    Loaded at 99.9%, released more than a dozen thunder-type spells in succession, killing five or six hundred thousand bandit red ants, but more bandit red ants flooded over, covering the ground like a tide.  Just now I could still see a small amount of blank space, but now there is only a piece of red.

    At this time .com Zhang Si.  Players who escaped faster entered the depths, and players who ran slower fell down screaming, covered in red, and fell silent after struggling for less than a minute.

    The same fate is also for the bandits. The bandits are relatively strong, but there is no better way to face the bandit red ants. I killed a lot, but was surrounded by more bandit red ants. I feel bad and want to escape.  By the time, it was too late.

    The bandits persisted for a relatively long time, struggling for an average of three minutes before dying.

    The players keep retreating, and behind them are the bandits. The bandits don't care about the crisis they face, as long as they get close, they will attack.  The 800 warriors had originally entangled the king of the mountain and knocked out the blood bit by bit, but the players broke up the formation.

    "It's like a tiger with wings!"

    The huge red tiger crossed the land, and the 800 Warriors killed more than 200 people at once. The leader of the 800 Warriors was so angry that he scolded his mother, but there was no way, and more players rushed over.

    The bandit red ants are getting closer and closer, and the player has no room to dodge, so they can only back off. Compared to the bandit red ants, the player subconsciously feels that the bandits are safer.

    To be killed by a bandit is just one moment, and to be bitten to death by a bandit red ant would be to live in pain for more than a minute.

    "I can't play anymore, let's go!" shouted at 99.9% loading.

    The pen fell into the storm, seeing red everywhere, the foot of "Tiger Village" was completely surrounded by bandit red ants, even if all the bandits were wiped out, they would eventually become food for the ants, and they couldn't kill all the bandits,  Without further hesitation, he summoned the mount, and five people got on the mount and left from the air.

    "It's like a tiger with wings!"

    The King of the Mountain happened to see the Five Northeast Tigers. Many players left from the air, but the Five Tigers made the most noise.

    ? How could the Northeast Five Tigers have thought that the King of the Mountain would not follow the rules of the world, they all retreated and attacked, unable to use it in mid-air, and frantically resisted.

    ? &#24378&#29306&#32&#32&#35835&#29306&#12290 Bang!

    The priest and the archer directly killed in seconds, loaded 99.9% and the fire magician was knocked off the mount, the mount broke half of a wing, and flew crookedly, the pen fell in a storm and wanted to rescue the loaded 99.9% and the fire magician,  After a few seconds of delay, the load was 99.9% and the fire magician was already covered with gangster red ants, and there was no need for rescue.

    "Damn!" The pen swears obscenities in a panic, and when he sees the king of the mountain and looks at him again, he flies away in fright.  With the wings of the mount in his hands, the speed dropped, he didn't dare to stay in the air, he couldn't imagine himself falling to the ground.

    As more and more gangsters and red ants come from all directions, the range of choices for players and bandits is getting smaller and smaller, but the bandits don't stop, but they will attack players who approach without mercy. Players have to deal with it.  The bandits had to deal with the ruthless red ants. Even the masters couldn't handle it at the same time. They kept screaming and fell down one by one. The ruthless red ants crawled all over their bodies and died in pain.

    Those with flying mounts flew away, and the rest were players without mounts, struggling hard. They played all their cards and wiped out millions of bandits?But it helped him to fight full, and two mountain kings have already died.

    ?Compared to throwing the ¡®Big Forbidden Curse¡¯, the price paid for buying a house and delivering home appliances will definitely be much lighter.

    "First of all, you have to compensate me for my economic losses, at least half of each person?" said Buying a house and giving home appliances.

    "This is reasonable, I agree." Dongfang Herring did not counter-offer.

    "Secondly, the owner of "Tiger Village" needs you to deal with it." Buying a house and giving home appliances.

    "Why?" Lin Fuhuo was puzzled, "The red ants are so powerful, can't they deal with the village master?"

    "According to the information I got, the village master can fly, but my thug red ants can't fly. The village master can't fly into the sky, so I have nothing to do." Buying a house and giving away home appliances said helplessly.

    "This is also reasonable, I agree." Dongfang Herring said.

    "Third, the treasure of "Tiger Village" is half of us. You can't rely on your strength to get more." Buying a house and giving home appliances.

    "No problem." Dongfang Herring nodded.  make big make owl

    "Is there any treasure in "Tiger Village"?" Lin Fufu asked curiously.

    "I don't know, there may or may not be. First, make three chapters to avoid uneven distribution of spoils later. It will be bad if you fight. You are all related to the "Insect Club". It will be bad if you hurt your friendship."

    "Good guy!" Dongfang Herring gave a thumbs up.

    "The bandits, the red ants, have gone up the mountain." Lin Fufu exclaimed, bringing their attention back to the battlefield

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