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Chapter 899 Crazy Harvest (Part 2)

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    "Dance of flames!"

    A large sea of ??flames enveloped the earth, and the swamp scorpions inside were crackling-


    "Frozen spell!"

    "Frozen spell!"

    "Frozen spell!"

    Three thousand Qingsi followed behind to put out the fire, the cold air surged, and the swamp scorpion turned into an ice sculpture-


    Swamp scorpions are a bit like swamp dart frogs, they both take the route of toxin attack, high attack, low defense, and low HP.  The ape Tarzan held a mace and smashed the ice sculptures.

    Swamp scorpions killed in seconds.

    After harvesting five or six skill books, everyone quickly moved their positions.

    "Someone is following behind." SpongeBob suddenly said.

    "Who is it?" The ape Tarzan glared, and was about to rush out to see which bastard was so bold as to follow them.

    "A member of the Death Guild." Journey to the West Xiaozuan said.

    "What are they doing next?" Looking back at the dimly lit place, Tarzan stopped the orangutan, and it would not be too late to ask if he could fight again.

    "No malicious intentions, just learning our strategy secretly." Journey to the West Xiaozuan said.

    "Let them follow, we don't have time to waste time on them." Dongfang Herring said.  Now only he and Blue and White Ci have mastered the strategy, but after a trip, everyone will know, Death Guild wants to learn, and soon the strategy will not be a secret, Dongfang Herring can't hide it even if he wants to.

    On the way, I met a swamp mud figure covered in mud.

    "Dance of flames!" &#24378&#29306&#32&#32&#35835&#29306-


    "What kind of monster is this? It's not afraid of flames." Looking back at the dimly lit place, he took a step back in fright.

    "Frozen spell!"-


    The cold air enveloped the swamp mud figurine, and the speed of the swamp mud figurine slowed down a little, but it was not frozen.

    "I'm not afraid of ice magic." Sanqian Qingsi saw an arm stretched out from the back of the mud figure in the swamp, and quickly sacrificed an ice shield.


    The arm made of mud is so powerful that it easily smashed the ice shield to pieces. Three thousand blue silks were hit by a fist carelessly, and their health dropped by half in an instant.

    "Eat me with a stick!" Tarzan the ape rushed forward with lightning, and the mace hit the elbow joint of his arm, splitting his arm in two instantly, and the first half fell to the ground before it could be retracted.  This time Zhang Si

    "Be careful¡ª" Sanqian Qingsi, who was still in shock, shouted.

    It was too late for the ape Tarzan to dodge, he was hit by the second fist that suddenly appeared, and his life value was reduced by one-fifth.

    "This monster can grow arms at will, everyone pay attention." Tarzan the ape was shocked and angry.

    The swamp mud figurine is tall, about the same size as a corpse demon, with a head, but no facial features, so it can be seen clearly.  The field of vision in four directions does not hinder it in the slightest.  Made entirely of rotting silt, it stinks.  No feet, but the speed of movement is not slow, like a swamp leech.

    The biggest feature is that an arm can emerge from any part of the body, which is hard to guard against.

    "If you don't force him out of the swamp, you can't kill it at all. It can absorb strength from the swamp continuously." Journey to the West Xiao Zhuanfeng checked the attributes of the mud figurine in the swamp, and immediately frowned.  The blood volume of the clay figurine did not drop at all.

    "I come!"

    Dongfang Herring looked at it for a long time, and finally spoke.  He has never met the mud figurines in the swamp before, which is not surprising. Although they have gone through all of them before, but the secret realm is so big, there must be a lot of fish caught.  corner.

    "Curse the bomb!"-



    The swamp mud figurine is not immune to necromancy magic, and the Oriental herring retreated immediately, using the corpse demon to attract its attention, throwing out a piece of corpse.

    Swamp leeches.




    Six times of resurrection, 110 swamp leeches were resurrected, began to squirm, and quickly climbed onto the swamp mud figurine, sucking blood crazily.  They were too small for the swamp golem to notice-




    ?As more and more swamp leeches climbed onto the body of the mud figurine, red??The more the number, the blood volume of the mud figurine dropped at an alarming rate like a torrential rain.  Although it can absorb the energy of the swamp to supplement itself, the speed is not as fast as the blood-sucking speed of the swamp leech.

    The swamp mud figurines attacked wildly. In his eyes, the 10-tall corpse was just a toy, and it was crushed in three or two attacks.  Dongfang Herring and the others retreated again and again, and did not stop until they retreated more than 30 meters.  The arms of the swamp mud figurine not only pop out at will, but can also become longer and thicker at will, just like Monkey King's seventy-two transformations, very powerful.

    It's a pity that no matter how powerful it is, it has shortcomings. It doesn't know how to get the swamp leeches off its body. Ten minutes later, the last drop of blood of the swamp mud figurine was sucked dry and turned into a puddle of mud and fell heavily into the mud.  A skill book burst out.

    "Advanced skill book!" Journey to the West little Zhuanfeng rushed up to pick up the skill book.

    Everyone was overjoyed, it's been almost a day since I came in, and this is the first advanced skill book I typed out.  Dongfang Herring felt a little regretful that he couldn't collect the body of the swamp mud figurine, otherwise he would have another helper.  A group of people continue to move forward.

    "People from the Death God Guild are here again." The giant sponge boy said.  Everyone's faces were a little bit bad. Although the Death God Guild would not do anything out of the ordinary, it felt bad to be followed.

    "I'll go talk to them." Tarzan the Ape said angrily.

    "Don't go, look at me." Dongfang Herring A cruel smile overflowed from the corner of Dongfang Herring's mouth, leading everyone to speed up.

    Grass Sword Land.

    This is the purpose of Dongfang Herring. Although I told everyone how to do it in advance, everyone was still drenched in cold sweat from the elusive green grass. Except for Xiyou Xiaozhuanfeng and Dongfang Herring, everyone else was attacked several times and lost most of their lives.  , fortunately did not hang up.

    After passing, everyone did not leave, hiding in the dark and waiting.  Soon, I saw the Reaper Guild foolishly rushing into the grass sword field, half hung up in an instant, and the screams were unbearable.  All the people from the Death Guild were masters, and several of them even brought stand-in puppets.  They fought back frantically, but the metamorphosis of Cao Jiandi was beyond their imagination.

    ?It is as firm as iron and stone, impervious to water and fire.

    The Death God Guild is quite powerful, more than forty people rushed in, and when they came out, there were still nearly 10 people. Of course, they withdrew, not broke through the grass sword land.  make big make owl

    Then they thought of using flying mounts. If the land is not good, they will go to the sky.  Ten of them have two flying mounts, and they are not small in size. One mount can be used for three people, and they can be pulled in two trips.

    The six of them took to the sky on flying mounts, and it started smoothly until the moment they met the swamp hornet, the picture changed completely.

    ¡ª¡ªThe content comes from [Migu Reading]

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