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Chapter Eighty-Nine: Poor Matthew

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    Comrade Matthew, an Italian, made his way to Shanxi, took a deep breath of the cinder-smelling air in Datong, and felt that it was a miracle that he was still alive.

    At this time, China was not at peace. If an Italian came to China, if he did not have a high travel allowance and a promotion promise, he would not be willing to beat him to death.

    Wu Anguo led his staff to receive Matthew grandly. Matthew, who was wearing a suit with a black leather bag in his hand, was very proud. His chin was always parallel to the sky, and he seemed unwilling to talk to the ignorant Chinese.

    Although Matthew is like this, in China, he has always been treated politely, and almost no one dares to find fault with him, so he is even more arrogant.

    After the wind and dust, Wu Anguo was not sure what the Italian likes to eat, so he made two preparations. He prepared Chinese food and Western food at the same time. The Western food included steak, pasta, grilled chicken wings, dessert, Indian curry rice, and red wine.

    Sure enough, because of such special food, Matthew felt better. He has no interest in Chinese food. It is scary that uncivilized Chinese still eat chicken and duck claws.

    But in words, that kind of arrogance is an innate feeling.

    Wu Anguo no matter how proud this foreigner is, what he cares about is machinery.  He asked: "Mr. Matthew, will there be any wear and tear on this machine all the way? Is it going well?"

    As soon as the translation was finished, Matthew jumped up, raised his head and said to Wu Anguo: "Do you know what we Italians pursue most? Luxury goods. Our machinery is the most precise and strongest in the world.  There will be absolutely no problem." He said while shaking his sleeves.

    The suit he was wearing was from the famous Italian brand King Arthur. It cost a lot of money and was tailored very well. It's a pity that the Chinese in front of him didn't appreciate it and didn't even praise him.

    Xu Bao has been looking at this foreigner all the time, why is he shaking his sleeves all the time?  Is there something delicious in it?  She didn't like this foreigner. The Dirty Lioness and the others were also foreigners, but they were very kind. No one was like him, with a high chin and didn't know how to walk.

    But the eldest brother still took her to toast. Xu Bao saw the red liquid in the glass. It was not as delicious as the Coke he drank in Shanghai. He wondered if he drank it wrong.

    So when a certain Wu published a long speech, sincerely welcoming the Italian Mr. Matthew to China, Xu Bao stood aside and pretended to be listening, but in fact he was shaking the goblet in his hand, and his eyes were fixed in the glass.  The red liquid, trying to shake this somewhat bitter taste into a sweet taste!

    Matthew looked at Xu Bao greedily, and felt that Chinese people are so lucky to be able to marry an underage little lolita as his wife, and this little lolita is very beautiful, with fair skin like a white man, and her movements are also very elegant  In his opinion, Chinese people are ignorant, such elegant skills cannot be learned, but if he knows that Xu Bao is trying to shake the red wine into cola, I don¡¯t know if he will think so

    The translation of Wu Anguo's long speech was finally finished, and then he started to clink his glasses to toast. It was too late, and at that time, Xu Bao shook the wine glass to form a small vortex. At the moment of clinking glasses, the wine inside was like silk, flying  When he arrived at Mr. Matthew's expensive Arthur King suit, Mr. Matthew's face turned livid.

    Xu Bao knew that his eldest brother must teach himself a lesson. Every time she did something wrong, she would look innocent and pitiful, which made people feel distressed, even Mr. Matthew was no exception.  Dirty, but seeing this little loli so terrified, he heard that Chinese people still have domestic violence, and he can beat his wife casually, so he quickly said it didn't matter, he just went to change.

    Despite Mr. Matthew's statement, Xiaobao still took a lot of delicious food consciously, and sneaked away, otherwise he would be killed by the cold eyes of his elder brother, and he was so hairy that he felt chills on his back. He always felt that nothing good happened  .

    Depressed, Mr. Matthew was led by the third aunt to change clothes.  Although she maintained her demeanor on the face of Xu Bao's little beauty, she didn't have a good face when facing the third aunt, who was cursing all the way. Although the third aunt didn't understand, the third aunt had also seen the world  In the restaurant, those who chatted with Tyson still understood the phrase "fake squid", so the third aunt's face was also dark, with a fleshy face, and she was not polite to Mr. Matthew at all.

    The cursing Mr. Matthew suddenly felt that the fat servant had a strong murderous aura when he was alone with the three aunts. He didn't know why, so he suddenly shut up and obediently went to change his clothes.

    Xu Bao also sneaked out while his eldest brother was talking with Zhang and Li. In the yard, he lined up the grilled chicken wings and barbecue meat. It felt like a picnic. It felt so good, and then  found few??That machine is very expensive, my brother spent a lot of money to buy it, and we don¡¯t have much money now, if we don¡¯t have money, we can¡¯t buy meat, so you are not allowed to touch that machine, understand?  "

    Xu Bao listened to the elder brother's meandering words, and understood the threat of the elder brother, and he would not buy meat if he touched the machine again

    This threat was too ruthless, so Xiaobao looked at the machine with a serious face, and kept telling himself that he couldn't touch it, he couldn't touch it, and he wouldn't eat it if he touched it.

    But Matthew, who sat on the machine again and began to debug the machine, felt that Xu Bao was looking at him, and his face was dissatisfied, which made him more nervous. He must be unhappy that there was a problem with his machine.  The lady with the angel face did such atrocities to a tiger, and Mr. Matthew couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

    Wu Anguo saw that Mr. Matthew was sweating profusely, looked very tired, and it was getting late, so he suggested to debug it tomorrow. Foreigners are really conscientious.

    Matthew quickly agreed, breathed a sigh of relief, and prayed that there would be no breakdown tomorrow and leave this ghost place early.

    On the second day, Wu Anguo refused to let Xu Bao follow. Mr. Matthew's debugging was normal. He was lucky. Today, everything went smoothly without the scary lady. The debugging was completed in the morning, and work was over at noon, ready to go to dinner  , Matthew is already fantasizing about going back to China and eating Italian pasta.

    The other mountain is also Wu Anguo's mine, but the distance is very close.  My cousin is organizing a mine explosion today.  Don't look at my cousin flickering, there is not a single job that should be done.  Seeing that my cousin is coming to play, how dare my cousin stop me, I just hope that this aunt will not make trouble.

    At first Xu Bao wanted to take the soldiers to the opposite mine to open the machine, but he was driven back early in the morning by his elder brother, so he had to come here. Unexpectedly, his cousin¡¯s place is also very interesting, Xu Bao strongly demanded  , she wants to play too.

    Three drops of sweat flowed down my cousin¡¯s forehead, and he knelt down and begged his cousin to watch it, saying that he would buy a salted crispy chicken when he went back. Xu Bao reluctantly agreed, but he still stared at others with dark eyes.

    After frying all morning, it's noon, and I'm going to call it a day and go to eat.  Xu Bao walked slowly in the back, really wanted to play, as long as he lit a fire, the opposite side would explode, how awesome, so when his cousin and the others were not paying attention, he adjusted the direction of the muzzle and threw  I made a small cannonball, used the lighter Emma gave me, lit a rope with explosives attached to the end, and then waited for the thread to burn through to see how it exploded. My cousin stepped forward and pulled Xu Baobao.  Let's go to eat.  So Xu Bao happily went to eat with his cousin.

    After a while, there was only a bang, and the machine that Mr. Matthew brought from Italy exploded

    The cousin was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What's wrong?"

    The soldier next to him said, "Maybe the other side is also blasting mines."

    Mr. Matthew, who had already walked down the mountain, suddenly felt strongly uneasy and wanted to go back to have a look, but Wu Anguo persuaded: "It's okay, it's okay, it's important to eat first, there are mines nearby, and there are often explosions!" (Remember  Website URL:
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