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Chapter 391 Hunting 4

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    Yang Luo stepped out and ran to Liu Yanpeng, picked up his sniper rifle and said to the headset: "You guys stay here, I'll take care of the rest of the rubbish." After speaking, he disappeared into the night  "inside.

    Zhou Xin jumped out from the grass, "I'll go too." Holding the saber still stained with blood, he ran towards the direction where Yang Luo disappeared.

    The jungle on a rainy night is like an open door to hell, waiting for the souls who have lost their lives to enter.

    Eckerke stopped and leaned against a tree, then dodged and ran to Matthew: "The enemy must be behind us, and there is a minefield in front of us. Please be careful not to step on the mines."

    ?Because it was too dark, gestures were invisible and there was no radio, so we had to rely on people to notify them one by one.  This is the most unfavorable for them, and it is easy to be broken one by one.  But if they gather together, with the few broken guns in their hands, they will be smashed in a few seconds.

    When Ekirk had entered the minefield, a sense of uneasiness suddenly surged in his heart.  The further you go in, the stronger this uneasy feeling becomes.  Professional instinct told him that this was the most dangerous place and not safe.

    Slowly bent down and crawled to the bushes in front, there was a slight crawling sound behind him.  Matthew and Danny and two other brothers crawled over.

    "Captain! I feel something is wrong."

    Eckerke clutched the gun tightly, staring ahead: "We shouldn't have come here."

    Just after finishing speaking, a loud voice came from the front right: "I stepped on a thunder."


    Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, and the flames shot into the sky.  A scorching heat wave hit our faces, and the five people hurriedly lowered their heads and lay there.

    "Madison and the others played." Danny whispered.

    "It seems that our minefield has been rearranged by the enemy." Matthew said in a low voice.

    Ekirk lay there on his stomach, slowly crawling backwards: "Let's get out of this damn place."

    Danny crawled slowly and extremely carefully, afraid of attracting the enemy by making a sound.

    "where are we going?"

    "No matter where you go, just leave this ghost place and get rid of their pursuit."

    Yang Luo was lying on a gentle slope, looking at the five slowly wriggling figures below through the thermal sniper mirror, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.  The finger holding the trigger slowly tightened.

    At this time, the storm finally stopped its ravages, and there was no sound except for the rustling of the leaves brought up by the breeze.  quiet!  This silence made Ekirk and the others feel the pressure of death, and sweat began to break out on their foreheads.  The squirming body is getting slower and slower, be careful.


    The brother next to Danny's head exploded suddenly, and bright red blood and steaming brain sprayed his face.

    The four of them suddenly jumped up, scattered bunkers in four different directions, and lay there motionless.

    Danny was leaning tightly behind a half-person-high stone, his spirit was really about to collapse, and the hand holding the gun was shaking all the time.  After being hunted down for several days, he has not seen the shadow of the enemy until now.  And the sticky stuff on his face still had a fishy smell telling him that the brother had been headshot by the enemy.

    Zhou Xin lay there quietly, seeing an enemy being sniped by Yang Luo, raised her head slightly to look at Yang Luo's hidden position, and saw Yang Luo gesturing to her through the night vision goggles, and then kissed her on her neck  stroke.

    Zhou Xin nodded slightly, and slowly crawled forward, a pair of feet wearing American marine boots appeared in front of him.  Without any hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the guy's ankle, and pulled it down violently.

    Danny felt someone grab his ankle, and his body slid down uncontrollably.  He turned over suddenly, broke free from the grasped ankle, and just about to turn over, a black shadow flew towards him.

    He raised the gun and was about to pull the trigger, the black figure quickly grabbed his wrist holding the gun, and stabbed down fiercely with a saber gleaming with cold light.


    The saber pierced his mouth, and the tip of the knife came out through his brain, nailing him to the ground.  Danny stared unwillingly. Only then did he see the true face of his enemy. It turned out to be a woman, and a very beautiful oriental woman.  There was a murderous look on his face.

    Zhou Xin pulled out the saber with his hand holding the saber, blood spurted out, then turned over and disappeared into the night.

    Ekirk slowly turned his head, looking for a way that would allow him to escape, and staying here would only lead to death.

    Matthew and another brother are also looking for a way out. The other party has a sniper, so they have to fight as fast as possible.?Run to the most densely forested place, use dense trees to prevent snipers from locking, and avoid deadly bullets.

    Time is flowing, the night is about to pass, and if they don't leave until dawn, they will never be able to leave.

    Ekerke no longer hesitated, and suddenly jumped out of the bunker.  Immediately afterwards, Matthew and the brother also jumped out of the bunker, and the three of them ran in a straight line to a big tree a few meters away, and then ran behind another tree in a straight line.  A few minutes later, it burrowed into the denser jungle to the east and disappeared inside.

    Yang Luo put down the sniper rifle and took out a cigarette. After searching for a long time in the cigarette case, he finally found one that was not wet and put it in his mouth, then lit it and took a deep puff.

    Zhou Xin came over and said, "Head! Shall we go around in front of them?"

    Yang Luo stood up and said with a smile: "Hang behind them for fun first, if I'm tired, I'll exhaust them to death."

    In the jungle, Ekerke and Matthew quickly passed through the dense bushes. Their clothes were torn by thorns, and there were bloodstains on their faces.

    It's been three days, running wildly for three full days, and the brother who was with them was smashed into meatloaf by a huge wooden stake that fell from the sky just yesterday.

    In the past, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they had the courage to fight.  But now when facing the invisible enemy, there is only fear and despair in my heart.  They have only one belief and that is to escape, to escape desperately.  Away from the jungle that terrified them, from enemies who have not seen a shadow until now.

    The upper body of Matthew, who was running wildly, burst open suddenly, and a cloud of blood mist drifted away in the morning sun.  This is the power of dum bombs, which can completely decompose a person into particles.

    Ekirk stopped running, and the sound of neat and rhythmic footsteps came from behind him.  Slowly Ekirk turned around, and saw a man with an oriental face appearing in front of him with a sniper rifle on his shoulder.  His steps are steady and powerful, and the distance of each step is as if measured with a ruler, no more and no less.


    Comrades!  Is it updated?  Give the gold medal to Thirteen if you do your best, brother, I am grateful.  (Remember the site URL:
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