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Text Chapter 156: Millennium Fog Through Dawn Section 2

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    In addition, why can they come here at this time, because there are very few civil wars in the entire Qingluan Kingdom, and this thousand and five hundred years plus this time is only the third time.

    And regardless of civil war or not, as long as a place is attacked by monsters or particularly bad weather, and the country is unable to maintain people's livelihood, other feudal countries will send people to help.

    After all, there are monsters and monsters of the level of Chilong Xuenv near every feudal country, and the king of the feudal state can barely guard and resist, and cannot be eliminated.

    So once such monsters and spirits occupy the city, it is likely that the celestial and human legion of the king of the country will be wiped out, just like this time.

    If other feudal states do not come to resist with all their strength, whether it is the influx of disaster-stricken refugees or further attacks by monsters, other feudal states cannot bear it.

    Instead of knowing that the disaster will spread to one's own country sooner or later, it is better to send people in advance to help contain it in other countries.

    In a few days, more servants, officials and craftsmen from other places will come. This is rebuilding three cities. It is not a small project.  "Jing Yuan continued.

    "It's very difficult to live." Zheng secretly sighed in his heart. At this time last year, he was still an ignorant boy in the countryside. The biggest thing was to save money with his mother to buy medicine.

    However, in the past few months, not only his own life, but also half of Qingluan's land have undergone these changes.  Everything seems to be so simple and one go to become what it is now.

    Heartache again and again, and hard work again and again, but I haven't seen any improvement at all.  I don't know when this day will end.  Zheng shook his head sadly, and continued to look for other hotels on the street with Jingyuan.

    Although Jiangli and Chunyi City have been preserved, the two and three big cities in Zhongzhou with the largest population have been destroyed. The surrounding villages are full of monsters and monsters, and the refugees are concentrated in these two cities to beg for life.

    Although there are deer doctors and war ox families who open warehouses to release food, it is still a drop in the bucket. Now there is no riot in the city, just tiger thorns, and the three clans of Leopard Shadow and Warg bring some half-demons to maintain law and order.

    If the city is not rebuilt as soon as possible, let alone winter, a large number of people will have nowhere to spend the winter. Even if it is not winter, so many people will be crowded in these two cities, and there will be so many wounded.

    Their excrement, waste water and waste materials for treating wounds, etc. will cause the plague to spread, and it was even more unmanageable at that time.

    Thinking of this, I feel that Master Tuomu's words to Father Early Spring are useful and appropriate. On the one hand, it helps the victims to survive the catastrophe, and on the other hand, it also convinces the whole Luyi clan without neglecting it.

    If I can learn from Lord Tuomu in the future, I won't be so reckless and helpless as I am now.

    It's just the current situation, not to mention finding a suitable hotel in the city, even if there is a restaurant that can still serve food, there are layers of guards.

    "Hey, let's go out of the city directly, even if we find some monsters and monsters outside to eat, we don't have to compete with these disaster victims for food." Zheng looked at the disaster victims lying everywhere on the road, and turned his head to the mirror in annoyance.  Yuan said.

    "Ah, yes, it's really uncomfortable to watch." Jing Yuan also agreed repeatedly.

    The two turned around and prepared to leave the city. They passed a small square and saw that there were as many people crowded here as in other places.

    It's just that the people here are much more peaceful, and they didn't howl and beg in the end. Instead, they knelt down to a temple-like gate, and they didn't know what they were doing?

    "Where is that place?" Zheng looked over there curiously, stopped in his tracks, and suddenly felt peaceful in his heart.

    "Ah, the Goddess Altar, where Goddesses are enshrined, the highest level of Goddesses is called Dogot. It is rumored that they know everything about life.

    Well, there should be such an altar in the West, but there are fewer people who believe in it.  But the further south you go, the denser the population, the more strange monsters and spirits, and the more people come here to seek answers.

    Do you still remember what I said in early spring, the more you go east, the more the monsters and spirits will change.  So it's normal that you don't know.  "Jing Yuan took a look and said.

    Then she rolled her eyes and added: "Ah, this Goddess Altar will definitely be full of incense in the future, after all, it is a troubled time now.

    If it is true that it will be in that dying state in the future, I hope that there will be more people who believe in the altar of the goddess, and they will have comfort in their hearts.

    I actually forgot about their existence. After every catastrophe, they will come out to teach and help the people. In short, they are very good.

    I hope they can play a positive role in the future.  "Anyway, Jingyuan piously turned to the sacrificialAltar put his hands in front of his forehead and bowed to that side.

    "Oh, Goddess Altar, let's go, let's go and see, um, I met a Leopard Shadow called Jiangxiang before, and her father is the Leopard Shadow who went to take Qingluo away.

    It is the Leopard Shadow that disappeared with Qingluo, do you still remember?  "Zheng pulled the horse and walked over there, and said as he walked, "Jiang Xiang told me that he is the person in the altar of the goddess.

    That so-and-so special goddess told her mother that his father was still alive, but he was just trapped somewhere, and then we found the completely alienated father of Xiangxiang.

    Let's go over now and see if we can also ask about Qinglao.  "Zheng pushed through the crowd and was about to enter the altar.

    "Ah, I remember looking at that completely alienated Leopard Shadow, alas, that is also pitiful, although they can communicate when they enter the full body of the vision.

    But it feels pretty miserable. However, a completely alienated Leopard Shadow is possible. I just said that it is possible to return to a vision body, and it is basically impossible to return to a human form.

    But it is useless to return to the vision body. Apart from being able to speak, I feel that it is not as good as the vision body.  "Jing Yuan thought for a while, and it seemed that it was really useless.

    "Uh, why can't I become a human if I can become a vision body? After becoming a vision body, is the memory still there?" Zheng asked curiously. If the memory is still there, I can know more clues about Qingluo.  up.

    "Ah, the goddess Dogot came to give a lecture in the Phantom Demon's training center before, and told us the difference between the human form, the vision body and the vision body.

    The biggest difference between the vision body and the vision body is actually not the appearance we see, but the bones, internal organs and consciousness.

    The number of bones in the complete anomaly body far exceeds that of a human figure. The more bones, the more joints, and the more flexible it is.  That's why the servant and half-demon are weighed so much by ordinary humans.

    Another one is the ratio of muscles. Fur and claws are also trivial matters. The higher the ratio of muscles, the greater the strength, and the strength of internal organs affects explosive power and endurance.  You are a heavenly man, and your natural way is what I just said.

    So after the long-term abnormal body has adapted, at most it can only return to the abnormal body, but it cannot return to the human form with a simple and thin structure, and the musculoskeletal and internal organs cannot bear it.

    In fact, the visionary body of the servants of the gods should be their most comfortable form, but hahaha, there are too many people, which leads to a problem that if they don¡¯t change their human form, are there any claws that are specially suitable for human tools that they use every day?  Handy.

    There is really no way to make various tableware, utensils, and the like according to the claws of various servants of the gods.

    The memory is definitely gone. It is said that the vision body is their most comfortable state. The vision body is completely what they are, and they can maintain their rationality and enter the vision body, which shows that their awareness of civilization is still there.

    Entering the human form means that there is still a strong sense of self-control, and the same as the surrounding people, these signs of being cultivated by civilization are gone.

    The essence is that the memory of all civilizations is gone.  "Jing Yuan also quickly finished speaking and followed Zheng into the goddess altar.

    There were a lot of people at the entrance of the altar, but most of them were dressed in tatters and looked sad, praying to the altar with the same worship gesture as Jing Yuan just now.

    At the door of the altar stood two expressionless women.  There were two huge lanterns hanging above their heads, and the warm yellow light shone on them, giving them a layer of pale golden light.

    They looked at the people below, just stood there silently, the veil skirts on their bodies were blown by the breeze, looking at such holy and dignified people gave people a kind of tranquility from the bottom of their hearts.

    "Ah, I think these two girls have phantom demons, you see there is a step in the middle, but these people just worship them silently on both sides, no one makes any noise.

    They should all be living in illusions. I have also been to the Goddess Altar before, but no one does illusions, so I have not discovered it.

    However, this makes sense.  "Jing Yuan squinted at the two girls and said thoughtfully.

    "What makes sense." Zheng followed.

    "Ah, in the Illusory Demon Village, there are no Illusory Demons in the Illusory Demon Training Institute who can graduate and be selected to go to other feudal kingdoms. Not all of them are in the village, so they will serve at the Goddess Altar." Jing Yuan continued to walk forward.

    But Zheng stopped after hearing this, and stretched out his hand to grab Jingyuan: "Does that mean that the goddess altar is also the power of the national teacher?"

    "Ah, no, the Altar of the Goddess is in the fairyland, it's okay. Go and have a look, even if it belongs to the national teacher, she wants to deal with you, so you don't need to pick a place." Jing Yuan pulled Zheng forward indifferently.

    "Then we're going up now, isn't it a little, uh, a little weird, will it break the state they are maintaining now." Zheng also felt that something was wrong, only the two of them walked up the steps, and the others remained silent.

    Why did this group of refugees stay here so obediently, and there were still people pushing over from behind, but they stopped obediently where they could see the two girls.

    Zheng looked around.  The situation here is a little weird, and what's even weirder is that except for the two of them, everyone else feels as if it's normal.

    </div>"Jing Yuan didn't care and pulled Zheng to continue walking forward.

    "Then we're going up now, isn't it a little, uh, a little weird, will it break the state they are maintaining now." Zheng also felt that something was wrong, only the two of them walked up the steps, and the others remained silent.

    Why did this group of refugees stay here so obediently, and there were still people pushing over from behind, but they stopped obediently where they could see the two girls.

    Zheng looked around.  The situation here is a little weird, and what's even weirder is that except for the two of them, everyone else feels as if it's normal.

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