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Chapter 605 Boss of the Fourth Sky Domain

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    Lu Chen underestimated the severity of Balrog's old injury. At this time, Balrog's breath was already weak, so Lu Chen hurriedly found a lakeside and let Nine Wings stop there.

    "Little green, let's see how the Balrog is doing!" Lu Chen laid the Balrog flat on the grass.

    "Boss, he was seriously injured before. This time he forcibly activated the Demon Sky Burning Soul Formation, a large amount of spiritual power burst out in a short period of time, and his body was close to collapse."

    "Can it be saved?"

    "During the joint competition, most of the big medicines were eaten by Xiao Maotuan. I still have some high-level medicines left here, which are for you"

    Lu Chen said without hesitation, "Save him at all costs!"

    "Got it, boss."

    Lu Chen didn't know medical skills, so he was making trouble there, so he handed it over to Xiaolu for treatment, while he sat by the lake.

    "Xiao Min, please talk to me." Lu Chen handed over Xiao Min.

    "Boss" Xiao Min also saw that Lu Chen was in a bad mood, and felt very distressed.

    "Xiao Min, I really regret this time. If I hadn't held grudges against the Balrog, if I had acted earlier, the Balrog wouldn't have been hurt so badly!"

    "Boss, you don't need to blame yourself. Everyone in the nine days said that people who are not of our race must have different hearts. After all, you and him are not of the same race, and because of him being imprisoned, normal people will have ideas."

    Lu Chen shook his head, "Foreigners? What's the difference? Every race has good people and bad people."

    From the first day to the fourth day, Xiao Min has never left Lu Chen. She knows that what Lu Chen needs now is not enlightenment, but just companionship. She sits quietly beside Lu Chen, looking at the calm lake with him  .

    After a long time, Lu Chen suddenly said, "Maybe we are all wrong. Our enemy is not other races, but those powers that are superior and manipulate everything!"


    In the evening, Lu Chen set up a simple camp and set up a bonfire.

    "Next time I have to find a chance to learn fishing and cooking. I have been living in the wilderness several times. Without these skills, I might starve to death in the future." Lu Chen shook his head and complained.

    "I really want to chase the cloud's barbecue"

    Over there, Little Green fed the Balrog a lot of pills. At this time, the Balrog was still in a coma, lying on the haystack and lethargic.

    "It's all right now, the human race and the demon race can't stay any longer."

    At this moment, the Balrog squeaked, and Lu Chen hurried over to check.

    The Balrog finally woke up. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw Lu Chen's concerned face.

    "Huh? Are we all dead?"

    Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Balrog speak, "He's not dead, he's alive and well. Xiaolu, you've worked hard."

    "Little Green is not tired Boss, if he wants to recover, he still needs to rest for a month, and I still have a few ingredients for the healing elixir here."

    "You send it to me, and I'll find a way to get it."

    Lu Chen helped Balrog to sit up, fed him and drank some water.

    "How do you feel, better?"

    "My whole body hurts like hell."

    Lu Chen asked again, "By the way, how are you doing in reality? If you are convicted of a felony, they won't just cut off your log-in device, right?"

    "Logger? Oh, you said that, we demons don't use loggers."

    "How do you log in to the game without a login device?"

    The Balrog said weakly, "Game? Our demons entered the Nine Heavens from the Fourth Heaven, so we don't need the primary trials of the Nine Heavens. In the Fourth Heaven, we came to the Nine Heavens world through our spiritual consciousness. I heard that the Fifth Heaven is  direct¡­¡­"

    For the information behind Wuchongtian, the translation software directly stopped the translation, and it was impossible for Lu Chen to understand the language of Balrog.

    "Oh, by the way, it is forbidden to talk about the information of the following Tianyu for nine days, you should not understand me."

    "I don't understand, but it doesn't matter, I just explore by myself, as long as you are fine in reality."

    The Balrog thought for a while, "They will probably want me, wait for me, I'll find a safe place to hide."

    Everyone was desperate for friendship, and the Balrog went offline in front of Lu Chen.

    After waiting for a while, Balrog went online again.

    As soon as the Balrog went online, he looked at the sky and said in a panic, "Oops, I forgot the time difference! Let's get out of here!"

    "Ah? Why? It's quite safe here, besides, we have nowhere to go now."

    "Safety"Mao, hurry up, that thing will come out soon!  "

    "What's coming out?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

    "Quadruple Sky Domain boss!"

    "Ah!" Lu Chen was shocked, "Boss of the Tianyu? The boss of the Tianyu on this level is not staying in the Tongtian Tower, but brought it around?"

    "That guy is not ordinary strong, and he is cruel by nature. He usually won't kill you directly, so that you can't survive. Remember, you must never stay in the wild in the war zone at night!" Balrog stood up with his body on his back, "  There is a small town in the northeast, full of mercenaries, let's go there first. That guy will not enter the city."

    Lu Chen thought to himself, even if the Balrog didn't know his own strength, he would somehow know his own strength if he escaped from the army of thousands of demons and immortals with him.

    Even so, he is so nervous, I am afraid that the boss of the fourth heaven is quite powerful.

    "Quick, don't be dazed! Don't use the mount, the target is too big."

    Seeing that he was so anxious, Lu Chen immediately recalled Xiao Min and Xiao Lu to carry Balrog on his back.

    After reducing his blood volume to more than ten percent with death and dragon's blood boiling, after shortening the displacement and cooling down, Lu Chen took the Balrog and rushed towards the northeast quickly.

    "Hurry up, hurry up!"

    "Brother, I'm already the fastest, think of me as a Maserati!"

    The Balrog is not in the mood to joke with Lu Chen, he looks around vigilantly all the time, "No, I already feel that thing is approaching us!"

    Just as he was talking, Lu Chen suddenly felt a violent shaking under his feet.

    Looking back, Lu Chen couldn't help taking a breath, the mountains behind him seemed to come alive, and began to dance continuously.

    "Damn it, what the hell!"

    "It's that guy! Run!" the Balrog shouted.

    I haven't seen the true face of that thing yet, but it can make mountains rise and fall, and that thing under the ground is definitely not a joke.

    The ground shook, making Lu Chen's point of focus extremely unstable when he activated his displacement skills.

    "Damn it, how big is the boss of the Fourth Heaven!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth, "Nine Steps to the Void!"

    He never expected that just escaping would make him use nine void steps!

    Lu Chen was in a floating state, flying through the air at high speed, and he watched the ground crack open, and something was rolling and chasing them.

    Accidentally, Lu Chen saw an eye, the size of the eye was more than 30 meters in diameter, just a single eyeball, it was already a giant.

    "It's over, it's down there!"

    "I'll go!" Lu Chen finally understood why the Balrog was so nervous. This creature is definitely a giant that Lu Chen has never seen before, and its strength is even more unimaginable.

    "Balrog, how far is it?"

    "After 5000 meters, it will enter the range of the mercenary city, and it will not chase in!"

    5000 meters!  Lu Chen's eyes were about to burst, "Nine steps to the infinite void!" (Remember this site's website:
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