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Text Chapter 46: Blood Diamond Heist (2)

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    At this moment, Charles is meeting an important guest in the banquet hall, Hayato Yamashita, the ambassador of the Cherry Blossom Country embassy.

    Hayato Yamashita is a very strict and old-fashioned person, who is very serious about everything and has no tolerance for sand in his eyes.  He was as stubborn as a rock, and everyone who worked with him hated and feared him, even his wife didn't want to be alone with him.

    This extreme character made him many enemies, and also made him appreciated by leaders and loved by voters.

    It is said that after the end of the ambassador's term, his official career will go a step further and he will enter the cabinet as the head of an important department.

    This year is the last year of the ambassador's term, and he will return to China in mid-December.

    At the beginning of this year, he received a secret letter from the people above, and the instructions in the secret letter were very inexplicable.

    He actually asked him to come to Tim today and check into the Blackstone Hotel with great fanfare.

    Other than that, there is no information.

    The seal on the secret letter comes from the Secret Collection Section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

    This is a mysterious police force, and there are only two people who can mobilize this force, one is the police director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and the other is the emperor.

    As the ambassador of the Sakura Kingdom, everything he does requires a lot of work and trade-offs from the team behind him, and he cannot do it arbitrarily.

    In order to be able to stay at the Blackstone Hotel today, the team behind him started planning two months ago.

    With his distinguished ambassador status, coupled with his real power status in the future Sakura Kingdom, he was naturally warmly welcomed by the Blackstone Hotel.

    It was after three o'clock in the afternoon when he entered the executive luxury suite that he had booked a long time ago.

    After entering the room, he immediately went to the master bedroom to rest on the grounds that he was unwell, and told his assistant to wake him up half an hour later.

    Behind this normal arrangement is his bewilderment about the task.

    The mission of the Secret Collection Class will definitely not be so simple. After staying in the Blackstone Hotel, there must be follow-up missions.

    He closed the curtains, turned off all the lights, sat on the sofa, and quietly waited for the person who connected with him.

    Not long after, a voice sounded in front of him.

    "Yamashita-san, I kept you waiting."

    Hayato Yamashita looked at the looming figure in the darkness, and nodded lightly.

    "Tonight, a woman will be murdered in this country. Please make the matter bigger, the bigger the better."

    After speaking, that figure completely disappeared.

    He turned on the desk lamp, took a nap for more than 20 minutes, walked out of the room, and met Charles, the chairman of the Blackstone Hotel.

    Before coming to Tim, he specifically did a detailed research on the three superpowers here.

    The magic gun policeman Smoker, the owner of the death pit.  In the hidden treasure class, except for the three police officers, no one is his opponent.

    Shenquan Adolf, this person is outrageous. No one can compete with him in the face of Sakura Guoming. Maybe there are unborn wizards in those ancient families who can fight against him. If you fight for a day or two, of course it is impossible to win.  , after all, Adolf is one of the five murderers, a super strong man that even Baines can defeat.

    Bomber Charles, on the surface, is the chairman of the Blackstone Hotel, but secretly he is the fifth-ranked bomber in the kickboxing world, with seven gold belts, and has not lost this year.

    The reason why the three of them are so strong is because they are all murderers.

    Although there are people with superpowers in this world, the strongest people are all those with killing intent.

    They are the ones who stand at the pinnacle of force in this world!

    Hayato Yamashita and Charles took the dedicated elevator side by side to the banquet hall on the first floor.

    There was a reception specially held to welcome him.

    Why is Charles so enthusiastic about him? He knows well that the recent expansion of the Blackstone Hotel in the East has been hindered by many parties, and it has already been suspended.  An excellent springboard.

    Businessmen seek profit, and Charles is not immune.

    When the hotel GM found Charles, Charles was having a good conversation with Hayato Yamashita.

    There was a hint of a smile on Hayato Yamashita's serious face.

    The hotel gm stood beside Charles, took advantage of the gap between Yamashita Hayato and his assistant, leaned over to Charles' ear and said, "Boss, something happened in the hotel and you need to deal with it."

    "What's the matter?" Charles said lightly, taking a sip of his wine.

    "There was a murder in the hotel."


    "The front office manager has confirmed, and I have also seen the information she sentFor Mutos University, this ticket is naturally unnecessary and will be given to the second owner.

    The second owner was originally Ibrahimovic, who was canceled by Caroline not long ago.

    Zhang Ye asked her why.

    Her answer to Zhang Ye was that the status of high-priced students in Mutos University is generally not high, and she does not want Ibrahimovic to be inferior to others in the future.

    Moreover, Barbara's adoptive father, Kassenberg, has already contacted the president of Imperial University of t5. If Ibrahimovic fails the ranking, the president of Imperial University is very willing to accept Ibrahimovic.

    This answer made Zhang Ye laugh out loud, Kassenberg obviously did not forgive Barbara, you know

    Kassenberg, as the chief conductor of the Imperial Royal Orchestra, has had a friendship with Felix for more than 30 years. As long as he says a word, Ibrahimovic can easily enter Mutos University.

    Although she has the qualifications to enter Mutos University, Linda doesn't want to be a high-priced student.

    Since the birthday party, she has stayed in the Blackstone Hotel and booked a small multi-purpose hall, where she invited many teachers and professional interviewers for the final pre-examination sprint.

    It works!  It feels good.

    She is a very confident person. Even if she faces the most critical interviewer in history, Grand Duke Felix, she is not nervous at all. Instead, her mind is clear and her thoughts are extremely stable.

    The reason why these professional interviewers were not dismissed was mainly because the friends around her were in great need.

    In the last two days, she suddenly fell in love with dancing.

    In the past, I just looked at it and thought it was soft and not aesthetically pleasing, but now I dance it myself, and I suddenly feel that dancing is a very pleasant thing.

    She was obsessed with ballet.

    Even professional ballet teachers praised her for being very talented and her figure is very suitable for ballet dancing.

    These words almost broke Linda's defense.

    Dancing should not be too fierce, the more fierce the dance, the greater the inertia, which will greatly affect the coordination of the body.  In addition, fierceness can cause great damage to some dance styles, such as ballet.

    Ballet has extremely strict requirements in terms of fierceness. If the fierceness is too great, the teacher will directly persuade you to quit. If you want to be a top ballet dancer, you may even have to undergo breast reduction surgery.

    At that time, Linda wanted to dismiss the dance teacher in her heart, but after she calmed down, she felt that this was too cheap for her, and she couldn't vent her anger at all.

    After drinking a few sips of water, a wonderful idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

    She lowered her head and bit the straw, and smiled happily, with a hint of cunning in her star-like eyes.

    "What makes you so happy?" Griffin, who didn't know what he was busy with recently, appeared beside him and asked.

    "It's a boring thing." Linda looked up at him, and found that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face was still covered with ok.  "It's really rare for you to be injured like this."

    "Where are the seven or eight people in the car, they are worse than me." Griffin looked around, but did not see Ibrahimovic.  "What about the kid?"

    "He hasn't been here."

    "No way! That kid is so obedient this time!" Griffin said in disbelief.

    He also heard that Craig agreed with Ibrahimovic and Linda, but only if Ibrahimovic was admitted to Mutos University, and before that, the two could not communicate in private.

    Linda silently took a sip of water, blinked, and seemed to understand something.

    Griffin scratched his head, and smiled awkwardly: "That means I can be friends with him again?"

    "What do you want?" Linda shook her sweaty hair, then tied her long hair into a ponytail with a silver headband.  "Although he doesn't really hate you, he can't forgive you that easily. You hurt Daisy too deeply."

    "I'm not suitable for her." Griffin said indifferently: "If he can't even tell the difference, it's not him."

    "You can do whatever you want." Linda rested, waved to the dance teacher, and continued to practice the movements just now.

    Griffin curled his lips. Linda's behavior is that she doesn't intend to help make peace, and she can only rely on herself.

    Ibrahimovic is more evil, and more and more evil.

    It must be a good thing to have such a wicked friend. He has been fighting with Ibrahimovic for so long, and he really doesn't want to fight anymore.

    Also, Ibrahimovic got a lot of weapons and equipment from Vincent, all of which were produced by MI6.

    Ibrahimovic's evil ways must be inseparable from those things.  </div&gt
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