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Main Text Chapter 17 Spider Woman Bar

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    The unkillable Zal, the younger brother of the Shivar brothers, is not as strong in force, and his mind is not as good as his brother, but he is the most difficult person in the world to kill.  Just because his ability is so against the sky, he can possess the body of the dead, activate the body without life features, restore most of its body activities, and grasp part of the memory of the dead.

    If it's just like this, it's not against the sky. What makes his ability against the sky is that it doesn't need the main body operation to activate it, and it can also be attached to the body

    In other words, the person who exerts the ability is not necessarily the main body, but may also possess the body.  And the mind attached to the body is no different from himself.

    Except for himself, no one knows who his real body isor in the process of constantly playing other people, he may even forget who he is.

    For example, he is now playing the role of the second brother. He not only has the body of the second brother, but also part of the memory of the second brother, as if he has been reborn through time travel.

    Not to mention the good brothers who have been together for more than ten years, even his wife can't see anything unusual.

    The better the performance, the more deeply you get into the play, and the more memories you receive.

    Memory is like a double-edged sword, which allows him to perform better, but also makes him deeply tortured by various emotions.

    The memory contains not only information but also the emotions of the other party.

    In recent years, the sequelae caused by receiving the memories of the deceased have been initially resolved.  That is early death and early end!  If the attached body dies, the memories he received will be completely forgotten in a short time.

    As of now, this is the only possible way.  Although there are still sequelae, for example, some of my memories will be erased, but they are all unimportant memories, for example, I forgot what I ate today, and I can¡¯t remember whether the door is closed or the car is locked.

    Just as they were celebrating their impending victory, a man quietly stood in front of them.

    "It turned out to be Arthur!" The second brother just flashed this paragraph in his mind, and his eyes went dark, and he returned to Farrier's nigger bodyguard.

    There were light raindrops in the sky.

    Ibrahimovic touched his wet forehead, and glanced at the dark clouds that were slowly drifting towards the sky.

    The sun was shining brightly just now, but now it is raining.


    A black umbrella opened.

    Smoker looked around while holding his umbrella.

    Almost at the same time he opened the umbrella, the rain suddenly fell heavily.  The rain hit the umbrella, making a crackling sound.

    Gradually, water accumulated on the ground, and the water splashed in all directions, wetting the trousers of the two of them.

    The heavy rain came and went quickly. When the two arrived at the parking lot outside the Spider Maid Bar, the rain had stopped and the air was exceptionally fresh.

    "We're here." Smoker held the umbrella and looked back at Ibrahimovic.

    "Don't look at me like that. Although I know it's hard for you, think about it. Those people are not all bad people. There are also good people and family members among them."

    "I hope you won't regret it." Smoker dodges, climbs up the stairs, and after a few vertical leaps, he appears at the door of the Spider Woman Bar.

    The two security guards at the door suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of them, and subconsciously went to draw their guns.  After seeing the person coming, he stretched his hand into his bosom before slowly releasing the grip of the gun.

    Seemingly having received the order from above, they immediately opened the door and welcomed Smoker in.

    Ibrahimovic was not that fast, it took him two or three minutes to get to the door.

    As Tim's mouse king, Jerry has millions of younger brothers all over Tim.  Whether it's an inaccessible forest or a bustling shadow, he has eyes and ears.

    If you want to find someone that even the police can't find, Jerry is his best choice.

    However, Jerry's fee is not cheap, and he needs to meet some preconditions before he can play a role, otherwise the money will be wasted and no one will be found.

    The preconditions are roughly divided into three.

    First, this person must be in Tim City.

    Second, it didn't rain during the period of disappearance.

    Third, and most importantly, provide the missing person's personal belongings, the richer the better.  It is best to have a clear frontal headshot.

    After Ibrahimovic knew that Matthew was missing, he immediately thought of Jerry, but then he thought about it. On the second day after Matthew disappeared, Tim had to give up this shortcut because of the heavy rain all day.

    Griffin's situation is different from that of Matthew. After being kidnapped, it didn't rain in Tim City. He could take the shortcut of Jerry and find the place where Griffin was being held directly.  But he didn't do that.

    On the one hand, he believes that Griffin will not"Yeah! It seems that the enemy you encountered this time is not simple!" Ibrahimovic looked around the bar hall. Although there are not many security personnel, they are from various professions. Under their protection, you will feel constant attention.  with protection.

    However, this manpower is a bit small, and it doesn't match her status as a big boss at all.

    Does she feel that there are too many people useless?  Or do you think these people are enough to protect her?

    This calmness, this self-confidence, beat those gang leaders by several blocks, if she hadn't been in jail back then, how awesome would she be now?

    "Want something to drink?" Judy poured her a glass of red wine.

    Ibrahimovic nodded, stood up and took the red wine glass, raised his head and took a big sip.  "Hmm how weird is this wine? What kind of red wine is this and why is it so disgusting?"

    "Blood wine."

    Ibrahimovic was taken aback, and after sitting down, he savored it carefully for a long time, but he still couldn't taste this ridiculously expensive red wine.

    "Calm your heart, concentrate your mind, and don't be confused by blood. Bloody wine really has blood. It used to be human blood, but now it's snake blood." Smoker appeared behind Ibrahimovic, and he didn't know when he picked it up.  cigars.

    "Would you like a drink?" Judy laughed.

    "I've given up drinking, and your cigars taste good." Smoker smacked his mouth twice, exhaling big clouds of thick smoke.  The last time Judy saw that he liked it, she gave him a box of Blue Youmeng.


    Smoker chopped off an unused cigar in the middle with a hand knife.

    "Ibrahimovic, which was the most intense battle you have ever experienced?" Smoker held a cigar in each hand, and rubbed it vigorously, and the cigar was scattered after a while.

    Ibrahimovic thought for a while and said: "That time at Moth Mountain! That bastard is too perverted, bullets are useless to him, and sniper rifles can only make him bleed. In his eyes, hundreds of police officers are like children.  Just hit, kill as much as you want. If you hadn't appeared in time, I guess I would have confessed to be there that day."

    "That time" Smoker turned his fingers quickly, and two small condensed cigars appeared in his hand.  "This time, it's much more dangerous than that time. The weakest of them is much stronger than that iron manthey are here!"

    As soon as the words fell, Ibrahimovic's eyes blurred, and something was stuffed into his ears.  Immediately afterwards, an invisible wave of air swept across the entire hall, blowing the decorations of the tables and chairs in the hall upside down in an instant, and none of the more than twenty security guards could stand still.

    The magic gun suddenly appeared, and Smoker's aura rose violently.

    Gaze around, and finally freeze at your feet.
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