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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sundries -> Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 209

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    Xiazhi and Tachibana came to the center of Chiba by tram. Xiazhi waited for Tachibana, who knew the way, to show him the way. Unexpectedly, Tachibana got off the tram and retrieved the map without saying a word.  This unreliable behavior was naturally complained by Xia Zhi.

    "But, I don't come here often to play, why do I have to know how to get here?"

    It seems to make sense.

    In the final analysis, the things brought by the Internet age are convenient. Let alone sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day, you can even go to Mars when you stay at home and move the mouse. Although there is still a screen in between, but  There are not so many things in this world that you have to experience yourself.

    Xia Zhi followed Tachibana, and was bent once by Tachibana's ribbon in the middle. Her destination changed from a video game center to a shop selling crepes. It is said that this shop is very popular in the neighborhood.  Regardless of her strong recommendation, Xia Zhi reached for her mobile phone, changed the destination to the video game center before, and then dragged Tachibana, who seemed reluctant to leave, towards the direction of the destination.  Fortunately, Li Huacai didn't really want to leave, Xia Zhi still dragged her forward step by step.

    Crepes are the ultimate sweet food that puts a layer of pancake on top of the dessert to pretend to be food. Of course, the content inside is how sweet, greasy, and how it comes from.  Creamy strawberry chocolate only you can't think of, there is no dessert they don't add to it.  If it is said that delicious things are layered on top of each other, crepes, the ultimate food, simply multiply the sweetness.

    Li Huacai was still yelling about wanting to eat delicious food along the way, and the impatient Xia Zhi reasoned with her: "You eat sweets not long after eating, do you want to get fat?"

    But Xia Zhi forgot that such a threat is not a threat at all to Li Huacai.

    "Sweets are stored in a girl's other stomach! Besides, I have the kind of body that can't get fat no matter what I eat!" Li Huacai raised her eyebrows proudly, Xia Zhi always felt that she was getting happier recently  Take it off, like a domestic husky without its restraints.

    "I think you seem to have gained weight recently." Xia Zhi's lies came out of his mouth.

    Li Huacai's vague struggles disappeared without a trace in an instant, Xia Zhi looked back in surprise, Li Huacai's expression froze.

    "What you said is true?" Li Huacai asked uncertainly, her tone full of temptation.

    As the saying goes, every lie needs more lies to make up.

    "Yeah. It's not obvious, but your hands are a little thicker than before."

    Although I have never held your hand.  Xia Zhi thought to himself.

    Li Huacai's face was completely gloomy because of Xia Zhi's words, and she broke free from Xia Zhi's hand. Just when Xia Zhi was wondering what she was going to do, Li Huacai put her hands on Xia Zhi's shoulders and turned him around.  In the direction of the video game center, it doesn't matter that much, but Xia Zhi is pushed forward with an irresistible force.

    This reaction is really greatXia Zhi thought cheerfully.  However, basically as long as it is a girl, it will care about these things, but I didn't expect Tachibana to do the same.  Obviously she looks good now, but she still cares about her body shape so much.  But it should be caring to maintain such a good state.

    In other words, is she so unconfident about the setting that she can't get fat no matter what she eats?  Or is that simply a setting she made up by herself?  Xia Zhi didn't know.  Although I don't want to admit it, there seems to be such a person in this world. The biggest reason is my perfect sister Although I eat snacks and sweets every day, I have never seen her gain weight at all, and I don't know where those calories go.  went.

    I haven't seen her exercising much at ordinary times, the biggest amount of exercise is to die.  However, there are also people who are thin because of mental and physical exhaustion. Perhaps Tachibana has used a similar principle, so she does crazy things every day to maintain her figure.  Such a super power is too scary, it's better not to really appear.

    It is enough to have only one Lu Xiaoshu in the world.

    Thanks to Li Huacai's inexplicable and powerful motivation suddenly, Xia Zhi walked to the gate of the video game center before he had time to fully remember the route, and it only took less than ten minutes.  Well, surprisingly not very far.

    This video game center is very big, and above the entrance is a big store name.  However, this store name, which is all in Japanese, seemed a bit unfamiliar to Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi could read it separately and together, but felt very vague about its meaning.  Yamato is truly worthy of the world.??There are also some avant-garde girls who like the sound and light effects of guns, ammunition, giant ships and cannons. Of course, Xia Zhi also likes that kind of girl, such as Shimakaze Tianjinfeng Akagi

    Heh, in this Internet world with complicated attributes, it seems that there is nothing that can't be turned into a girl. There are rats, cats, dogs, bears, snakes, wolves, foxes, and eagles, and some people want to open coffee shops with their pets.  What kind of drama.  shallow!  (righteous)

    They are still too good. The Chinese are far ahead of Japan in this respect. They are still in love with ghosts and pets. This is what we left after playing. Think about Dong Yong and Xu Xianning  Cai Cheng, and Luo Shiyi, who doesn't let go of even caterpillars emmmmmmmmm is getting more and more serious.

    Needless to say, China is far ahead in the field of ghosts and animals.  (Remember the site URL:
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