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    Through speculative analysis, after forming such an inference, basically, many things can make sense.

    As for the question of, in the end, the mechanical civilization backstabbed the magic civilization and took away the sun of the magic civilization.

    Presumably, the mechanical civilization changed the original plan based on the actual situation.

    After all, judging from the situation at the time, compared to snatching away Luo Ji's Sun of Ten Thousand Worlds Civilization, it was easier to get the Sun of Magical Civilization.

    At the same time, normally speaking, except for the "black sun" like the Zhongmo Styx civilization, the sun of other civilizations, under normal circumstances, as long as they have not undergone any project transformation, they are generally comparable to resources such as copper, iron and wood.  Similarly, it belongs to the resources that all civilizations have, and there are no restrictions on special civilizations.

    And in the process of making inferences and sorting out his thoughts, Luo Ji also thought of something and wanted to confirm it

    "By the way, are the planets inside the mechanical civilization still fixed in their original orbits? Or are they floating around in the galaxy?"

    "According to my current understanding, the planets of mechanical civilizations do not appear to be floating in the galaxy. Why do you ask?"

    "Actually, it's like this"

    With ten fingers flicking, Luo Ji quickly told Zhong Mo about the disintegration of the galaxy after the magic civilization lost its sun, and the planets began to float around in the galaxy.

    Even if Zhong Mo heard about this matter, he would have a feeling of 'increased knowledge'.

    After all, there are only a few of these super-standard civilizations over the years.

    Although there have been several fights between each other, most of them failed to penetrate the opponent's hinterland.

    And things like Caesar Trank who rolled up their sleeves and grabbed the sun are even more impossible.

    Therefore, it is the first time that the sun is dragged away and the galaxy disintegrates.

    "In other words, the sun of mechanical civilization is still there?"


    Luo Ji couldn't make a judgment on matters that were uncertain, and what they could do now was to analyze and speculate based on information.

    "In this wave, the opponent suddenly began to close the line of defense, abandoning the border and retreating. It may be just to save troops and buy time, but it may also be that some big move is about to start."

    Another message was sent out, and Luo Ji sorted out his thoughts a little.

    "And this big move, I personally feel, is probably related to the sun of the magic civilization!"

    Basically, what Luo Ji thought of, Zhong Mo also thought of.

    Therefore, Zhong Mo also directly followed Luo Ji's speculation and sent out a message

    "Combined with the above information, the biggest reason why mechanical civilization robs the sun is probably because of energy."

    "Well, I think so too."

    Luo Ji agreed with Zhong Mo's reasoning.

    "Energy is the lifeblood of mechanical civilization. Without energy, mechanical civilization will be destroyed. In a galaxy, the largest energy body is the sun!"

    "And judging from the fact that there is no day and night in the mechanical civilization, and it is completely plunged into darkness, the original sun of the mechanical civilization is probably about to fail!"

    The sun is dying?  Players of the golden civilization may not have such an idea.

    After all, for civilizations of their level, the energy of the sun is almost endless, and they can't even fully develop and utilize the energy of the sun, so how can they think about the problem of exhaustion of the sun's energy?  ?

    Let alone the golden civilization, even Zhong Mo and Luo Ji probably hadn't thought about this issue before.

    Until the situation of mechanical civilization was placed before their eyes.

    At the same time, mechanical civilization

    As the core supporting an entire galaxy, the surface of the sun is now covered with more exaggerated and thicker mechanical devices, wrapping the entire sun in an impenetrable way. From a distance, it looks like a super huge  Planet-level mechanical devices are average.

    Of course, in fact, the sun does not have much light anymore.

    Within the huge and sophisticated mechanical device, the sun, which is the core of the galaxy, has long lost its dazzling light, just like a huge fireball that is about to go out.  shimmering

    As a civilization that takes 'energy' as its lifeblood, the demand for energy by mechanical civilization is very, very terrifying, far above any super-standard civilization.

    ???With development, the demand for high-quality energy by mechanical civilization will increase.

    And as the largest energy body in the galaxy, the sun is naturally under the care of Caesar Trank.

    ?From entering super-standard civilization, along with the continuous rise of mechanical civilization's scientific and technological capabilities, and the continuous expansion of its scale, their energy extraction speed from the sun has also become more and more exaggerated.

    In the end it became what it is now

    In fact, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, the civilization mastermind of the mechanical civilization had already calculated the possible shortage of solar energy.

    Since then, according to the best plan calculated by the mastermind of civilization, their mechanical civilization has entered a state of energy saving.

    According to the calculation results, the less necessary devices in the planet are turned off in turn.

    In the non-war period, except for a small number of mechanical warriors in the mechanical civilization, they will carry out patrol work on the borders of the civilization, just in case, most of the other mechanical tribes, their bodies  The energy supply will be stopped, and the conscious body will be transferred into a special container and enter a deep sleep state to save energy consumption.

    But even so, the energy required to maintain the most basic operation of a civilization is an astronomical figure.

    At the same time, for Caesar Trank at the time, there were still threats like Zhong Mo, Ivan Last, Rowan Bollett, and Igarashi Moriro on the world battlefield, so he did not  It is possible to stop the development of one's own civilization. Once the development is stopped, it is tantamount to slow suicide.

    The easiest way to perfectly solve this energy problem is to find or develop higher energy sources.

    However, even mechanical civilization cannot achieve this level.

    Under this premise, the second plan calculated by the mastermind of civilization is to find another sun and replace the dying sun in their own civilization!

    Therefore, among the super-standard civilizations, Caesar Trank's mechanical civilization is the first player to realize the mechanism of the system and discover that the sun is a "plunderable resource".

    Since then, the civilization mastermind of the mechanical civilization has been performing calculations non-stop, trying to find opportunities to capture the suns of other super-standard civilizations.

    However, under the current world situation, it was undoubtedly too difficult to achieve this.

    Until the rise of Luo Ji

    The acquisition of information allowed the Civilization Mastermind to calculate that Luo Ji might be the player most likely to be promoted to a super-standard civilization among all the current gold players.

    If Luo Ji can be promoted, it will definitely be much easier for him to attack this newcomer than to deal with other old opponents.

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