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Chapter 1743 Escape

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    After lunch, the army set off.

    Due to the tight time right now, Delk stayed on the road for some things, and confirmed with his own soldiers while walking.

    At this moment, he was confirming the casualties of his dark elf army.

    Those numbers made Delk feel heavy. After confirming, he seemed to remember something and asked again

    "What about the human side? How about the casualties on the human side?"

    The "human side" that Delk said refers to the surviving forces of the previous Europa army.

    As they retreated all the way, many Europa garrisons stationed in various cities and fortresses also gathered one after another.

    Previously, as a dark elf, Derk basically didn't care about the human troops.

    However, at this point in the battle, the dark elf army under his command suffered a great loss in combat power due to attrition problems, but on the other hand, the entire combat power of the human army has remained quite stable.

    It is no exaggeration to say that in recent battles, when the strength of the dark elves' army has plummeted, he has begun to rely on human troops for output, especially for long-range firepower.  status.

    In this way, facing the human army that has been promoted to an important combat power, he naturally has to care about it.

    And just as Delk was confirming these situations one by one, in the sky, a harpy quickly flew towards this side.

    "Report to the general, traces of the foreign coalition army have been found in the rear!"

    When Delk heard this, his face was obviously shocked.

    "What position?"

    "They have just arrived where we camped last night."

    Before leaving the camp site, just in case, Derk deliberately left a few harpies staring at him, just to see when the combined foreign army would catch up.

    Considering the time when the harpies were on their way, the combined army of foreign countries should have left that area long ago.

    When they left, it was noon, but now, the sun has set, and the time is approaching evening. It should be relatively safe to estimate the distance in my heart, but I must not relax my carelessness.

    "General, do you want to launch an attack?"

    Undoubtedly, if the Harpy troops were allowed to attack from the air, it would more or less buy them some time.

    However, acting rashly may also be counterproductive.

    While his thoughts were flying, Delk quickly said to the harpies

    "I will send a Harpy troop to go back with you. If the foreign coalition army has found your whereabouts, then launch an attack directly. If not, then quietly follow them and monitor."


    Delk naturally had his considerations for such an arrangement.

    When the other party did not find the Harpy troops, if the Harpies were to launch an attack, wouldn't that be the same as telling the other party that the distance between them was not far?

    At that time, once the coalition army of foreign countries chases after them wildly, their situation will not be good.

    He would never do something like this to embarrass himself.

    After the harpies flew away, Derk's eyes quickly fell on his own soldiers.

    "Send the order to speed up the march, and at the same time, we will not set up camp tonight, and march overnight, trying to distance ourselves from the foreign coalition army behind us!"


    As the disadvantaged party, they are undoubtedly embarrassed at the moment.

    However, as a veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years, Delk has not completely lost his composure.

    At the same time, Delk at this time had to admit another advantage of the human army, that is the army's marching efficiency!

    Even among all civilizations, the marching efficiency of human civilization ranks first, and their marching efficiency is due to various transportation vehicles!

    For example, troop transport vehicles and motorcycle soldiers, etc.

    At this very moment, the combined army of foreign countries is chasing and killing them with these technological vehicles.

    In the case of sufficient fuel, the impact of physical problems on their marching efficiency can be said to be minimized at once.

    Although the dark elf army also obtained a batch of human vehicles when they captured the city before, the number was limited after all.

    ?And now these vehicles are also used to transport heavy ordnance such as cannons and marauder ballistas, as well as dark elf mage troops who are basically incapable of fighting.

    In other words, many soldiers still have to rely on two legs.

    As we all know, the marching efficiency of an army does not depend on the fastest moving unit, but on the slowest moving unit.

    In this way, their marching efficiency is slow, and there is absolutely no way to do it.

    The night passed, and from the defeat a few days ago to now, the dark elf army and Europa soldiers who had only slept for one night, after another wave of marching all night, some of the energy that had finally recovered, felt like being beaten at this moment.  The feeling of returning to the original shape.

    Fighting against the wave after wave of exhaustion, looking at the dimly lit sky in front of him, and the distant sky already turning pale, Delk struggled to open his bloodshot eyes,  Signal the army to stop to eat something, take a rest, and then continue to march.

    After all, in their current situation, there is no room for them to stay in one place for too long.

    Once they are caught up by the foreign coalition army, then according to their current situation, they are really finished.

    They don't even need to fight. The mere appearance of the foreign coalition army can directly collapse their morale now. The situation is already so bad.

    After a short rest, it was another long day and night for the Dark Elf army and Europa soldiers. They stopped and rested several times on the way, but each time did not exceed two hours.

    To be honest, the fatigue and pressure accumulated during this period of time are about to overwhelm them.

    Until the harpies fly again

    After all, the foreign coalition army is not made of iron. Like the dark elf army, they just finished a tough battle a few days ago.

    Now led troops to chase and kill, and chased fiercely, but failed to catch up with the dark elf army.

    Only when the other party fled away.

    After that, the marching pace was gradually slowed down so that the soldiers under his command could adjust their state.

    This gave the dark elves marching day and night a chance to distance themselves.

    After confirming the information from the Harpy, Delk can be said to be greatly relieved.

    Let the harpies continue to take turns to monitor, at least tonight, they can have a good sleep.

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