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Chapter 1126 The Power of Darkness

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    The protective effect of the armor on his body prevented this fall from killing Orcas, but the severe angina was constantly depriving him of his resistance.

    Seeing Orcas, who was struggling continuously under the Heart-cutting Curse, trying to support Okcas to stand up from the ground, a cruel and tyrannical smile appeared on Redis' face.

    "How? Painful? My dear brother? But not enough!!!"

    While speaking, the expression on Redis's face suddenly became more ferocious.

    "The pain you are enduring now is less than one-thousandth of what I was back then! Okas!!"

    Amidst the roar, the hand that Radis cast the Heart-cutting Curse suddenly exerted force. At that moment, Okas only felt that two steel needles were pierced into his heart fiercely.

    The piercing pain caused his body to lose his balance again, and he fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, he couldn't help but let out a deep scream.

    Seeing Okas's painful appearance, there was a trace of undisguised joy in Radis' dark gray eyes.

    However, at this moment, a violent roar reached his ears.

    At this very moment, the griffin that Orcas was riding was roaring and attacking him, and the griffin riders in the air were moving towards this side quickly.

    This situation distracted Redis for a moment.

    Feeling the weakening of the pain, Okas gritted his teeth, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and charged directly at Radis.

    A soft sound of blade collision quickly echoed on the battlefield, and the long sword in Okas's hand collided with the flame-shaped saber in Radis' hand fiercely.

    This situation made it impossible for Redis to maintain the posture of casting the heart-cutting spell.

    But even so, he still didn't panic at all.

    "Don't worry, my dear brother, we have plenty of time to catch up on the old days!"

    Okas's inexplicable panic was caused by Radis's easy-going posture.

    According to his understanding, Redis is good at spells, while he is better at charging and fighting in close combat.

    Under this premise, after being approached by himself, Radis can still be so calm?  This made Okas feel an ominous premonition.

    And his hunch was verified in the next second.

    The dark power full of curses immediately enveloped his griffins, together with those griffin knights who came to support them, they were the mage troops of the dark elves!  They did it!

    The unknown spell obviously had a considerable impact on the Griffin Knights.

    At the same time, the large number of harpies in the sky entangled them again, and the huge number advantage made it impossible for the Griffin Riders to escape for a while.

    As for Hydra, Redis let it continue to advance.

    "Look, we can catch up on the past again now, just you and me."

    While speaking, a large amount of dark power suddenly burst out from Radis' flame-shaped saber.

    Seeing this, Okas was a little startled in his heart, and also not to be outdone, aroused the power of the long sword in his hand. The fiery red fire magic core erupted with strong mana fluctuations, and the blazing crimson flames enveloped the whole world at once.  The whole blade!

    Although he didn't know much about Redis's weird fighting style, he was still very confident in close combat.

    As long as you don't give Radis the chance to cast the Heart-cutting Curse, you will never lose in a normal duel!

    "Come on, Redis! The enmity that has lasted for hundreds of years, it's time to end it!"

    While speaking, Orcas had already grasped the hilt of the flame sword with both hands, carrying high-temperature flames, and the tyrannical offensive directly attacked Radis.

    Probably seeing through Okas' thoughts, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Redis' mouth.

    "Do you think that as long as you don't give me a chance to cast spells, you have a chance of winning?"

    While speaking, the flame-shaped saber and the flame sword collided again.

    Fighting for strength alone, Redis is obviously not the opponent of Orkas, let alone the gap between the one-handed sword and the two-handed sword.

    After a duel, Redis quickly took two steps back to relieve his pressure. From what he looked like, it was obvious that he had fallen into a disadvantage.

    However, before Okas was happy for a second, an unexpected situation happened in the next moment.

    I saw that wrapped in the flame-shaped saberThe dark power actually wrapped around his flaming sword like tentacles at the same time as the two weapons collided.

    Before he had time to think about it, Orcas wielded the flaming sword with both hands. After forcefully sweeping away the flaming saber, with the separation of the two blades, the extended dark tentacles also followed.  Shrunk back, attached to the flame-shaped saber again.

    "Radis, what the hell are you up to?!"

    Okas, who didn't notice any abnormalities for the time being, couldn't help but questioned loudly.

    In this regard, Redis still had a faint sneer, and then looked at Okas who retreated a distance, the sneer on his face could not help but become more obvious.

    "What? Didn't you attack? Then I won't be polite!"

    While speaking, Redis, who was holding a knife in one hand, raised his empty hand again.

    Seeing this scene, Okas's heart twitched violently. He had no choice but to charge forward with his sword again.

    In this regard, Redis still did not panic, and also raised the flame-shaped saber to deal with it.

    The whole battle was a little anxious, and the weapons of both sides collided frequently. As the battle continued, Okas gradually noticed something was wrong.

    His breathing became more and more heavy invisibly. Although he is now a thousand years old, he is indeed not young, but he has not yet reached the point of old age. Coupled with years of martial arts practice, his physique has always been  Very good, it's only been a while, so it won't make him so tired?

    And just as his thoughts were spinning, Redis' slightly sarcastic voice sounded unhurriedly

    "What? Are you tired so soon?"

    While speaking, Redis directly turned from defense to offense, slashing towards him quickly with a sharp knife.

    Okas struggled to fight back, but the knife made him take several steps back before finally stabilizing his figure.

    Later, looking at the retracted dark tentacles on the flame-shaped saber, Okas suddenly changed his face as if realizing something

    "Radis, it's you, you're absorbing my power!?"

    "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

    Responding to him was a burst of uncontrollable laughter from Radis.

    "I just found out now, don't you think it's too late? My dear brother?!"

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