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Chapter 987

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    "The betrothal gift" Father Yu also stuttered.

    "Both the shares and the company must be prepared, right?"

    Zhang Yan gave him a stiff look, then suddenly stretched out her hand and slapped off the food that Father Yu was holding.

    "Eat! Are you still able to eat now? Hurry up and get me the bag! Let's go to Pei's house!"

    The atmosphere in Pei's family was rather dull.

    Pei An glanced at Pei Tianhua, then at Mr. Pei next to him.

    "Didn't our Jin'er say we haven't done it yet?"

    Old Man Pei wiped his mouth angrily, "It must be Yu Qianfan!"

    "He must be playing tricks!"

    Neither Pei Tianhua nor Pei An knew what to say.

    "Housekeeper, go look outside!"

    "Don't let your family in! Don't let them in!"

    Mr. Pei is very angry.

    As soon as the voice fell, the housekeeper said: "Those two have come!"

    After finishing speaking, he also emphasized, "He came with the shares under the name of the Yu Family Group."

    After hearing this, Mr. Pei rolled his eyes.

    Compared with the very happy atmosphere of these two families, Miller's side is not so good.

    He was fidgeting in his seat.

    Is that project really okay?

    Miller said to himself: "If there is really no problem with the project, why didn't Yu Qianfan sign it?"

    "Although the partner of this project has a bigger appetite, it doesn't affect my money."

    "And what does his last look mean?"

    This is how people are. Once they fall into a certain misunderstanding of thinking, their ideas will become more and more extreme.

    Obviously not so.

    But he himself has thousands of reasons to convince himself that the misunderstanding is true.

    "This project must be cautious!"

    Miller gritted his teeth, this time he was going to invest a large sum of money.

    This time, he must succeed, so that he can save the domestic market, and at the same time drive the foreign market together.

    Miller rubbed his eyebrows a little irritably.

    After coming here, he always has a feeling that his fists and feet are bound and cannot be used.

    Not long after, the secretary came back with some information about the Changchun Group.

    "The reputation of this group in the circle is not very good, but there are also projects that make money, and of course, there are also projects that lose money."

    The secretary handed Miller a stack of documents.

    "The people who work with him either lose money or make a lot of money."

    Miller frowned while flipping through the pages and asked, "What is the ratio of the two results?"

    "The loss is almost 50-50 to the gain." The secretary and he began to worry like this.

    "By the way, I heard that President Wang of Wang Feng Group has also prepared a big project this time, and held a dinner party to gather investment partners." The secretary paused and said, "Li Jin has also gone."

    Li Jinke would never attend worthless strangers' dinner parties.

    Miller immediately put down the information in his hand, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

    Not long after, Miller's car stopped at the door of the dinner party.

    Although he didn't have an invitation letter, as long as someone got in touch with Mr. Wang, he would be able to get in by simply swiping his face.

    Entering the banquet hall, many men and women looked over.

    "Is that Miller?"

    "I came back from country m. I heard that it is very famous there."

    "Self-made, young and promising."

    Everyone whispered, and there was no lack of recognition and appreciation for Miller in their words.

    Especially those who have daughters at home can't help but have some ideas.

    Wouldn't it be a good thing if this could match up his daughter with Miller?

    Miller, this is a super potential stock.

    "I'm really surprised that Mr. Miller can come here." Mr. Wang, the host of this banquet, walked over immediately, with a bright forehead with a big belly in sharp contrast to the refined and refined Miller.

    All the young girls present were a little moved.

    Don't women like them have to obey the arrangement of the family in the end and choose a man for a commercial marriage?

    It was as if they were staring at Yu Qianfan collectively before.

      Don't seek love, at least find someone who is not so hideous, right?

    It's easy to get into the scene with that handsome face when acting.

    "Because I am very interested in the new project, so I came here uninvited, Mr. Wang, don't blame me." Miller said, looking around.

    Did not see Li Jin.

    Wang always felt that Miller was really here for his new project.

    Immediately he straightened his big belly.

    "I was negligent. I should have sent an invitation letter to Mr. Miller. I'm afraid I won't get into Mr. Miller's eyes if I make a small fuss."

    President Wang brought people in.

    Just as Miller sat down, the outside door opened again.

    Li Jin, who was wearing a long skirt and gown, walked in from the outside.

    As soon as she walked in, the whole scene was silent for two minutes.

    Everyone looked at Li Jin.

    A smile bloomed on Mr. Wang's face.

    "Miss Li looks much better in real life than in the pictures!"

    Mr. Wang immediately forgot about Miller.

    After all, no matter how good Miller is, his results are all in country m, and he doesn't do projects in country m.

    In comparison, Li Jin needs to please more.

    After all, standing behind Li Jin are the two largest and most famous families in City A.

    In addition, Yu Qianfan, whose eyes are higher than the top, seems to be obedient to her.

    Rather than working with Miller, he certainly wanted to work with Yu Qianfan more.

    "Thank you." Li Jin smiled politely at him.

    As soon as he raised his eyes, Li Jin saw Miller opposite him.

    She frowned subconsciously.

    This small movement was immediately caught by Miller.

    He felt Li Jin's displeasure and tension at that moment just now, was he afraid that he would come to grab the project?

    Miller rubbed his index finger with his thumb, and smiled at Li Jin.

    Throughout the entire banquet, Li Jin was talking with Mr. Wang.

    There is no lack of praise for his new project in the words.

    Everyone at the scene knew that it might be that Li Jin wanted this project, so they stopped being attached to this project and started chatting with other people.

    See if you can discover new business opportunities.

    Miller's gaze was fixed on Li Jin's body.

    "Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first."

    Li Jin got up and smiled at Mr. Wang.

    She walked towards the bathroom, and Miller immediately followed her.

    He followed behind.

    Li Jin was on the phone while walking in front.

    "What?" Yu Qianfan's voice came from the phone.

    "Yu Qianfan!" Her voice came from the other end of the aisle, "I came to the banquet today and talked with Mr. Wang about the feasibility of the new project."

    Her high heels landed crisply.

    Miller walked into the men's bathroom next to him and listened carefully to the movement on the other side.

    The bathroom was very quiet, and the words over there came clearly.

    "Yu Qianfan, your estimate is correct. His new project cooperation value is very high, much higher than the Evergreen Group we talked about before."

    "But I'm prepared to wait and squeeze the cooperation budget to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost."

    Miller listened to it all.

    He bent his lips and quietly left from the men's bathroom.

    Not long after, Li Jin came out from the women's bathroom next door with her mobile phone in hand.

    She looked at the other end of the passage and raised her eyebrows.

    Yu Qianfan's voice on the phone reached her ears.

    "When did I estimate the value of that rubbish new project?" (Remember the website URL:
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