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Chapter 207 High School League

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    "Everyone knows that the youth league was proposed by Mr. Zhang Xian, the sports director of Hoffenheim, so now Mr. Zhang Xian will explain the specific rules of the youth league!"

    After Michelle's voice fell, everyone turned their eyes to the other Zhang Xian.

    Regarding this, Zhang Xian nodded slightly, and said, "The next step is the discussion stage, I will give you a general framework, and you can add to it at any time."

    Zhang Xian organized his speech a little and said, "The entire youth training system is huge. Let's discuss the youth league first. The existence of the so-called youth league is to completely abandon the old talent theory and advocate the use of a large number of competitions to test the qualifications of players!  While banning the absolute theory of talent, it also gives young players a stage to show themselves, and transfers the fate of their growth from the head coaches to the players themselves!"

    "Scores represent everything!"

    "Status means everything!"

    "The game is everything!"

    "We need to make the young players more adaptable to the game and better at playing games, so that even if they are promoted to the first team, they will have better development, and at the same time make up for their lack of game experience."

    At this time, Stuttgart's general manager Nicholas Judith interrupted: "This is a very good concept, but there is a problem, that is, whether the small players can withstand this high-intensity concentrated game!"

    "They can adapt, as long as we rely on different echelons to change the game time slightly, what we cultivate is the player's ability to play, focusing on the absorption and understanding of skills and tactics, the development of personal abilities and the cooperation between players. In this regard  , the internal youth training league is a reference value, and his success can largely support this theory!"

    Lawen Kenny asked; "How are the youth leagues and echelons divided?"

    Zhang Xian replied: "The youth league is a stage for players under the age of 18 in various clubs. Those over the age cannot participate. At the same time, the youth training competition system of each echelon is retained."

    "Probably means that excellent seedlings are selected from each echelon to grow gradually, and the significance of the existence of the youth league is that it can become a buffer zone between the first team and the youth training echelon, so that those who have no games to play or cannot adapt to the first team competition  A small player who can have a stable game."

    Sebastian, Hamesche's sports director, frowned and said, "Isn't this the b team? Is it just me who has this feeling that the buffer zone between the first team and the echelon is the b team of each club!"

    Regarding this, other people also looked at Zhang Xian one after another.

    The functions of the Youth League and Team B overlap. Isn't this just taking off your pants and farting?

    In this regard, Zhang Xian smiled and explained: "The functions are different!"

    "Team b is team b, and the youth league is the youth league!"

    "Team B is active in various high-level and low-level leagues, but its essence is a professional league. Profession also represents cruel competition. An 18-year-old rookie wants to compete with a 30-year-old veteran.  , which comes down to a career.¡±

    "But the primary goal of the youth league is not career, but training!"

    "Playing football with peers and playing football with old players is a different feeling. In fact, the existence of the b team itself is also the meaning of the buffer zone, but it has not fully exerted its effect, because the youth league came into being.  born!"

    "The future youth league will completely ban the functions of the b team. I think you can reorganize the b team after you go back!"

    The three of them nodded slightly. After explaining, they understood Zhang Xian's intention a little bit.

    "Mr. Zhang, you said at the beginning that the entire youth training system is huge. Can I understand that there are other components besides the youth league?"

    Lawen Kenny narrowed his eyes and asked.

    The other two also looked at Zhang Xian.

    In this regard, Zhang Xian nodded with a smile: "Yes! The youth league is the main body and the core. The entire youth training system is like a tree. In addition to the trunk, it also needs some branches and leaves!"

    "So?" Lawen Kenny asked with raised eyebrows.

    Zhang Xian said with a smile: "So, this involves a small player market that has not been taken into account by the youth training, but has great potential!"

    "Can there be such a place?" Sebastian was surprised.

    The other two are also thinking hard, but they have not been able to find a place that meets the conditions.

    At this time, Lawen Kenny clapped his hands suddenly and said loudly: "I see!"

    The other two looked over one after another.

    "Where is it?"

    & nbsp; "There really is such a place!"

    Lawen Kenny nodded, and said solemnly; "This is a huge player market. It can be said that it is a big horror!"


    "Guys, how many schools are there in all of Germany? How many students are there and how many gifted children are there?"

    "These children failed to join the professional echelon due to various reasons, but it does not mean that there is no hope there. If this market can really be developed, God! What a terrible thing it will be!"

    Lawen Kenny looked at Zhang Xian with piercing eyes, and said, "So, what do you want to do?"

    He is very curious about how Zhang Xian will develop this market.

    Zhang Xian raised his index finger with a smile, and said, "Competition! Hold a unified competition between junior high schools and high schools in Baden-W¨¹rttemberg."

    "And the team that wins the championship in the high school's state competition can get a place to participate in the youth league next season!"

    "It's a gradual process."

    "Elementary high school leagues cultivate and excavate players, and high school leagues continue this link, and those outstanding seedlings will be taken away by professional clubs to join the youth training. If there are still good seedlings that are missed, they can also enter the youth by winning the championship.  League."

    The three of them fell silent one after another, their thoughts turned.

    This idea surprised them but also moved them a little.

    There is no shortage of talented players in the school, but what is needed is to integrate this force.

    And once the promotion circle of junior high school-high school-youth league-professional league is formed, it will be of great benefit to improving the internal competitive strength of Baden-W¨¹rttemberg, and it also means that outstanding young players can show themselves through competitions.

    They seem to see a certain moment in the future. Through this promotion method, talented German players are springing up like mushrooms after rain.

    "I admit that your idea and plan are very good, but it is not up to us to decide." Judit said helplessly; "We don't have such a big influence in universities!"

    Zhang Xian said with a smile; "Yes, we can't do it, but someone can do it!"

    After finishing speaking, Zhang Xian looked at Michelle on the opposite side.

    The latter said with a smile; "We have already contacted the education department to discuss that the football association will provide the fees for the elementary and higher college leagues. Starting next year, the first Baden-W¨¹rttemberg internal college league will be officially launched!"

    The three of them froze for a moment.

    Really made it?

    Zhang Xian clapped his hands lightly to attract the attention of the three and said, "This is the overall framework!"

    "But a framework is a framework, and it needs to be continuously supplemented in the process of practice. This is a huge project that requires bold ideas and careful expansion."

    "And everything we do now will be remembered by history!"

    Zhang Xian slowly raised his cup and said with a smile: "To the future of German football, here we go!"

    Everyone had their own ghosts, smiled and picked up the cup, and said: "Cheers!" (Remember the website website:
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