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Chapter 132 Supplement

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    Sir Alex's gaze was divergent, obviously in a state of absence.

    This exchange shocked Sir Alex a lot.

    He originally thought that the Jinyuan football team was destroying the transfer market, but from Zhang Xian's explanation, he found that the Jinyuan football team's destructive power seemed to be even more terrifying.

    It may even subvert a country's football system.

    Although all this seems to be a problem between Samer and the German Football Association, in the final analysis it is capital that is at work.

    Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are interests, there are wolves around.

    The influx of capital will bring a large number of ambitious players into the football industry, which will lead to unpredictable developments in many things.

    Just like the 'Dechao' that may appear.

    The previous German clubs and the Football Association performed their duties, and the two did not interfere with each other. However, since Sammer took office, it seems that many things have changed.

    He couldn't be sure if there was capital at work here.

    But what is certain is that Germany has begun to surge under the seemingly calm situation.

    ? When the contradictions accumulate to a certain level, only one signal is needed, and the contradictions will erupt completely, violently churning like an active volcano.

    This is no longer a problem that one person can solve.

    Even the well-known Sir Alex stood in front of this trend, still holding his hands against the cart.

    Sir Alex came back to his senses slightly, he looked at Zhang Xian opposite, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

    He didn't know why Zhang Xian knew Jinyuan football so well.

    In other words, he understands what the gold dollar football represents better than anyone else, and such a person will not be unknown.

    All he needs is an opportunity, and he can ride the wind.

    And what role will he play in future football?

    Sir Alex can't know all this, but he knows one thing, that is, Zhang Xian must not be allowed to go to the side of capital.

    If this person who understands Jinyuan football abandons football and chooses capital.

    Then he will become an extremely powerful support for Jinyuan football, and his destructive power is unimaginable

    Both of them were eating in silence, and neither of them deliberately continued this topic.

    At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the restaurant, looking around.

    When he saw Sir Alex sitting by the window, he hurried over.

    "Jazz!" The scout shouted, and immediately glanced at Zhang Xian, hesitant to speak.

    In this regard, Zhang Xian also has an eye for value, and he has to get up when he picks up the plate.

    At this moment, Sir Alex suddenly waved his hand and said, "You continue to eat."

    After finishing speaking, he turned his head to the scout and said, "You talk about yourself."

    The scout looked at Zhang Xian in surprise, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, Modria just called me, and he asked if we really gave up on him."

    Sir Alex's eyes sank, and he said, "Did he call himself?"

    "Yes!" sighed the scout.

    In fact, Modria himself is more inclined to Trafford, and he trusts Sir Alex very much.

    It's just that the labor certification issue has not been resolved, which has prevented Modria from entering the Premier League.

    In this regard, Sir Alex also felt extremely heartbroken.

    He has already lost a Roquel.

    He didn't want to lose Modria again.

    But the reality is that his inability to solve the labor certification issue has caused Turin to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

    Both were silent.

    For Modria's questioning, they didn't know how to reply.

    ? After all, Sir Alex swore at the beginning that he could solve the labor certification issue.

    However, in the past two years of contact with the Ministry of Labor, he has not gained anything.

    Sir Alex looked up at Zhang Xian subconsciously, but asked the scout, "What does the Ministry of Labor say?"

    "The Department of Labor says we're crazy!" the scout grinned.

    Anyone who wants to cancel the labor certification and challenge the basic policy of the UK is tantamount to a madman's move.

    Sir Alex's eyes flickered slightly. He saw Zhang, who was eating with his head down, when he heard the word "Ministry of Labor", the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

    Although this smile soonIt was lost, but was captured by Sir Alex.

    The scout wanted to say something more, but Sir Alex suddenly raised his hand to interrupt.

    The latter looked directly at Zhang Xian opposite, and suddenly said, "Do you have a solution?"

    Zhang Xian raised his head blankly, pointed to himself and said, "Me?"

    "That's right!" Sir Alex nodded.

    "Labor certification is one of the basic policies of the UK. How can I do it!" Zhang Xian said directly.

    But Sir Alex didn't believe it, and Zhang found that the smile just now was quite weird, with a feeling of being funny, mocking, and so on.

    Of course, the factor of Zhang Xian's schadenfreude cannot be ruled out.

    But Sir Alex felt that this man should not be so boring.

    The most important thing is that he really wants to get Modria, and he is at the end of his rope.

    Sir Alex can only be a dead horse at this time.

    Zhang Xian took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, then asked, "If I say it can be solved, what can you give me?"

    Sir Alex showed a surprised expression and said, "What do you want?"

    "Cooperation!" Zhang Xian said; "Trafford and Hoffenheim signed a cooperation agreement. In the next five years, the two sides will exchange youth training, first team, coaching echelon and football concepts on equal terms.  study."

    Sir Alex thought for a while and said, "That's no problem."

    Zhang Xian said with a smile: "Don't rush to agree. The cooperation I mentioned also includes loan, transfer and information sharing. Are you sure you can accept these."

    The corner of Sir Alex's mouth curled up slightly, and he said: "If you have the ability to make Trafford's young players willing to go to your team for training, then I will not stop it!"

    "As for information sharing, you just want some scouting information about Trafford, which can be made public for you, but are you sure you can win Trafford?"

    Facing Sir Alex's expression of interest, Zhang Xian showed a sly smile and said, "Who knows."

    "I agree to all of these, now tell me about your method."

    Sir Alex said impatiently.

    Zhang Xian smiled slightly and said, "I hope to understand first, how you do it!"

    Sir Alex winked at the scouts, who understood and began to describe their struggles with the Labor Department.

    To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than the past two years, they have continued to use the media to create momentum and pressure, or join other clubs to jointly bombard the Ministry of Labor, etc

    After Zhang Xian finished listening, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

    It's really the style of the Premier League, just a meal!

    I don't care about the point of entry, I don't understand the core contradiction of the matter, and I don't think about the point of entry. I just want to be reckless, and it's no wonder that I can succeed.

    Fortunately, the name of this Alex is loud enough, otherwise the government will definitely put pressure on the Super League and punish Trafford.

    Zhang Xian looked strangely and said, "Did you really do that?"

    Sir Alex frowned; "Is there a problem? I just want to solve the labor certification restrictions."


    Zhang Xian sighed and said, "First of all, you need to understand that the center of the conflict is no longer the club and the Ministry of Labor. You don't need to cover it up, but you need to find out the core contradiction of the matter."

    "What is the contradiction in this question?"

    Sir Alex raised his right hand and touched his chin, and said, "Players and labor permits!"


    Zhang Xian snapped his fingers, nodded and said, "That's right, this is the core contradiction. Now that we understand the core contradiction, let's take a closer look at this issue."

    "What type of player is the labor certification really restricted? Or, what type of player do you want but are restricted?"

    Sir Alex thought for a moment, "Young player?"

    "Yes, this is the core contradiction!" Zhang Xian said: "This way the problem is simple. The purpose of the labor certificate is to ensure that English competitions remain sufficiently competitive and restrict those players with low abilities from entering English football.  At the same time restrict those talented and talented players."

    "Your purpose is nothing more than to open up a channel for these talented players to enter the English league, not to subvert the entire labor certification!" (Remember the website website:
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