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Chapter 2597 The real test of Chuci!

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    But there will be no thought of accepting him as a disciple again.

    Lin Yuan hurriedly said when he heard the words.

    "Master, I do have something very important to tell you!"

    "This matter is not only about the life and death of Hui Yao, but also about the life and death of the entire main world!"

    A month later, hearing the words, the pupils shrank suddenly.

    Lin Yuan always likes to act calm when encountering things, even if it is an extremely serious matter, Lin Yuan will say it lightly if he is afraid that he will be worried.

    Back then, in the dimensional crack of the upgraded water world, Lin Yuan was covered in blood and his hands didn't even have any flesh left, only thick bones remained.

    Even so, Lin Yuan still didn't express too much, and he didn't even cry out in pain after waking up.

    Now this matter, Lin Yuan has risen to the height of life and death in the main world!

    Months later, he hurriedly asked Lin Yuan.

    "What happened to Xiaoyuan? I prepared very early!"

    Months later, when encountering problems, I always think about how to solve them, instead of shrinking back and hiding!

    Now the queen of the month is already thinking about how to solve the problem when she obviously doesn't know what the disaster is!

    After a month, I roughly guessed in my heart.

    Months later, Lin Yuan felt that Lin Yuan had probably obtained information that he did not know before from Failing Eight Pages.

    Otherwise, if Lin Yuan had obtained the news from the world beyond the barren sea, Lin Yuan would not have not told himself the first time when he returned to Huiyao.

    Lin Yuan took a deep breath and said very solemnly.

    "Master Sleeper's Su Sheng has two lines. We only guessed the dark line before, but we didn't guess the bright line!"

    "According to the eight pages of withering, the original plan of Su Sheng of the Sleeper was that Tadian used the dead energy to assimilate the earth veins."

    "Resurrect all life that exists and dies in the main world."

    Lin Yuan told Yue Hou seriously what he had told himself in eight pages.

    Months later, hearing this, his complexion became even more gloomy, and an uncontrollable murderous aura surged out of his body.

    Yue Hou slapped the jade table in front of her hard.

    "Ta Dian is really damned! Xiao Yuan, I will go to the royal court meeting immediately and tell the other princes the news."

    "Then invite the crown princes of other federations to Huiyao to jointly organize the Federation of Nations."

    "Let's join forces to resist Tadian's plan to resist Susheng of the Sleeper!"

    Months later it became clear that there were many small federations that simply did not have the capacity to resist.

    Fortunately, I knew the situation in advance, and after notifying the crown princes of other federations of the situation, I could give the crown princes of other federations a chance.

    Regardless of whether it is the crown princes of other federations leading the people of this federation to gather towards Huiyao, all human beings form an alliance to prevent being defeated one by one by the dead.

    Still stick to the land of the Federation and prepare for the war.

    After all, there is an opportunity to prepare and choose, so as not to be able to passively face disasters.

    No matter how bad it is, you can store more food.

    It is better for citizens in the federation to be killed by the undead than to be starved to death with insufficient material reserves!

    Lin Yuan nodded heavily upon hearing the words.

    Lin Yuan no longer has to worry about this matter when his master Yuehou has taken action here!

    Right now, Lin Yuan has more important things to do, and Lin Yuan must combine with the remaining few Dimensional Secrets as soon as possible.

    Then we have to look for the core of the land veins, all of which are to have enough chips when colliding with the real eight-page members of Tadian.

    Otherwise, no matter how well-prepared, the gap in top combat power will eventually make all preparations fail.

    Yue Hou also knew this very well, and Yue Hou patted Lin Yuan's shoulder lightly.

    "Xiaoyuan, you can go to work on your side, and you don't have to worry about the work of fighting Tadian!"

    After saying that, he left Huiyue Palace directly and went to hold a royal court meeting!

    Lin Yuan also immediately set off and turned back to the Cave Continent, once again experiencing the dizziness and nausea brought about by an ultra-long-distance teleportation.

    Chu Ci has been waiting at the other end of the space corridor.

    Wen Yu has a lot of business to do at this time, and Chu Ci's presence by Wen Yu's side can't play any role at all, but it will distract Wen Yu.

    Furthermore, Chu Ci was very worried about Lin Yuan's situation.

    Anyway, there was nothing to do in Cave Continent, so Chu Ci chose to stay there and wait for Lin Yuan to return.??.

    Lin Yuan sat down on the ground directly after the teleportation, and retched with a chaotic consciousness.

    Chu Ci hurried forward and squatted beside Lin Yuan, patting Lin Yuan's back with distressed face!

    It has been a long time since Chu Ci saw Lin Yuan so weak.

    Seeing Lin Yuan so weak before, Lin Yuan was not a real Reiki professional at that time.

    Seeing that Lin Yuan had almost recovered, Chu Ci helped Lin Yuan up and asked Lin Yuan nervously.

    "Brother, what happened to you?"

    Chu Ci has a certain understanding of space teleportation, and has also visited the mirror city in the abyss world through space teleportation.

    When Chu Ci experienced the space teleportation for the first time, he was somewhat uncomfortable, but he recovered within a few seconds.

    Chu Ci did not have an accurate understanding of this ultra-long-distance teleportation that spanned more than half of the main world.

    Chu Ci was very afraid that something would happen to Lin Yuan's body, but he never told himself to stand up in secret.

    When Lin Yuan was running a small spirit shop, he didn't tell himself anything for fear of worrying himself.

    Lin Yuan shouted "Brother" when he saw Chu Ci worried, and hurriedly said with a smile.

    "What's wrong with my body? This is because the distance I teleported is too far to cause this symptom!"

    "You didn't see it in the treasure when you sent it last time. I was also in such a mess last time."

    When Chu Ci heard the words, he still said it with some doubts.

    "Brother, if you have any problems, you must tell me, don't bear it alone!"

    Seeing that Chu Ci still didn't believe it, Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to suppress the raised hair on Chu Ci's head and said.

    "If there is a problem with my health, how can the master let me out!?"

    "Don't worry, I'm just a younger sister like you. If I have any health problems, I will definitely tell you."

    Hearing what Lin Yuan said, Chu Ci completely believed it when he thought of his attitude towards Lin Yuan a month later.

    Chu Ci thought of something, and said to Lin Yuan with lingering fear.

    "The big city of Lin Yuan is now completely under control, and Huang Yin and Bei Xu even explored the ground.

    Chu Ci went out to practice before to hone his fighting skills, and he was always accompanied by Cang Yue.

    Although you may be injured occasionally, you will not encounter any danger.

    At that time, Chu Ci thought that this was the experience that aura professionals should undertake.

    Having experienced so many things now, Chu Ci has a new understanding of experience in his heart.

    Maybe Lin Yuan brought himself to the Cave Continent to count as a real experience?

    What he saw and heard on the Cave Continent made Chu Ci fully understand the cruelty of this world.

    Spirit Evolver (Remember this website URL:
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