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Text Chapter 283: The Abyss¡ªSerial Number 4 (seeking a monthly pass)

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    I am God!  Main text volume Chapter 283: The Abyss¡ª¡ªSequence number 4 At the tea party in the Rainbow Forest.

    A group of fairies sat stunned at the table, while another standing fairy looked serious.

    "The god of toilets and filth?" A fairy pressed her nose with the index fingers of both hands. This is a flavorful conversation.

    "Is there really such a god?" A fairy was curious.

    "Of course, my guess must be right, otherwise who would live in the mud and stench?" The fairy who just spoke was very sure.

    Although fairies are not as gossip-loving as goblins, judging from their preference for tea parties, this kind of inheritance still exists.

    When Flotie heard that the speculation was getting more and more outrageous, she spoke.


    "Don't talk nonsense, no matter what, the other party is still a god."

    Flotie refrained from this tasteful subject, and the fairies' increasingly outrageous speculations.

    "This god should have been polluted because of the sacrifices made by his crazy believers, so he fell into the human world."

    "I heard from the snake man that the filthy land was created because the former queen of the wing man performed some terrible and blasphemous rituals."

    "But I'm not sure whether this god has not yet awakened, or has fallen mad."

    Flotie said with her own thoughts: "This god probably doesn't want this, if he is awake, such a thing will not happen."

    Immediately, the fairies started a new round of discussion: "Queen of the Yiren, isn't this god a god that the Yiren believe in?"

    The fairies still didn't understand: "Why did his followers do this to him?"

    The fairy who had previously named the god of toilets and filth spoke again: "This queen must have a grudge against her god, and hates him very much."

    Flotie only heard the story from Avon about the appearance of the abyss.

    However, Avon is not familiar with the specific reasons for the formation of the abyss, nor the past of the queen of the abyss, Melde.

    All he could know was that the formation of the abyss had something to do with the Queen's blasphemy.

    The discussions among the fairies did not yield any results.

    After all, the fairies in the forest only have a half-knowledge of the situation of wisdom and demigods. They didn't know what "Divine Grace" was until "Divine Grace" was written by a three-leaf man named Lan En.  I have seen the existence of demigods, but I don't know how to embark on the path of wisdom.

    Just relying on this kind of discussion, they cannot know the truth about the depravity of a demigod.

    At this moment, Flotie thought of that thing again.

    Miracle props ¡¤ Fairy's magic mirror.

    That mirror knows everything that has happened or is happening, and must also know the reason for the birth of the abyss, and what the nature of the abyss is.

    this day.

    The master of the dreamland descended in the goblin's hot air balloon and came to the edge of the dreamland continent.

    Flotie, the forest fairy, saw the hot air balloon boat from afar.

    She hurriedly came before the master of dreams, and saluted the god.

    "Master Sheila."

    The master of the dream looked at the fairy in the forest he had created with a smile on his face: "It's Flotie!"

    Flotie and the master of dreams said: "I used your magic mirror when you were not in the pyramid temple last time."

    Dreamland nodded: "I know."

    "You want to contact other demigods, tell them about the existence of the fairy family in the forest, and give them the rainbow flower branches you made."

    "That's your mission, I agree with you to use my mirror."

    The forest fairy Flotty said again: "Thank you, Lady Sheila."

    "But this time I want to use your mirror again, and I want to know the answer to one thing."

    The master of dreams, Sheila, did not reject Flotie, but had a curious expression on her face.

    "I can lend it to you, but you need to tell me why."

    The fairy in the forest immediately told the dream master Sheila the reason, and her trip to the demigod kingdom.

    Sheila asked Flotie: "You sympathize with them."

    The forest fairy shook her head first, then nodded again.

    "I don't sympathize with those crazy and depraved people, but I don't think ordinary people deserve this suffering."


    Winged Queen Meld prayed to the gods, she longed for the awakening of the gods, and the gods came to this world.

    In a frenzied and terrible smile, the Winged Queen gave birth to the place called the Abyss.

    In the pyramid temple, Flotie covered her mouth with a mirror.

    She looked a little nervous.

    In the mirror, the consciousness of the Winged Queen Meld split into two, and she seemed to be talking to herself.

    Dark Melde: "This is the twilight form of the god, it's not your fault."

    Meld: "Really?"

    Dark Meld: "Of course it's true."

    The panic and despair on Melde's face slowly disappeared, and the corners of her mouth curved into an arc.

    "That's true."

    "Very good."

    Darkness surged up and engulfed her completely.

    Flotie watched as Meld's will completely deteriorated until it was irreparable.

    She was shocked, even a little hard to understand.

    "how could this be?"

    "How did that happen?"

    "Is pious belief also a kind of wrong?"

    She once thought that the blasphemy of the Winged Queen must be because she is an impious person, and she is a person who will do anything for power.

    It never occurred to Floty that Queen Meld of the Winged Man is an extremely devout believer, so devout that she puts gods above everything else.

    Put above yourself, above all others.

    But it was her belief in putting the gods above everything that finally made her pull the gods down from the altar.

    It is precisely because of her piety, precisely because of her infinite blind obedience to the gods.

    Let her blaspheme the gods and let the door of spirituality fall into the abyss.

    This is really ironic.

    Flotie finally figured out the cause and effect of the birth of the abyss. This is a story that runs through 250 million years.

    A story about an ancient race that wanted to become a myth, but let itself fall into the purgatory of reincarnation.

    A story about a mortal who believed in a god, but finally blasphemed the god.

    Flotie then asked the goblin's magic mirror: "The abyss is the life born of the Winged Queen, so is it alive?"

    "Is it a fallen evil god?"

    Immediately afterwards, the mirror reflected the image of the Cup of God.

    Then it came to an abrupt end.

    The mirror is connected to the fantasy star sea, and it only looks at the pictures that people see, and they are living people.

    There are some things that it cannot reveal, or that it does not have permission to display directly.

    "God's Cup?"

    "Why does the picture of the Cup of God appear? Could it be that the abyss is still related to the Cup of God."

    After thinking for a long time, Flotie suddenly thought of something.

    She flew out of the land bestowed by the gods and headed for the island of the gods.

    The endless light of prayers flowed by Flotie's side, and she was getting closer and closer to the huge cup of God.

    It can be seen that this giant golden cup is rotating alternately, and the dream of law contained in it is also rising and falling with its rotation, forming the most beautiful and shocking picture around the land bestowed by the gods.


    Flotie approached the Cup of God completely, and the originally illusory text on it slowly revealed.

    That is engraved on the Cup of God, recording all the sequences in the world that transcend the ordinary and possess extraordinary power props.

    Although it is said to be an inscription, it can be seen that it is constantly changing, and the text and information in it also show a different side according to the authority and ability of the observer.

    Highly ranked first is a blood-red coat of arms.

    Flotie had seen this coat of arms before.

    Pinned in front of Sally's skirt, it looked like an inconspicuous decoration.

    But at this moment, Flotie knew its name for the first time, and was shocked by its ability.

    The introduction is very brief, perhaps because Flotie's authority is not enough to inquire about more detailed power and details.

    Flotie then looked down, and she saw two more familiar props.

    Immediately following it was a recently-appeared magical prop, a condensed object of wisdom and power.

    Its original ranking should be lower, but it has been climbing all the way recently and arrived here.

    Flotie can only see the first column, and the second column has only one name.

    What is placed in the back, there is only a blank space left.

    However, Flotie did guess right, the abyss has been out of the control of the gate of spirituality after being polluted.

    After merging the filth of a large number of mortals and the power of countless monsters, it has already become an existence similar to props.p; Flotie can only see the first column, and the second column has only one name.

    What is placed in the back, there is only a blank space left.

    However, Flotie did guess right, the abyss has been out of the control of the gate of spirituality after being polluted.

    After merging the filth of a large number of mortals and the power of countless monsters, it has already become an existence similar to props.
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