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Text Chapter 86: I want you to remember me (seeking the first order)

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    The sea of ??stars in the dream world is different from the sea of ??stars in the real world. It is not as deep and ancient as the sea of ??stars in the universe, but it has its own dreams.

    If the cosmic star sea is an ancient myth, then the dream star sea is a fantasy fairy tale.

    The dream fairy floats on the topmost layer of the dream star sea, and she surrounds the dream moon, reading one dream after another.

    The dreams at the top level are all newly born dreams.

    This means that these dreams are still connected with the Sanye people and are ongoing dreams.

    She is going to meet some people in her dream, looking for some answers.

    Soon, she found the person she wanted to meet.

    The goblin of the dream broke into this dream and saw Stan Tito in the dream.

    Stan's dream was an ancient stone palace, with tablets of script on the walls and beautiful poems carved on the pillars.

    Stan squatted under a wall, chiseling poems on the wall with a tool.


    He is just a craftsman, not a poet.

    He can only carve other people's poems and tell other people's stories over and over again.

    The goblin in the dream stepped forward: "You picked up the lucky son of "Tito's Travels"? Did you start this dispute?"

    Stan Tito turned his head and saw the dream demon Sheila.

    "They said that I was chosen by fate, but I don't know if it's true."


    "If this is the case, it is not me who started the dispute, but fate."

    The Dream Demon Sheila looked at Stan, and she felt that what she saw was not a living person, but more like a marionette.

    Even though he inherited the title of the Tito family and possessed the glory of a descendant of saints, he still did not own himself.

    He can only let others dictate his own destiny.

    "Once your ancestor Tito came to the temple to offer his devotion and poems to the gods."

    "God asked him."

    "Do you still believe in fate?"

    Stan Tito stood up, and he asked the dream goblin.

    "How did the great poet answer?"

    Sheila told him: "He said fate is in our hands."

    "I no longer wait for fate to come, but create my own destiny with my own hands."

    After hearing this, Stan Tito was struck by lightning, and then fell into deep thought.

    But the moment he thought about it, the dream was suddenly awakened.

    Sheila left Stan Tito's dream, flew along the dream moon, and found another dream nearby.

    The dream of this three-leaf person is completely different from that of Stan. Her dream is the holy mountain, the city of servants of the gods, but it is different from reality. A door to the dream world opens in the sky of the holy mountain.

    She drives the giant beast in the sky, and leads many people to fly towards the gate of the sky, hoping to step into the kingdom of gods from there.

    This person is none other than Queen Xingluo.

    Fly Queen Xingluo!


    She felt that she couldn't get close to the temple of the gods, as if deep down in her heart she didn't believe that she could meet the gods.

    When she was extremely anxious, a voice came from behind.

    "Why are you doing this?"

    "What exactly do you want to do?"

    Queen Xingluo turned around and said, answering in a daze.

    "We just want to get a response from the gods."

    "We are only."

    "I just want to go home!"

    The goblin of the dream left the dream again thoughtfully.

    late at night.

    In two different rooms in the city of servants of the gods, two figures woke up one after the other from their dreams.

    Queen Xingluo stood up from the stone bed, and walked outside quickly.

    She looked around through the colonnades, as if looking for someone's shadow.

    "What dream did I just have?"

    "There was a person in the dream, a woman."

    "No, she is not human."

    "Who is she?"

    the other side.

    Stan Tito, who suddenly woke up, stared blankly: "It seems that someone said something important to me just now? The great poet Tito talked to the gods."


    "How could I dream of this?"

    Both of them vaguely remembered the scene in the dream.

    This is because only perfect dreams will stay in the dream world.

    These dreams that wake up halfway or are interrupted by others will dissipate in the dream world, so the three-leaf people sometimes remember the memories of their dreams when they wake up¡ª¡ª

    Yin Shen looked at the dream goblin who came to him and knelt down in front of him, and he said what the other party was thinking without opening his mouth.

    "You still want to give the Sanye people the power of dreams."


    The dream demon Xila knew that her thoughts and everything could not be hidden from the great god, and she never wanted to hide it.


    "You need to expand the dream world, and the Sanye people need the power of the dream and your guidance."

    "Perhaps in this way, the civilization of the Sanye people can be changed."

    "And you can also come to this world one day earlier."

    Yin Shen doesn't care, he doesn't care too much about the speed of the moment, what he wants is an effective method, and he doesn't like to do unnecessary things on weekdays.

    But it's not so much that he doesn't like to do more, it's better to say that he doesn't like accidents and accidents.

    Yin Shen: "Are you doing this just to redeem your mistakes?"

    The Dream Demon Sheila lowered her head, she was asking her own heart.

    After thinking for a long time, she suddenly smiled.

    She looked at God and said with a smile.

    "Not only that, I'm actually still afraid."

    God: "Afraid of what?"

    The goblin in the dream talked about the thing that Yin Shen had fallen asleep for hundreds of years before: "God!"

    "Did you know? The time is really long!"

    "For you, two hundred years is just a blink of an eye."

    "Time is like a breeze passing through your fingers in front of you, but it is like a roaring wave to us."

    The goblin looked up at Shen Yin, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

    "Two hundred years is a fraction of life for Sheila."

    "During those long years."

    "I can only wander in front of the temple again and again, waiting and looking forward to your awakening."

    "I'm afraid I'll wait until the next time you wake up, I'll be lost in time."

    After saying this, the goblin in the dream immediately denied it, and then put on a positive tone.


    "It's not a worry, it's something that's destined to happen."

    The fairy in the dream lowered her head and clasped her hands together.


    "You once said that for the stars, the origin and disappearance of civilization are but a short moment."

    "The birth and death of life are even more insignificant glimpses."

    "I'm always thinking."

    "Whether I can leave some traces in the short time that I am destined to disappear for you."

    "At least."

    "Let me do something for you for as long as I've been here!"

    She stood up and walked under the altar.


    "I want you to remember me too."

    "Just like King Laidlich and Master Polo.???
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