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    Quan Yao stretched out his little finger

    "What about her?"

    "Wu Li."

    "This grandma likes you~"

    Wu Li's face froze for a moment.

    Wu Xun laughed even louder, with a loving look, he reached out and touched Quan Yao's head

    "She is my younger sister. There is a difference of more than ten years between us."

    He is seventy this year.

    Quan Yao looked half-understood.

    Asi next to him didn't speak.

    But Quan Yao took his hand and was about to break it.

    Quan Yao was obviously very nervous.

    Asi looked away.

    There's nothing to be nervous about, Louisan and his father will come to rescue them.

    These two uncles and aunts seem to be easily defeated.

    He did not speak.

    Even being held by Quan Yao, he didn't even frown.

    Also covered up for Quan Yao.

    Asi sat upright, as if he was in school.

    The car stopped at the gate of a mansion.

    Wu Xun stood at the door, holding an umbrella in one hand, and making a gesture of invitation with the other hand

    "Two, please come in."

    Quan Yao stood in front of the car, unwilling to go in.

    He tapped the ground with his toes.

    He heard Uncle Song Jingxuan mention Wu Xun.

    Uncle said, if you see anyone named Wu Xun, don't do anything, just run.

    I heard that this person is very bad.

    Nan Mu smiled and held out her hand to Quan Yao

    "Grandma will take the two of you in, okay?"

    Although she said so, her actions could not be resisted.

    Has already pulled two people to walk inside.

    Seeing this scene, Wu Xun laughed again from deep in his throat

    "Hehe, so many years have passed. Lily is still so loyal. It was thanks to you who had the courage to dedicate yourself to scientific research and endured severe pain to conduct experiments with Nanxing in your arms.

    Only in this way can a perfect test product like Nanxing be researched.  "

    Nanmu's eyes are full of affection and no regrets

    "No matter what my brother does, I will support him."

    She is an orphan of Anxin Orphanage, thanks to the Wu family's adoption, she is what she is today.

    The Wu family wanted to marry the Nan family, but she fell in love with her brother who was not related by blood.

    Her brother asked her to marry Nan Jianguo, but she chose to be obedient and married.

    Later, the Wu family was defeated.

    Brother disappeared.

    She didn't come back until she was pregnant with her second child.

    The elder brother said that he wanted to use the child in her belly.

    She has no hesitation.

    Dedicated to my brother's scientific research is equivalent to dedicating to my brother.

    She and Nan Jianguo are in a business marriage without any relationship.

    She is just a machine for giving birth in Nan's house.

    In her eyes, it is more meaningful to help her elder brother achieve great success.

    Today, my brother is back again.

    Wu Li walked into the mansion holding one in each of her left and right hands.

    With a bang, the iron door closed.

    After making a big circle, he walked back and forth into the basement.

    It was already an hour later when Xi Yuan and Quan Si received the lost phone of their two sons.

    The school began to count the number of people in class, and found that there were two missing.

    But the teacher was pretty sure the two had come to school.

    Thinking it was playful, the teacher searched around, but couldn't find it.

    After turning off the monitoring, it was discovered that she was taken away by a woman.

    Only then did they call the two.

    Then, the two were in a mess.

    Xiyuan's side was a little bit better. He raised his hair up and down, searched with all his strength, and quickly entered the state.

    On the Quan family's side, Mr. Quan happened to come to Quan Si's residence early to see Xiao Yao's results, and he heard the news as soon as he came.

    I was so anxious on the spot that I almost had a heart attack.

    However, Quan Si sat at the dining table and continued to eat breakfast.

    As if it wasn't his son who was lost.

    Grandpa Quan fainted and woke up again, seeing Quan Si's unhurried look, he was very angry

    "You you you! What is your attitude? Your son is lost!!"

    ? Quan Si's bright red lips slowly revealed

    "Grandpa, what are you in a hurry for?determined.  "

    The old man choked when he listened.

    I don't know what I thought of, and my face softened.

    Just soon, the old man became uneasy again

    "Although Xiao Yao is a bit stronger than his peers, but he is only three years old, and he is so innocent. Following Nan Xing, he is kind-hearted and timid. When he really meets a bad guy, do you really think he dares to pick up a stone to beat a bad guy??  "

    Quan Si raised his eyebrows and cast a sideways glance at the old man.


    "What did he do to make grandpa misunderstand that he is timid?"

    That little bastard is timid, if he hadn't suppressed him, that kid would have turned the world upside down.

    Soon, Bai Yu rushed back.


    "Master, look."

    A video was released.

    It is a video of the two children getting into the van.

    The old man was also photographed in the picture.

    With an ear-piercing sound, the table knife brushed against the porcelain plate.

    Quan Si's breath sank, and he stared at that person for a while.

    He can recognize this person even when he turns to ashes.

    Slowly reveal

    "Wu Xun."

    Bai Yu froze.

    Wu, Wu Xun?  ?

    On the other side, in the underground mansion.

    Drip, drop, drop.

    The sophisticated instrument sounded.

    The entire underground secret room seemed to be in a cellar, and the temperature was very low.

    A single bed made of aluminum alloy, and empty glass jars placed there one by one.

    Wu Xun opened his mouth

    "Little friend, shall we play hide and seek?"

    Quan Yao looked at him.

    Wu Xun pointed to the two glass jars next to him.

    "You two choose one to go in. Then turn your back, I will hide with your grandma, if you can find us, we will let you go, how about it?"

    Wu Xun laughed, the muscles on his face seemed unable to move.

    It looks very weird.

    Quan Yao touched the ground with his toes and did not move.

    Asi next to him didn't move either.

    Wu Xun asked kindly

    "What's the matter? If you have any questions, you can talk to Uncle. You can rest assured that Uncle will not kill you."

    Quan Yao raised his head, looked at Wu Xun with a pair of light gray eyes, and pointed at A Si with his little finger.

    "His name is S. Norman."

    Wu Xun was stunned


    Quan Yao spoke again

    "His father's name is Siyuan Norman."

    Wu Xun was a little surprised, his eyes swept around Asi's body.

    "Xi Yuan is your father?"

    Ash nodded


    A gleam flashed in Wu Xun's eyes.

    Follow and look at Wu Li

    "Your two daughters are really amazing."

    Wu Li's face froze,

    "elder brother?"

    She was a little uncertain whether he was happy or unhappy.

    But soon, Wu Xun looked at Quan Yao again, murmured hoarsely, making a strange noise

    "Like, really like."

    He reached out and stroked Quan Yao's hair

    "You follow your mother in appearance, but you are really like your father in this temperament."

    Wu Xun laughed

    "First show weakness, and after sensing the danger, start to show your cards. If these still don't work, should you continue to play weak and wait for the opportunity to give the enemy a fatal blow?"

    Wu Xun reached out and rubbed Quan Yao's hair

    "It's a pity, you are three and a half years old, and you have to practice more if you want to become as deep as your father."

    After finishing speaking, Wu Xun smiled again

    "However, you may not have that chance." (Remember the website URL:
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