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Chapter 1484 Nine Territories Catastrophe

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    You must know that what affects the combat power of an army is not just the level of awakening, but more importantly, the fighting spirit and confidence of all members of the army.

    Although the blood lotus could not directly inflict heavy damage on the coalition forces, it could subtly assimilate people's hearts, causing these people who had been fighting bloody to lose their sense of resistance in an instant and fell into despair.

    Such a thing is more terrifying than any weapon in the world!

    Seeing how surprised the two were, Qingluan couldn't help but let out another wry smile, shook his head and said, "It's more than that, if you accept the exposure and assimilation of that thing for a long time, all those with a combat power below the seventh level in the entire Nine Regions will be killed."  People will fall into the collapse of will, and even join the evil race, becoming monsters who only know how to kill, that's how those monsters who invaded Blue Star came from!"

    "How can we stop it?" Lin Feng was startled and asked back.

    "There is no way" Qingluan's small face was bitter, and he clenched his fists and said helplessly, "Now that the entire evil race has been mobilized, they are sticking to the source of dark matter.  Go in, and even if we get in, there is no way to break the origin of dark matter, and"

    Speaking of this, Qingluan's expression couldn't help but fell into a bit of despair, "The closer you are to the source of dark matter, the greater the probability of being assimilated. After a certain distance, even level 8 combat power can't bear the source of dark matter."  erosion."

    "Isn't that completely unsolvable?"

    Lin Feng was startled, his whole face was filled with cold sweat.

    "That's not necessarily the case!" At this moment, the elder Yuhuang appeared behind Lin Feng and said, "Do you still remember what the old man said to you, as long as you gather five kinds of elemental energy, you can be with you?"  The origin of the dark matter is offset, and once this thing is settled, those infected and controlled people in the Nine Realms will quickly return to their senses, and by then, no matter how strong the evil race is, they can only be driven away by us."

    "But regarding the whereabouts of the last energy source, I really don't know where it is" Lin Feng let out a bitter laugh when he heard this.

    Now he doesn't have time to find the fifth energy source at all, and even if he finds it, he may not have the time to refine it.


    And just when Lin Feng was in a dilemma, suddenly, he heard countless screams from the coalition forces in his ears. He suddenly trembled, and hurriedly turned his head to look, only to find that under the influence of those dark matter origins, there were already many coalition forces  The will of the members began to collapse, and they let out extremely stern roars.

    There are even many people who are not strong-willed enough. They have gradually been assimilated by the source of dark matter, covered under a heavy evil spirit, and even their bodies have undergone some mutations, and they have begun to evolve in the direction of the evil race.

    "Oops, retreat quickly, we can't let them continue to be exposed to the light of this blood lotus!"

    Lin Feng turned pale with shock, and hastily let out a low growl, but at the same time, from the direction of the evil clan, there was a crazily loud roar from the Heavenly Demon Emperor and others, "Haha the original evil energy has been completely dissipated, and it won't be long before the entire Nine Regions will be under  Its shroud, you ants, give up resistance, there is nothing in this world that can resist it!"

    As soon as the words fell, a group of senior leaders of the evil clan also raised their hands one after another, pouring crazily energy into the huge blood lotus. In an instant, the size of the blood lotus began to swell wildly, and then slowly lifted into the sky, like the sun  Normally, an extremely dark and evil arrogance emanated, frantically covering the other directions of the Nine Regions.

    "Bastard, stop them!"

    The Dragon Emperor was the first to let out a low growl, stomped his toes heavily, and his body turned into a huge dragon shadow with no end in sight, aiming at the direction of the blood lotus and rushing towards it.

    At the same time, Elder Yuhuang also put his hands together, and above his head, a huge golden light and shadow spun out, and the dragon and phoenix bell swelled wildly, aimed at the high sky where the blood lotus was, and shrouded it away.

    Even the huge palace of the Protoss directly tore through the clouds, and chased after the blood lotus in the direction where it took off.

    Many eighth-level combat forces joined hands to completely fuse the energy together, and then formed a huge magic circle, trying to stop the speed of the blood lotus from rising into the sky.

    However, from the side of the evil race, there were unanimous sharp roars, "Give up, you can't stop it at all, haha"

    With the transmission of the shrill laughter, many high-ranking officials of the evil clan also poured energy into their bodies crazily.  Can't cover that blood lotus!

    And with the radiance of the blood lotus, thatThe origin of the dark matter flowing in the space of the Nine Realms has also become extremely solid and thick, like a red cloud, extending wildly towards the horizon.

    Within the Nine Regions, whether it was members who joined the Yu Clan Alliance and planned to fight to the death with the Evil Clan, or those forces who chose to protect themselves wisely and shivered in their own territory, they were all irradiated and affected by the dark matter aura.

    In an instant, the entire Nine Regions completely boiled. Countless human races and beast races were irradiated by the light of the blood lotus, and were assimilated by dark matter energy in a very short period of time.  The presence.

    Of course, there are more people who have not been firm enough. The moment they were exposed to the blood lotus, they immediately fell into madness, and then went mad to attack everything around them, and were given the mission of destruction.

    "Oh my god the energy of this thing is so powerful!"

    Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, the Black Shadow Leopard was sweating, and his whole body was trembling slightly, and a sense of despair once again shrouded his mind.

    "Be sober, no matter how desperate others are, we can't despair!" Sensing the emotional change of the Black Shadow Leopard, Lin Feng immediately freed up a hand and patted him heavily on the shoulder.

    "Damn it!"

    At the same time, many figures who were rushing to stop the blood lotus were also forcibly retreated, and each of them fell to the rainy ground again in a state of embarrassment, casting helpless glances at Lin Feng and others, "No, the evil race has already disappeared!"  All the energy of the entire race is gathered in the blood lotus, and there is no way for us to stop it!"

    "Even you can't do it?" Lin Feng was completely dumbfounded. With so many eight-level combat forces working together, there is no way to stop the spread of the origin of dark matter. Is it really necessary to sit back and watch the entire Nine Realms be destroyed?

    "In my opinion, the most urgent thing is to retreat to a place where the blood lotus can't reach, and stabilize the coalition forces first!" Elder Yu Huang sighed, and then suggested.

    The Black Shadow Leopard hurriedly asked, "Where do you want to retreat?"

    "Of course, the farther the better" Elder Yu Huang shook his head and said bitterly, "With our ability, we can form a magic circle to temporarily resist the blood lotus for half a month, half a month  In the end, even our strength will be exhausted, if we can't find the key to crack it within half a month, I'm afraid that the Nine Domains will really be over." (Remember the website URL:
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