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Chapter 1228 Miracles

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    "Ahit's a snail, what a big snail!" The crowd in the carriage panicked. Although they had seen all kinds of monsters after the end of the world, this was the first time they saw a snail that would actively attack humans.

    Moreover, these snails are very large, almost two meters in diameter. The heavy snail shells hit the side of the car, denting the iron sheet all at once.

    "It's really a snail!" Lin Feng looked down and couldn't help being surprised.

    Judging from the appearance of these snails, they should have originally come from Blue Star, but they were mutated products due to the intake of too much energy.

    Lin Feng only glanced at it, then shifted his gaze to other places, tapped his toes lightly, and in an instant, a large amount of khaki aura diffused along the roof of the car, directly forming a mass of khaki armor, wrapping the crumbling car.

    Within these khaki auras, there is a sense of thickness like the earth, and the defense is as hard as a mountain. No matter how these giant snails impact, it is difficult to shake it.

    Since they couldn't eat the people in the carriage, the snail monsters had no choice but to shift their targets and plundered towards Lin Feng on the roof of the carriage.

    Although the snail shells of these guys seem bulky, the soft body under the snail shells is extremely developed. Those seemingly soft bodies have quite strong toughness. When they stretch, they immediately show extremely powerful explosive power, like  Like cannonballs soaring into the sky, they fell one after another.

    "Get out!" Lin Feng didn't even look at it, and directly burst into air, forming an invisible defensive air wall, so the snail monster caught in the air wall had no time to react, and immediately exploded, bursting into countless pieces.  thick slurry.

    "Come on, I'm here, don't worry about anything!" Lin Feng immediately lowered his head after finishing these snails, and shouted at the screaming crowd in the car.

    The car continued to drive, and along the way, there were small dimensional monsters chasing everywhere. Lin Feng saw many saber-armed mantises, worms with round bodies like watermelons, and many Zerg creatures with bodies as hard as iron blocks, all of which were captured by the car.  He swung his long knife and killed them one by one.

    In such a high-intensity battle, any human being would have been exhausted to the point of death, but Lin Feng was still so nimble, swinging his knife repeatedly, supporting the dense knife net, and strangling the monsters one after another  .

    The rhythm of the battle is completely left to him to control. No matter how fierce or terrifying the monsters that pounce on them, under the screen of knives like a meat grinder, they are nothing more than the monotonous repetition of going to death again and again.  It's just a move.

    Of course, there are many more powerful characters among these monsters who are chasing after them, such as the golden armored wolf king whose head was just chopped off by Lin Feng. This monster has reached the peak combat power of the third level.  High voice.

    It's a pity that facing Lin Feng, he could only be cut off in seconds, and he didn't even have the chance to swing his claws.

    Lin Feng restrained his breathing, restrained his kindness, restrained all human emotions, and the long knife began to soar in the air, becoming more and more bright and cold.

    Where the car passed, the entire road was covered with corpses, so dense that there was no place to step down, a large number of residual limbs piled up like a mountain bag, like a bloody river, emitting a pungent stench.

    However, under Lin Feng's protection, the speeding car was as clean as new, not even stained with a little blood.

    At first, people were still worried, for fear that Lin Feng would not be able to withstand such an exaggerated monster frenzy, but in the end, they were already numb.

    In the rearview mirror, the ferocious monsters like a tide are almost crowded into a frenzy. In the frenzy, there are a large number of hideous and disgusting monster heads, as well as hard thorns, fangs, and even the energy ejected from the monster's mouth.  The light beams were bounced away by Lin Feng one by one, and they were resolved without the slightest chance of approaching.

    These monsters would never have thought that they were fighting against a god. No matter how sharp their fangs and cruel claws, they were nothing but a pile of air in front of a god.

    However, after they had been driving for nearly two hours, they finally encountered a relatively serious danger.

    Less than 200 meters away from the front of the car, a bridge spanning nearly one kilometer appeared. The base of the bridge had been destroyed, and below it was the tumbling sea water and the super vortex constantly erupting in the sea.

    A vortex is as huge as a house, and under the vortex, there are a pair of bloody red eyes. Just one of the eyeballs is a generation larger than the diameter of a truck!

    "Oops, there is a big guy in the sea, at least over a hundred meters long, what should I do?"

    skin for driving??I was stunned, my hands and feet were numb, and I lost the courage to step on the accelerator at a high speed. The car came to a sudden stop, and Lin Feng, who was standing on the roof, also jumped down and tapped on the door with the back of his knife, "Why don't you go?  There are still many monsters chasing behind."

    Pete said with a wry smile, "No, there is such a big monster under the bridge, it can swallow the truck together!"

    Lin Feng followed the sound to look, and sure enough, at the moment he probed, a splash of water suddenly exploded in the sea level, under the white splash, a scarlet tentacle stretched out in vain, like a poisonous stinger, the surface of the tentacle was covered with a large number of  The sharp barbed thorns are enough to move a mountain directly.

    "The monsters in the ocean are indeed much more powerful!"

    Lin Feng couldn't help sighing, of course, only slightly.

    Such a monster is indeed a devil-like existence to most Blue Star humans, but to Lin Feng, it is nothing more than a big-headed, brainless, bluffing bug.

    "Don't hesitate, drive over immediately!"

    With a simple glance, Lin Feng immediately turned his head, and shouted at the people who were stupefied in the car, "I don't have time to waste with you, the speed of advance has been very slow before, if you still doubt whether I have the ability to protect you, then  I'll leave immediately, and let you face the front and back attacks of the monsters yourself."

    Sure enough, this kind of intimidation was very effective. Although Pete and the others were so frightened that their facial muscles were all cramped, they still stepped on the accelerator and drove straight towards the bridge crazily.


    At the same time, the bubbles in the water exploded, and a large number of thick scarlet tentacles jumped out of the water, waving wildly in the air, and constantly bombarded the base under the bridge deck.

    The pillars supporting the bridge were destroyed, and the entire bridge deck immediately cracked, forming countless huge broken rocks, which fell into the water one after another.

    Everyone in the carriage was screaming and crying, not to mention the giant squid that was opening its mouth wide, ready to swallow the truck, the drop alone was enough to smash them into a pulp.

    But the miracle still happened.

    The people who were about to fall suddenly felt the car shake, and then stopped the falling trend and resumed driving on a section of flat land.

    People were extremely surprised, and quickly stretched their eyes outside, and then saw a scene that they never imagined.

    The soil at the foot of Lin Feng is pushing and merging. On both sides of the cliff, the huge mountain walls are closing together in an exaggerated manner. At the same time, the land on the edge of the cliff is also actively extending, forming a brand new "bridge" in the air, connecting the entire car "  Push" to the other side.

    As for the seemingly terrifying squid monster, it was directly blocked by the moving cliff. The moving cliff was like two city walls, "sandwiching" it firmly in the middle, making it difficult to move.  (Remember the site URL:
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