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Chapter 243 Help

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    On the outskirts of Jiangning City, a neat row of military vehicles was marching forward. For the next action, Qin Haichuan almost used all his elites to divide all the troops that could be used for combat, forming more than a dozen combat teams, each of which  Responsible for the search task of an outlier.

    Each combat team has a junior capable person as the captain. Depending on the degree of danger of the abnormal point, the team configuration is also different. Lin Feng's team is undoubtedly the strongest combat force in the entire military, because the most powerful person in this team  The strong combat power is actually composed of two primary ability users.

    In addition to Lin Feng, there is also a Wei Jun.

    The jeep was driving in the wilderness. Looking at the receding urban buildings outside the car window, Wei Jun took a deep breath and said, "This time the target is too far away. It will take us about three days to make a round trip.  how was it."

    Lin Feng leaned against the cushion in a relatively comfortable position, and said with a slight smile, "Of course it will become more and more chaotic. Rumors of the end are spreading like wildfire. Now there are hardly many pedestrians in the urban area. Many people have already started digging cellars and hoarding  Necessary living supplies, I think you will see an empty city in three days."

    Wei Jun said bitterly, "So many people looted supplies, and even some things that the military needs to purchase can't be assembled. It seems that the residents in the city don't trust the military!"

    Lin Feng laughed and said, "After the doomsday, people will learn how to rely on themselves. The more people place their hopes on others, the faster they will die. There are still many smart people in this city. They naturally understand this truth.  I advise you to stop thinking about other things, and think about how to make yourself stronger."

    Wei Jun said with a dark face, "If you can't protect this city, what's the point of becoming stronger?"

    Wei Jun has always been a conscientious soldier. He feels that being a soldier is a kind of honor, and he has been fighting to keep his honor. He doesn't have an urgent need for whether he can become stronger.

    Regarding this, Lin Feng just smiled lightly.  He doesn't like interfering in other people's choices. Since Wei Jun has always held the idea of ??protecting the city, let him go. Anyway, this guy will recognize the reality sooner or later.

    "How far is it from the target ahead?" After a long silence, Wei Jun asked the soldier who was driving.

    The soldier replied in a low voice, "We will arrive at the destination in half an hour, but this time the target location is in the deep mountains. The environment on the mountains is relatively complicated, and our manpower seems to be insufficient."

    Lin Feng said, "Nearly sixty fully armed soldiers are almost enough, and carrying a large number of people is not necessarily a good thing. This abnormality will be more dangerous than the abnormality that appeared in the past. The more people there are, the greater the loss will be.  "

    However, Wei Jun said confidently, "I think you are worrying too much. This time we are fully prepared and have even used heavy firepower. I don't believe that such a terrible monster will appear in the abnormal point."

    Regarding what Wei Jun said, Lin Feng just smiled indifferently.

    Confidence is a good thing, but blind confidence is very likely to lead to tragedy. Wei Jun has now gained a good combat power. This combat power has caused his heart to swell a little, but the ruthless facts will soon give him  A real coup de grace.

    Entering the mountainous area, Wei Jun immediately ordered all the soldiers to get off the vehicles, set up a defensive formation as soon as possible, and occupy all the areas that might be covered by abnormal points.

    The soldiers were divided into two columns, one attacking and the other defending, which ensured the continuity of firepower. Coupled with the two strong combat power guarantees of Lin Feng and Wei Jun, it was enough to ensure that the operation was foolproof.

    It is undeniable that Wei Jun is definitely a soldier with excellent professional qualities. He issued orders concisely and clearly, and he thought carefully about every aspect. The coverage of two layers of firepower nets ensured the control of the combat area to the greatest extent. However, this formation can only be used  To target monsters with low-level combat power, once they encounter higher-level alien beasts, the firepower net in the human world will be useless.

    It took less than an hour, and the military had already arranged everything. Wei Jun walked up to Lin Feng and asked, "How about this formation, can it withstand the attack of monsters?"

    Lin Feng did not speak, but silently stood on a high place overlooking the environment. After a while, his eyes moved suddenly, and he pointed to a team that appeared on the mountainside and said, "Why did you distribute people in that place?"

    "Huh?" Wei Jun was stunned for a moment, and immediately took out the military binoculars, looked in the direction Lin Feng pointed, and was stunned for a moment, "No, those people don't belong to the military, and they didn't wear camouflage  Take it, it seems to be a passerby."

    Lin Feng frowned and said, "Why are ordinary people appearing in such a desolate place? Didn't you seal off this area before you acted?"

    Wei Jun put down his military binoculars and looked around blankly, "This placeNo one lives here at all, who would have thought that ordinary people would pass by, it's too bad, it seems that the route of these people is heading towards us, and they must be sent away as soon as possible.  "

    "It's too late!" Lin Feng looked around at the foot of the mountain. At this time, a large amount of white mist was rising from the foot of the mountain. The thick white mist was stretching rapidly, and soon enveloped the entire mountain.

    Things are exactly as Lin Feng imagined. The scale of the outlier that erupted this time is extremely large, even unprecedented, and the entire mountain will be covered by the anomaly. It is definitely too late to remind them to go down the mountain now.

    "Then what to do!" Wei Jun turned around in a hurry, and said anxiously, "This place will soon become a battlefield. Once these ordinary people are involved in the abnormal point, it will be an uncertain factor. Who knows what will happen?"

    Lin Feng sneered and said, "Can't you calm down? Although the appearance of these people is beyond our plan, we just need to ignore it."

    Wei Jun was startled, and hesitated, "You mean, let them fend for themselves?"

    "That's right!" Lin Feng nodded and said, "We don't have enough manpower to protect them, and we must not delay the fighter plane for these passers-by."

    "No, I can't do it!" Wei Jun immediately shook his head and said, "I'm a soldier, how can I ignore the life and death of ordinary people, let me go down and negotiate with them!"

    After finishing speaking, Wei Jun immediately left the temporary command post, and quickly ran towards the people down the mountain. Seeing that he was so stubborn, Lin Feng didn't bother to stop him. He never liked to interfere with others, as long as Wei Jun was ready to pay the price for his recklessness.  up.

    Soon, Wei Jun approached the passers-by at the bottom of the mountain, stood on the top of the mountain and asked, "Stop, who are you, why are you here?"

    ? Judging by the attire of this group of people, it should be a group of "donkey friends" who are outing. Everyone is carrying a mountaineering bag, and their feet are non-slip boots specially used for mountain climbing, which is quite professional.

    There were a total of eleven people in the team, including men and women. The one who walked in front of the team was a tall man with dark skin. He looked very young, in his early twenties.

    Looking at Wei Jun who suddenly appeared, the young man froze for a moment, until he saw the camouflage uniform on the opponent's body clearly, and suddenly he seemed to have found a savior, and said while running, "We are part of the mountaineering team, and someone in the team got lost.  , I am leading a team to look for it, comrades in the military, can you help me find it?" (Remember the website address of this website:
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