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Text Chapter 151: Undercurrent

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    , chasing the way in the heavens

    The cruel war is still going on, and unless Pangu Daoguo is born, this war will not end.

    Even if one side wins a big victory, it doesn't make any sense.  Based on Li Mu's understanding of the top powerhouses on both sides, if it really comes to a critical moment, they can do blood sacrifices to "our own people".

    It is better to die on the battlefield than to die at the hands of those unscrupulous strong men.  At the very least, if you die in battle, there will be a day of comeback. If you are killed by a Hunyuan monk or a saint, it will be much rarer to want to be resurrected

    In the secret place of the Dragon Clan, the newly revived Zulong looked at the blood-stained sky and secretly felt sad.  The bad weather caused him to perfectly miss this opportunity.

    There is no other way, the time of resurrection is too late, and it is only after recovering to the state of Daluo that the whole body has been cultivated. Participating in the competition for the holy throne is purely to deliver food.

    What's more, with the current strength of the dragon clan, it is not enough to stand out on the battlefield and win a holy throne for him.

    If it's just like this, that's all. As an ancient power, Zulong also has his arrogance.  Compared with taking shortcuts to become holy, he hopes that he can prove Hunyuan.

    Whether it is envy or jealousy, in the chain of contempt of the strong, Hunyuan monks really look down on the saints who take shortcuts.

    Of course, uncertified monks are not included here.  Contempt occurs between the same level, monks who have not yet crossed the Hunyuan threshold, do not have the qualifications to despise others.

    The most frustrating thing for Zulong is that he knows that the dragon clan does not have the strength to participate in the battle for the holy throne, but he can only bite the bullet and participate.  Not only to participate, but also to put on a desperate posture to participate.

    As one of the former prehistoric overlords, it has been reduced to such a degree, and it has dealt a great blow to Zulong.

    But there is no way, Honghuang is a place where strength is used.  The Dragon Clan is weak now, so they have to stay low and be small.

    It is better to take the initiative to participate in the war than to be forced to go to the battlefield.  The former can still maintain a certain degree of initiative, while the latter is pure cannon fodder.

    "Brother, something is wrong. Blood is flowing in rivers, and Pangu Daoguo has not seen any movement for a long time. I'm afraid"

    Before Zhulong finished, Zulong interrupted: "Second brother, the blood sacrifice to Pangu Daoguo actually began in ancient times.

    The prehistoric world will have a catastrophe every once in a while, and the frequency is as high as chaos.  Thinking about it now, I'm afraid that these calamities were secretly promoted by people with a heart, for the purpose of blood sacrifice to Pangu Daoguo.  "

    During the conversation, Zulong also looked in the direction of Zixiao Palace.  This kind of suspicion is not out of thin air. In the past great calamities, ancestor Hongjun has played a disgraceful role.  If someone deliberately calculated, then Hongjun is the number one suspect.

    It is meaningless to speculate, even if it is confirmed that Hongjun Patriarch is behind the scenes, the Dragon Clan can't do anything now.

    In the final analysis, Honghuang is still the world of the strong.  As long as the fist is strong enough, there is nothing wrong.

    If it was at the peak of the Dragon Clan, Zulong might still be able to shake hands with the ancestor Hongjun, but now he doesn't even dare to mention this name.

    "Brother, we have been so unable to sit still!

    In case there are not enough sacrifices next, it is inevitable to use people to make up the number.  If there are not enough creatures in the outer world, then it will be my turn to be unlucky.

    It's okay for the race with Hunyuan to sit in the town, no matter what, it has some right to speak, and at the worst, it can keep the salary of the race.

    A clan with full potential like my dragon clan, if the enemy makes a move, they will definitely kill the grass"

    Zhulong said worriedly.

    Obviously, he has seen the danger hidden behind.  If it really gets to that point, those strong men in the second echelon will become part of the sacrifice themselves, let alone take care of the race.

    From a safety point of view, it's time for these strong men to run away now.  After all, no matter how good the Pangu Dao Fruit is, it's not their turn to enjoy it, on the contrary, it may become a sacrifice at any time.

    It's a pity that they are not only the ancestors of the Dragon Clan, but their own Dao is also closely integrated with the Dragon Clan.  The intertwined cause and effect are simply unclear.

    Otherwise, in ancient times, Zulong would not have sacrificed himself to Heaven in order to preserve his race.

    After hesitating for a moment, Zu Long said cruelly: "Prepare a generous gift, you and I will go to Taihua Mountain to visit that Martial Ancestor together."

    After getting this unexpected answer, Zhulong said hesitantly: "Brother, I admit that the ancestor of martial arts is indeed a genius.

    It's a pity that he was born too late after all. If he had been born in ancient times, perhaps the mainstream of the prehistoric era would have become martial arts.  "

    ?The Yao clan exists, and everyone united can make the enemy attack the mouse; if there is no Yaozu alliance, they will immediately become desperate dogs.

    In the absence of the demon master Kunpeng, even the high-level meeting of the demon clan was very difficult.  The strength gap between the major demon saints is not big, and none of them has the prestige to convince everyone.

    As a wise man of the Yaozu, Bai Ze was driven out of the market and passively became the host of the Yaozu meeting.

    It is impossible to become the leader of the monster clan just by being a "host".  On the one hand, there is no strength and prestige to convince everyone; on the other hand, the only emperor of the monster clan does not agree.

    Knowing that Empress Nuwa is deliberately playing bad, or is deliberately taking revenge.  Neither to lead the monster clan, nor to let others become the boss of the monster clan.

    Everyone can only bear with it, who makes Yaozu unable to do without Empress Nuwa now?
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