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The Proud Smiling Wind and Cloud Chapter 99: The Realm of Eye Medicine

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    Twenty miles away in Zhao Village, Zhao Juren, who is well-known far and near, led the villagers to wait at the entrance of the village early, as if welcoming some important person.

    The sound of horseshoes sounded, and a special horse team appeared in the sky.  Under the sunlight, it still dazzled a little.

    The distance was getting closer and closer, and it was only after seeing the people who came that they realized that they were a group of monks.

    "All the great masters have come from afar, making my Zhao family village full of splendor. We have already prepared a fast meal in the village, and the eminent monks are invited to move."

    "Amitabha, you are very polite. It is a sin for us outsiders to disturb the tranquility of your village by visiting for no reason."

    The politeness is the politeness, after a few words of unnutritious pleasantries, the monks still entered the table under the guidance of Zhao Juren.

    A similar scene has been repeated in Henan since the Shaolin monks descended from the mountain.

    All the villages and mansions along the way are proud to welcome Shaolin monks, which fully demonstrates the influence of local snakes.

    Regardless of the delicacies on the table, Abbot Yuan Cong asked a lay disciple who was inquiring about the news: "How is the battle ahead?"

    The middle-aged man in blue hurriedly replied: "Abbot, we have been fighting for nearly two hours, and even the Huiji River has been dyed red.

    The scene was very chaotic. In order not to attract the attention of both sides, the disciples and others did not dare to get too close.

    However, from the general point of view, the two sides are still inseparable, and there should be no winner for a while.  "

    Chaos is right.

    The Demon Slaying Alliance is a mixed bag, with hundreds of large and small forces in it;

    If all of this can be integrated in a short period of time, I am afraid that even the person in the Forbidden City will not be able to sleep.

    Yuan Cong nodded and said: "Send someone to keep watching, and if one party shows signs of failure, come and report back immediately."

    "Yes, Abbot!"

    As soon as the voice fell, the man in blue immediately turned and left, showing the word "efficiency" to the fullest.

    Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, and calculating the distance secretly, Yuan Cong found that the current position of himself and others was not safe enough.  It takes a quarter of an hour at the fastest to go back and forth for more than twenty miles.

    On the battlefield, soldiers are very fast, and if you want to pick peaches, you can't be fast or slow.  A quarter of an hour is enough for many things to happen.

    "Everyone eats quickly, and after a stick of incense, we set off again."

    "Benefactor Zhao, please take care of the horses."

    ?It seems to be discussing, but in fact it is an order.  It's just that no one was surprised when the words came out of Abbot Yuan Cong's mouth

    On the battlefield, Li Mu was almost numb from the killing.  The audience was in a mess, and what was originally agreed to take care of each other quickly became empty talk on the battlefield.

    Not to mention repelling Dugu Qingyun, even the righteous side shouted "Dugu Qingyun will die" dozens of times, and the battle continued.

    Of course, the Devil's Cult side also arranged for righteous leaders.  The effect is the same, and no one will believe it.

    Unlike the battle between the two armies, there is also a handsome flag.  When a scuffle broke out in the martial arts, it was a mess, and it was purely where the fight counted.

    If you want to describe it, it means that both sides can kill each other.  From the initial purpose of defeating the opponent, it evolved into killing for the sake of killing.

    The rules of the rivers and lakes are here, but there are no rules.  In the past, the big bosses who held their own identities joined in the slaughter of the soldiers after they eliminated their opponents.

    Li Mu didn't know how much other people performed.  Anyway, the members of the Demon Cult who fell under his sword must have triple figures, and there are many top-notch experts among them.

    Judging from the situation on the battlefield, there are definitely more people lying down than standing, and both sides in the war suffered heavy losses.

    Having been on the scene, Li Mu finally understood why the Huashan faction suffered heavy losses in all previous battles between good and evil.

    It's not that everyone doesn't know that life-saving is the most important thing. It's really that they can't help themselves many times on the battlefield.  If you accidentally killed someone, you might not even remember who you are.

    "Disciples of Huashan gathered towards me."

    Li Mu shouted for the nth time.

    As the leader of the alliance, he deserved to fail.  After the melee broke out, apart from being able to command and move Huashan disciples, few others knew him at all.

    It's not that everyone's eyesight is dull, it's that the image has changed too much.  The originally elegant white clothes are now dyed red.

    again?You don¡¯t need any makeup to pretend to be a ghost in the middle of the night due to the evil spirit brought about by the killing, and you can scare people to death just by standing there.

    Leading the gathered Huashan disciples, they rushed forward without any hesitation. It seemed that gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas. In fact, Li Mu led people to continuously move to the edge of the battlefield.

    A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist.

    By this time, Li Mu couldn't care less.  Continuing to consume in the central area like this, I am afraid that there will not be many people left in the Huashan faction by the end of the war.

    With the continuous growth of the team, he soon became the brightest cub on the battlefield and successfully attracted the attention of the people in the Demon Cult.

    It's a pity that most of the top leaders of the Demon Cult have been dragged down, and they have no time to command the battle.  Occasionally, a few people who got rid of their opponents would be sent to hell by Li Mu


    The shouting and killing in the east suddenly became louder.  Looking around, a group of guys with special reflective effects are joining the battlefield, and Li Mu knows that this time the Shaolin monks will pick peaches again.

    However, this is exactly the result he wants to see.  At this time, the Huashan faction cannot compete in the Central Plains, and it is meaningless to compete for the so-called dominance.

    ? For the Huashan School, only with the top of Shaolin Temple in front to attract the firepower of the imperial court can they develop their strength in the rear with peace of mind.

    Even if it is unavoidable to become a confidant of the court, it cannot immediately become "the number one confidant".

    Of course, this is just Li Mu's personal thoughts.  Many people in the school have been eyeing the Central Plains for a long time, wishing to replace Shaolin immediately.

    Yan Zi is the hero of the war of tongues.  Li Mu has self-knowledge, and doesn't think that with just a few words, he can suppress everyone's ambitions for the Central Plains.

    As a last resort, I had no choice but to make a bad move.  Pushing the boat along the current, it led Shaolin Temple to jump out to pick peaches

    "Reinforcements are coming!"

    ? The originally anxious battlefield soon became polarized.  The righteous side's morale has been greatly boosted, and some people on the Demon's Cult side have already started to run away.

    Dugu Qingyun, who was hiding somewhere, also appeared at this moment.  It's a pity that no matter how he fiddled with it, he couldn't stop the army from falling like a mountain

    The battle is over.  Looking at the battlefield full of wreckage, Li Mu sighed helplessly when he heard the continuous screams.

    After waving the hot sweat on his forehead and adjusting his mentality, Li Mu greeted the Shaolin group with the remaining high-ranking members of the alliance.

    "More gods and monks, help each other at critical moments, and save the generals of the martial arts world!"

    Seemingly polite, but the strong sense of alienation in the tone can be heard by anyone.

    Especially the word "critical moment", Li Mu's tone was particularly heavy.  It seems to be saying: You sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, we all know it.

    The more than ten people who accompanied him all had pale faces.  His eyes were full of evil spirit, and he stared at Abbot Yuan Cong with glaring eyes.

    "Amitabha! Li Mengzhu is serious. The monk and others have only contributed a little to the martial arts, so how can we talk about the crisis of the martial arts.

    Heroes are the real heroes who defeated the Demon Cult today.  After this battle, the Devil's Cult was also seriously injured, and next"

    As expected of being a monk, Li Mu is ashamed of himself with such shamelessness.

    On Abbot Yuan Cong's face, there was no trace of guilt at all, as if the matter of sitting back and watching both sides suffer losses had nothing to do with them at all.

    Knowing the truth that too much is too late, seeing that the eye medicine is almost finished, Li Mu pretended to be angry and said: "Masters, I have to treat the wounded later, so I won't call you now.

    Waiting for the next day, I will prepare a banquet, and then invite all the gods and monks to come!  "

    Fortunately, Abbot Yuan Cong's energy-raising skills are high enough, and he is in a good mood now, otherwise he would have to go crazy on the spot.

    Invite monks to drink, just think about it ?
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