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Chapter 533: Litigation Counterattack

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    The weather is getting hotter and entering May.

    ? On the Cathay Pacific flight across the Pacific Ocean to the Philippines, more than 20 people from the pre-production team of the "Journey of Suffering" film crew, including the director, producer, pre-shooting photographer team, leading actor and agent team, etc., arrived early to start preparations.

    "Journey of Suffering" is a commercial blockbuster that needs to go to a foreign country for filming, and the preparatory work is quite complicated.

    It is necessary to file with the Philippine cultural department in advance. The hot scenes of gun battles involving the army and police in the film need to apply to the relevant department in advance, and reach an agreement on a series of issues such as specific time, number of personnel, equipment use, and economic compensation.  , heavy equipment such as tanks, helicopters, etc. also need special applications.

    According to the needs of the plot, the photographer team took scenes in various places in the Philippines in advance, which is also an important aspect of the preparation work.

    The most important thing is that the leading actor Leonardo DiCaprio and the main actors such as male 2 and male 3 experience life. According to the plan made in advance by director Shevchenko, they need to experience life in a prison with a harsh environment for one month  .

    Feel the despair, helplessness, and struggle of one thought under the pressure of sweltering heat, humidity, and heavy physical labor. The hard prison life can't extinguish the strong belief in my heart.

    Experiencing life is an important content that cannot be ignored in film art creation. This is also an obligation stipulated in the film contract and must be fulfilled.

    In first class

    Xiao Li, who was wearing light casual clothes, was reclined on the airline seat, the seat was reclined 45 degrees, and he was listening to music with headphones on.

    His eyes were slightly closed, as if immersed in the wonderful music.

    Xiao Lizi could clearly feel a greedy gaze staring at him from time to time. It must be the disgusting director Shevchenko. This made him feel bored and helpless, so he had to pretend that he didn't know anything.

    The first-line A-list movie stars do have enough confidence to resist unhealthy tendencies, and can even sneak into some second- and third-tier actresses, but they are still on the weak side in the face of powerful directors and producers.

    Especially for a major Hollywood film company like Marvel Entertainment Films, even if the cameramen and lighting engineers go out, they are awesome.

    There is no way, the brand is strong and confident, that's how it is.

    "Hey Leonardo, don't you want to talk about something during the long transoceanic flight?"

    Shevchenko glanced greedily at Xiao Lizi's handsome face, and then looked all the way down to his chest and thighs, and couldn't help swallowing.

    To put it bluntly, Xiao Lizi is the best among men.

    Leonardo DiCaprio suddenly opened his eyes. He really couldn't bear this undisguised fiery gaze, and said in a cold tone; "Mr. Director, I have no interest in this at all."

    "Is it because the carnival party all night consumed too much energy?"

    "Sorry, I don't want to talk about this."

    "Hehehe, you will definitely be interested. I guess you haven't read the script carefully, right? The hero you need to portray has experienced painful struggles in his heart, and many convenient factors have contributed to the transformation of self-salvation. In essence, this stems from a  A man's strong sense of responsibility to his wife and family cannot be sustained without firm conviction."

    When Shevchenko talked about the creation of the film, Leonardo DiCaprio could no longer treat it with a cold attitude. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and said; "Thank you director, I will seriously try to figure out this role."  I hope to be able to vividly interpret the inner changes of the male protagonist."

    "This is the best way, Leonardo, I have to remind you to read the script carefully."

    "I will."

    Leonardo DiCaprio turned his back to Shevchenko, picked up the thick stack of scripts on the seat, and read them casually.

    I have a general understanding of this story before, from the brief introduction of the script;

    This is a big drama played by a male protagonist alone. It is nothing more than going through all kinds of hardships and finally completing self-salvation. If the typical Hollywood lonely hero plot can perform the inner activities wonderfully, it will undoubtedly improve a lot. It won the Golden Globe  Awards and even Oscar nominations are likely.

    After all, this is a big drama that has attracted much attention. Unlike unknown works of art, it has its own topic flow and attention.

    Reading the script, Leonardo's handsome face gradually became serious.

    This seems to be far more difficult than I imagined. It is not just a journey of suffering, it can be called a journey to hell.

    Director Shevchenko?Staring at Leonardo's round shoulders, he couldn't help licking his dry lips, with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

    The good show is about to begin, enjoy your journey of misery to the fullest!

    Cathay Pacific's Boeing 747 wide-body passenger plane flew westwards smoothly, across the vast Pacific Ocean, and its destination is located in a small island country in Southeast Asiathe Philippines.

    May 5, 2004

    ?The Antitrust Director of the US Department of Justice and Assistant Chief Prosecutor Marken Delrahim officially announced that the investigation of HSBC's suspected monopoly case was not established, and the Antitrust Bureau gave the green light.

    ?The case of HSBC¡¯s merger and acquisition of Standard Bank¡¯s equity in South Africa, which has gone through many twists and turns, was officially approved by the anti-monopoly agencies of the European Union, China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. HSBC acquired a 51% stake in Standard Bank of South Africa for US$10.5 billion and became its controlling shareholder.

    The merger was completed with one-third of cash and two-thirds of HSBC shares. Royal Family Fund's shareholding in HSBC dropped slightly from 57.6% to 53.5%, and it still firmly controls the controlling stake.

    So far, HSBC has completed the global layout of banking outlets.

    HSBC is headquartered at No. 1 Queen's Road, Hong Kong. It has more than 1,700 branches and sub-branches all over the world. It operates a full range of financial licenses from banking, insurance, life insurance, securities, reinsurance and investment banking. It has nearly 400,000 employees, background and strength  go one step further.

    Los Angeles

    An office building in the city center.

    "Okay, gentlemen, we have done a good job during this period. Regarding Intel, the industry monopoly lawsuit initiated by IBM still needs to be fully dealt with. Do you have any good ideas for this?"

    ? Wang Yaocheng looked around. Mr. Yu Chengde, President of Atlantic Business Machines, and a group of senior executives and lawyers were all present in the huge conference room.

    "Boss, we have analyzed and discussed in private, and we are going to launch a counterattack from two aspects." Sapiro, a lawyer from Atlantic Business Machines, said with confidence;

    "According to our team of patent lawyers, Intel and IBM are suspected of patent infringement in a total of 46 products, covering hundreds of our patents in six categories. We can initiate anti-patent patents in dozens of states across the United States where our products are sold.  Infringement cases, and at the same time propose high compensation."

    "Since they want to go to court, let's let him fight everywhere."

    "According to our careful research, from a legal point of view, more than 70% of our lawsuits are weak. This entry point can make the opponent exhausted, and finally had to reach an out-of-court settlement with us."

    "The second point is to deal a heavy blow to competitors from the supply side. This requires the assistance of TSMC, Hynix and other companies in the consortium's application chip high-end manufacturing field to increase the cost and pressure of competitors, forcing them to back down.  "

    Facing industry monopoly lawsuits filed by competitors in 11 states across the United States, Atlantic Business Machines has formed a dream-level team of lawyers.

    Among them are the famous black lawyer Corcoran, who once served as the personal lawyer of the white movie star Marlon Brando, handled the case of the black football star Simpson, and the famous commercial litigator Rogers.

    Also, Sean Kemp, Deputy Dean of the University of California Law School (currently the legal counsel of Red Hat System Company), Harvard University Law School Dean Hard Shovich (currently the legal counsel of Arctic Ocean Holdings Company) and so on.

    ?For Atlantic Business Machines, which is rich and powerful, there is no pressure to form a dream-level team of lawyers, and there is no pressure to expand the front line.

    Wang Yaocheng thought about it seriously and said;

    "The first point is feasible. It can be divided into three steps to gradually expand the scope of patent litigation and gradually put pressure on the other party.

    ?The first step is to select certain patent infringement cases supported by reliable evidence to file a lawsuit. The scale should not be too large, and it should be controlled between 5 to 7 states, leaving room for negotiation.

    The second step is to further expand the lawsuit to within 20 states and continue to put pressure on the opponent.

    The third step is to start playing in an all-round way.

    As for the second suggestion, due to various considerations, it is not suitable to implement it for the time being.  "(Remember this site URL:
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