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Chapter 741 How Much Money Do You Have?

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    He Shiyun was dumbfounded when he got hung up on the phone.

    The brain can't come back to God for a long time.

    After working in Anita Mui's studio for so many years, it's finally getting better.

    The result is just gone?

    Instinctively realized something: "Xiao Jin, you said that person is a friend of Teacher Aoki?"

    Xiao Jin nodded.


    He Shiyun yelled: "You tricked me on purpose!"

    After slapping Xiao Jin, He Shiyun didn't have the heart to stay here anymore.

    He needs to go back to Hong Kong immediately and apologize in front of his master Anita Mui.

    Without his master Anita Mui, she wouldn't be a fart.

    As for Xiao Jin, his spirit reacted instantly.

    Then I started to tremble all over.

    Could it be that this country bumpkin has always been in contact with Aoki?  Are they on such a good terms?

    At night.

    Anita Mui's studio announced the termination of He Shiyun's contract.

    At the same time, Anita Mui also announced that she no longer has anything to do with He Shiyun, and absolutely does not allow He Shiyun to go around in her name.

    What's more terrible is that He Shiyun found out that her fan base was blocked by the platform because of violations

    Jiang Shuo never took her seriously.

    In the evening, Anita Mui called.

    On the phone, Jiang Shuo lowered his posture and expressed his gratitude.

    Anita Mui seemed a little excited, hoping to meet Jiang Shuo.

    Jiang Shuo didn't directly agree, and after he said something, he would naturally meet when he had the opportunity.

    After thinking about it, she told Anita Mui to take care of her body in the last two years.

    And go to the hospital for regular checkups.

    There were three embarrassing characters in Hong Kong City in the previous life.

    First, Huang Jiaju.

    Second, Leslie Cheung.

    Third, that is Anita Mui.

    If they can live a few more years, maybe the music world will be able to leave some enduring classics.

    Early the next morning.

    Zhonghai started to snow again.

    The road is wet, the roof and the grass are covered with a little snow.

    The city under the snowy water and the cold wind looks unusually clean and bright.

    It's like a myopic eye, seeing a fresh world after wearing glasses.

    A stray cat came from nowhere, flopping around in the snow outside.

    After Jiang Shuo got into the car.

    Arrived at a construction site in Zhabei District.

    The location is very average, at the junction of urban and rural areas.

    A fence has been built outside the construction site.

    The logistics park demonstration base project hangs at the door.

    A certain company undertook the construction.

    In the project department, Jiang Shuo saw Tang Quanbing wearing a work hat.

    After the two met, Tang Quanbing and Jiang Shuo chatted inside for a long time.

    Then I went out to eat again.

    On the table, Jiang Shuo said, "Uncle Tang, there shouldn't be any problem with giving us booth No. 1."

    Tang Quanbing smiled wryly and shook his head: "You have already spoken, do you think I will reject you?"

    "Jiang Shuo, at Uncle Tang's age, he values ??relationships more than business."

    Jiang Shuo chuckled: "Thank you Uncle Tang for your support."

    "There's no way, the trailer can't enter the urban area, I can only come here to get the place from you."

    Tang Quanbing is a man who does great things.

    For him, the logistics park is more about what he has accomplished at such an old age.

    As for how much money he makes, he is not short of money, and he doesn't care that much anymore.

    His plan is that this park only accepts large logistics companies to settle in, so the store plans in the park are all single buildings.

    Each has a large warehouse, as well as a parking lot and so on.

    Therefore, it is defined as a demonstration market by Zhonghai City, and it is also an image benchmark of the logistics industry.

    Jiang Shuo's No. 1 seat has the largest area and the best position.

    His plan is to make this building the headquarters of Shuntong Express and Logistics.

    In the future, all goods from other places will be collected and distributed across the country through here, and distributed to the following agency points.

    The two communicated about the future cooperation.

    Jiang Shuo asked a lot about the topic of Myanmar, and Tang Quanbing, the boss, always said:?Farewell.

    I am from Huaxia, and I will live in Huaxia now and in the future.

    In the past, I had to leave my homeland in order to earn a living.

    Now that I have solved my own life problems, of course I have to go back to my country.

    He didn't want to mention anything else about Myanmar.

    Most of the people who grew up in the age of reading newspapers will have national and national consciousness.

    Tang Quanbing's consciousness is very strong, especially after the last incident in Myanmar.

    This big guy really never thought about going back to Myanmar.

    Later Tang Quanbing asked Jiang Shuo about real estate.

    Jiang Shuo jokingly said, I plan to make a ten-player game in the next year, which will be an instant hit in the real estate business.

    Tang Quanbing laughed loudly: "This is a good thing, so I won't buy a house for now. After you open the market, let me know, and I will buy one building from you for each real estate."

    Jiang Shuo listened to these words for a long time and buried his heart: "I bought a building before, and I invested 300 million here and didn't ask the bank to get a penny. When I open the market, you have to come and buy one by one."

    "How rich are you?"

    When leaving, Tang Quanbing laughed and said.

    Next year on his construction site, this old friend from Myanmar will come and introduce him to Jiang Shuo.

    It is also said that it belongs to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, and they all have money.

    Jiang Shuo responded with a smile and said yes, and left here.

    ?Diverted to Zhong Hai University.

    Called out the little fairy.

    The holiday is coming soon, and the little fairy Li Qian looks very reluctant.

    Because Jiang Shuo will not go back this year.

    After two people have been together for a long time, there will be that inseparable nostalgia.

    The two walked in the cold wind, Jiang Shuo opened his cotton coat, half-wrapped Li Qian, and walked around the campus together.

    Speaking, we seem to be graduating too.

    Li Qian said that she would choose to continue her studies after graduation.

    Jiang Shuo pinched her little Qiong's nose and said yes.

    after come back.

    Jiang Shuo looked at Qianqian again.

    Finally returned to the dormitory exhausted.

    He took out the maps of Zhonghai and Shenzhen.

    Ten games opened at the same time, and the real estate market was blown up, just in the year after next.

    Next year, there will be cowhide that Lu Wende threw out at the same ten stores in the supermarket.

    These cowhide, these big money, need huge cash flow to support.

    Securities finance requires careful planning before physical investment, and it will be launched next year with a high profile.

    The World Internet Conference has already been held.

    The Huaxia Internet Conference was also held.

    Still the same day.

    This year, the media focused more attention on the World Internet Conference.

    The mainstream Internet companies are still on the road of the three major portals.

    But at the Huaxia Internet Conference, someone heard that meaning.

    Ma Huateng has the ambition to be the boss.

    When sitting with them last year, Xiao Ma looked very humble, and Moss didn't dare to fight too aggressively.

    I am even more afraid of stealing the limelight from Zhang Zhaoyang's 37-point split.

    But this year is different, Xiao Ma straightened up a lot when speaking.

    All kinds of rhetoric in front of the three great patriarchs.

    This year, penguins are particularly eye-catching.

    The market value of 10 billion is the combined volume of the three great masters.

    Leaving aside his profitability, the bubble created by Mr. Li with his capital has already created Chinese history.  (Remember the site URL:
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